fruits = {
'apple': .65,
'banana': .5,
'guava': .33
# Display the price of a fruit
print(f"Apples cost ${fruits['apple']} each")
# Add a fruit to the dictionary, print the dictionary to verify its creation
# add 'grapes
fruits['grapes'] = .99
print(f"Added 'grapes': {fruits}")
# Remove a fruit from the dictionary, print the dictionary to verify its deletion
# delete the key:value pair at 'banana'
del fruits['banana']
print(f"Removed 'banana': {fruits}")
Apples cost $0.65 each
Added 'grapes': {'apple': 0.65, 'banana': 0.5, 'guava': 0.33, 'grapes': 0.99}
Removed 'banana': {'apple': 0.65, 'guava': 0.33, 'grapes': 0.99}
fruits = {
'apple': .65,
'banana': .5,
'guava': .33
# display the header label
print(" Fruits ")
# loop through the keys in the fruits dictionary
fruit_names = fruits.keys()
for fruit_name in fruit_names:
# get the price of the fruit using its name as the key
price_per = fruits[fruit_name]
# print the item
print(f'{fruit_name}: {price_per}')
apple: 0.65
banana: 0.5
guava: 0.33
The Code:
# fruits and their prices per item
fruit_prices = {
'apple': .65,
'banana': .5,
'guava': .33
# fruits in the basket and their quantities
shopping_basket = {
'apple': 4,
'banana': 6,
'guava': 8
# set the grand_total to zero
grand_total = 0
# loop through each fruit in the basket
for fruit in shopping_basket:
# get the quantity of the current fruit
quantity = shopping_basket[fruit]
# calculate the sub_total for current fruit
sub_total = quantity * fruit_prices[fruit]
# add the sub_total for the current
# fruit to the grand total
grand_total += sub_total
# print the sub_total for the current fruit
print(f'{quantity} {fruit.capitalize()}s: ${sub_total}')
print(f'Grand Total: ${grand_total}')
4 Apples: $2.6
6 Bananas: $3.0
8 Guavas: $2.64
Grand Total: $8.24
Keep in mind that this is just one potential solution.