Welcome to MyStorage!
I'm the perfect storage manager for your business. Having a MyStorage account will let you keep track of your goods, with how MANY items did you REMOVED/ADDED to your business Storage (plus: keep track of PRICE and TIME of changes).
- Add/Delete products when buying/selling
- Select the certain quantity of products
- Create a category for each group of products
- Keep track of WHEN and for what PRICE the product was sold/bought
- Python + Flask
- SQLite
- Javascript + HTML, CSS (+Bootstrap)
- Libraries (Flask, Flask_session, SQLAlchemy, datetime and pytz)
How to execute the program:
In the terminal, type: "python run.py" and enter!
This app was made to work on DESKTOP ONLY! Why? Being honest, I have no interest in wasting time with front-end development while I could being learning things that I'm really interested with. So the app has no design responsiveness for other platforms