Beta works with a test account (ask trainer for the credentials)
With the teiMeta form available at http://ssk.huma-num.fr/#/new-scenario, users are able to push new scenarios and steps to the SSK github repository
Admin :
- The new files are pushed to the drafts/ folders.
- An admin has to copy these files, after they are checked in quality, to the publication folders, scenarios/ and steps/;
- Admin commits the files copy;
Form work just fine at http://ssk.huma-num.fr/#/add-standard
The form is available at http://ssk.huma-num.fr/#/add-resource:
- Users have to paste the link of the resource in the text box, and click "Get resource metadata".
- After a short moment, the scrapped metadata is displayed (JSON format).
- Users can check them and click to "submit resource to zotero".
- On click appreas a message like "Resource has been succefull add to SSK's Zotero library with itemKey: HBGFXSLQ"
- Users have to copy the itemKey code (8 alphanumerical characters) in case they want to link the resource to a step.
Admin triggers SSK webhook on the last commmit (no need to ), with Postman.
- Find the payload of the last commit at https://github.com/ParthenosWP4/SSK/settings/hooks/96111354
- copy the payload
- paste it in the body of the POST request in Postman