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Releases: PanJiaChen/vue-element-admin


26 Mar 07:39
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  • 基于 vue-cli@3进行构建

  • 调整了项目的目录结构

    • mock 文件移植根目录下
    • layout 从 views 文件夹下移植 src 下
  • 使用了最新的 eslint-plugin-vue@5,重新格式化了代码

  • 更新了[email protected]

  • 增加了 jest 单元测试

  • 新增了 npm run previewnpm run test:uninpm run new指令

  • 使用了新的 mock 方式

  • vuex 启用了 模块化 namespaced

  • 新增了 settings,让 sidebarLogo、fixedHeader、TagsViews 等都可配置

  • 新增了 sidebar logo

  • 重构了侧边栏 sidebar 代码逻辑,并且优化了样式和展开收起动画,同时让二级菜单内容过多时支持滚动

  • 使用了 async/await 替代了部分 promise 代码

  • 增加了 header-search 组件 #1591

  • 增加了 fearure[TagsView]: add affix porperty #1577

  • 重构了 tree-table 组件 (by @Liugq5713)

  • 增加了权限配置 demo c963f56 (by @gaoshijun1993 )

  • 增加了导出多级表头 excel 的 demo 763b31d (by @llccing)

  • feature[Directive]: add auto-height table directive #1702 (by @yuntao1997 )


  • 修复了 DndList #1527
  • 修复了 ThemePicker #1517
  • 优化了 移动端的兼容性 #1567
  • 优化了 screen-full 全屏组件 0fed69f
  • fix[Sidebar]: fixed infinite loop bug #1333 (by @frank10000 )
  • fix[Sticky]: fixed bug when set stickyTop (by @Mrli2016)
  • fix[Waves-Directive]: fixed v-waves does not support update #1705 (by @jsjzh)

总结来说:就是 4.0 版本改了很多东西,是一次不兼容更新。

v3.10.0 Happy New Year~~

31 Dec 13:23
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  • 🎉 feature[Component]: 新增 tui.editor 组件 #1374
  • 🎉 feature[PDF]: 新增 PDF demo #1469
  • 🎉 feature[Breadcrumb]: 新增 Breadcrumb 面包屑 隐藏 option #1442
  • ✨ perf[avatar]: 优化手机端导航栏头像样式 #1300 (by @jaysunxiao)
  • ✨ perf[style]: 使用 webpack alias 替代应变发 css 地址(by @samuelchlui)
  • ✨ perf[chore]: 升级 vue-router 来修复 url 地中含有中文字符的 bug #1362
  • ✨ perf[ScrollPane]: 优化 moveToTarget code #1460
  • ✨ perf[Sidebar]: 优化 sidebar store
  • ✨ refactor[login]: 重构 login page style #1474
  • 🐛 fix[Charts]: 修复 charts resize mixins bug #1285 (by @LarchLiu)
  • 🐛 fix[Breadcurmb]: 修复 router-link bug
  • 🐛 fix[Breadcurmb]: 修复 pathCompile bug
  • 🐛 fix[Guide-Page]: 修复 guide page style bug #1391
  • 🐛 fix[Tinymce]: 修复 fullScreen bug #1400
  • 🐛 fix[Example]: 新增 <el-form-item> wrapper for validate #1428 (by @jingyulong)

  • 🎉 feature[Component]: add tui.editor #1374
  • 🎉 feature[Breadcrumb]: add hide Breadcrumb option #1442
  • 🎉 feature[PDF]: add PDF demo #1469
  • ✨ perf[avatar]: minimize the selected area of avatar on the mobile phone #1300 (by @jaysunxiao)
  • ✨ perf[style]: use webpack alias instead of hard code src path (by @samuelchlui)
  • ✨ perf[chore]: update vue-router to fixed url path for non ascii urls #1362
  • ✨ perf[ScrollPane]: refine moveToTarget code #1460
  • ✨ perf[Sidebar]: refine sidebar store
  • ✨ refactor[login]: refactor login page style #1474
  • 🐛 fix[Charts]: fixed charts resize mixins bug #1285 (by @LarchLiu)
  • 🐛 fix[Breadcurmb]: fixed router-link bug
  • 🐛 fix[Breadcurmb]: fixed pathCompile bug
  • 🐛 fix[Guide-Page]: fixed guide page style bug #1391
  • 🐛 fix[Tinymce]: fixed fullScreen bug #1400
  • 🐛 fix[Example]: add <el-form-item> wrapper for validate #1428 (by @jingyulong)


26 Oct 02:44
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  • 🎉 feature: 新增利用 table 表头排序的 demo (#1236)

  • 🎉 feature: 新增可拖拽 select 组件 (#1249)

  • 🐛 fixed[TagsView]: 修复 openMenu 在边界情况下的展示问题 (#1256)


下一次发布应该就是 v4.0 版本了,完全基于 [email protected] 进行构建,并添加了配置项功能,用户可自由选择是否需要 TagsView,默认语言等功能,并开始逐步补齐单元测试。

v3.9.x 版本应该还会并行维护一段时间,照顾那些暂时不能升级的用户

  • 🎉 feature: add an example of sort data by table (#1236)

  • 🎉 feature: add drag select component (#1249)

  • 🐛 fixed[TagsView]: fix openMenu boundary display bug (#1256)


The next release should be v4.0 version, built entirely based on [email protected], and added configuration, users can freely choose whether they need TagsView, default language and other settings, and start to gradually complete unit test.

The v3.9.x version should also be maintained in parallel for a period of time, taking care of users who are temporarily unable to upgrade.


19 Oct 06:55
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  • 🎉 demo 支持西班牙语 #1196 (by @rmenor)
  • 🎉 feature[Pagination]: 新增了 Pagination 分页组件 #1213
  • 🐛 fix[MockJS]: 修复在使用 mockjs 时,跨域请求不能携带 cookie 的问题 #1194 (by @Aysnine )
  • 🐛 fix[Sidebar]: 修复跳转外链地址不支持中文的 bug #1182
  • 🐛 fix[TagsView]: 修复更新 tag title 的 bug #1223

  • 🎉 support Spanish #1196 (by @rmenor)
  • 🎉 feature[Pagination]: add Pagination component #1213
  • 🐛 fix[MockJS]: fix problem where cross-domain requests cannot carry cookie when using mockjs #1194 (by @Aysnine )
  • 🐛 fix[Sidebar]: fix jump outer link address does not support Chinese #1182
  • 🐛 fix[TagsView]: fixed update tags title demo bug #1223


09 Oct 07:53
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  • 🎉 feature[TagsView]: 支持鼠标中键关闭 TagsView #1149
  • 🎉 feature[Breadcrumb]: 增加 pathToRegexp 来处理 path,以便让面包屑支持动态路径 #1148
  • 🎉 feature[Excel]: Excel 导出新增 bookType 选项 #1144
  • ✨ perf[Sidebar]:当 submenu 被选中时高亮 #1154
  • ✨ perf[Chore]: 使用 templateParameters 来简化 index.html 模板 #1156 (by @happystory )
  • 🐛 fix[TagsView]: 修复 visitedViews bug
  • 🐛 fix[Sidebar]: 修复在移动端 iOS 下的 bug #1152
  • 🐛 fix[Sidebar]: 修复侧边栏链接 bug (#1134)
  • 🐛 fix[UploadExcel]: 修复当有多个上传组建时会出现的 bug #1136 (by @zhaoguoweiLLHC )
  • 🐛 修复 sidebar css bug #1142

  • 🎉 feature[TagsView]: support mouse middle click to close TagsView #1149
  • 🎉 feature[Breadcrumb]: add pathToRegexp to compile path to support dynamic path #1148
  • 🎉 feature[Excel]: support bookType option #1144
  • ✨ perf[Sidebar]: highlight submenu when is active #1154
  • ✨ perf[Chore]: use templateParameters to refine index.html #1156 (by @happystory )
  • 🐛 fix[TagsView]: fixed visitedViews bug
  • 🐛 fix[Sidebar]: fixed bug in iOS #1152
  • 🐛 fix[Sidebar]: link bug (#1134)
  • 🐛 fix[UploadExcel]: fixed bug when there were multiple components #1136 (by @zhaoguoweiLLHC )
  • 🐛 fix sidebar css bug #1142


18 Sep 01:39
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  • 🎉 feature[Tinymce]: support i18n #994 (by @mimimile)
  • 🎉 feature[tagsView]: support refresh #1033
  • 🎉 feature:[sidebar]: support external-link #991
  • 🎉 feature: support global size option #1024
  • 🎉 feature: redirect to the url you want to access after logging in #1046
  • 🎉 feature: Added svgo script to optimize svg (doc) #1096
  • 🎉 feature: add Typescript demo vue-typescript-admin-template (by @Armour )
  • ✨ refactor[tagsView]: use el-scrollbar #995
  • ✨ refactor[store]: refactor tagsView store #1032
  • ✨ perf style in mobile mode #1065
  • ✨ optimized all svg icons #1096
  • ✨ refine permission.js logic #1067 (by @inklake )
  • 🐛 fix[backToTop]: continuous click bug #1007
  • 🐛 fix[LineChart]: fixed transitionend bug #1045
  • 🐛 fix[screenfull]: fixed issue with Chrome 67+
  • 🐛 fix[tagsView]: update tagsview when query is different #1090
  • 🐛 fix[sidebar]: fixed sidebar has no children bug #1111
  • 🐛 fix[tinymce]: fixed id duplicate bug when has multiple tinymce components 87b319d
  • 🐛 fix[parseTime]: fixed getDay() bug 0e75dcc

  • 🎉 feature[Tinymce]: 支持 i18n #994 (by @mimimile)
  • 🎉 feature[tagsView]: 支持刷新 #1033
  • 🎉 feature:[sidebar]: 支持 external-link 外链 #991
  • 🎉 feature: 支持全局自定义布局大小 #1024
  • 🎉 feature: 登录后重定向到之前想访问的页面地址 #1046
  • 🎉 feature: 增加了svgo指令来优化 svg (文档) #1096
  • 🎉 feature: 新增了 Typescript demo vue-typescript-admin-template (by @Armour )
  • ✨ refactor[tagsView]: 使用 el-scrollbar 替代之前的滚动方案 #995
  • ✨ refactor[store]: 重构 tagsView store #1032
  • ✨ 优化在移动端的样式 #1065
  • ✨ 优化了所有 svg 图标 #1096
  • ✨ 优化 permission.js 逻辑 #1067 (by @inklake )
  • 🐛 fix[backToTop]: 修复连续点击的 bug #1007
  • 🐛 fix[LineChart]: 修复 transitionend bug #1045
  • 🐛 fix[screenfull]: 修复 在 Chrome 67+下 bug
  • 🐛 fix[tagsView]: 修复 query 不同 tagsview 不更新的 bug #1090
  • 🐛 fix[sidebar]: 修复侧边栏在 children 为空数组时候 bug #1111
  • 🐛 fix[tinymce]: 修复多个富文本组件时候 id 重复 bug 87b319d
  • 🐛 fix[parseTime]: 修复 getDay() bug 0e75dcc


20 Aug 02:23
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  • ✨ add eslint-plugin-vue to lint code

Use tutorial

  • ✨ 增加 eslint-plugin-vue 来更好的lint代码



15 Aug 07:42
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Update to webpack4 and vue-loader@15.

Upgraded dependent third-party libraries to the latest version.

If you still want to continue using webpack3, please use this branch webpack3


31 Jul 03:19
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  • 🐛 fix[UploadExcel]: add file type check (#878)
  • 🐛 fix[Sidebar]: fixed sidebar bug when set hidden:true (#880)
  • 🐛 fix[tagsView]: DEL_OTHERS_VIEWS cachedViews bug (#913) by @mimimile
  • 🐛 fix[Tinymce]: fixed tinymce upload dialog bug (#654)

  • 🐛 修复[UploadExcel]: 增加excel上传之前的类型检查 (#878)
  • 🐛 修复[Sidebar]: 修复 sidebar 在设置为 hidden:true 时候出现的bug (#880)
  • 🐛 修复[tagsView]: 修复 DEL_OTHERS_VIEWS cachedViews bug (#913) by @mimimile
  • 🐛 修复[Tinymce]: 修复 tinymce upload dialog bug (#654)


The next version will upgrade webpack@4 and vue-loader@15


13 Jul 05:49
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  • 🎉 chore: add lint-staged #818
  • ✨ perf[ArticleDetail]: refine el-col :span #841 by @ZYSzys
  • ✨ perf[login]: i18n of input placeholder #844
  • ✨ perf[style]
  • ✨ refactor(SidebarItem): optimizate SidebarItem #845 by @bowencool
  • 🐛 fix[build.js]: fixed build bug in preview mode #819
  • 🐛 fix[TagsView]: fix contextmenu position bug #850
  • 🐛 fix[css]: css bug in mobile #852
  • 🐛 fix[excel]: default filename bug && format code #857

  • 🎉 新增了 lint-staged 进行提交格式化校验 #818
  • ✨ 优化了[ArticleDetail]: refine el-col :span #841 by @ZYSzys
  • ✨ 优化了[login]: 修复了登录页 input placeholder 国际化问题 #844
  • ✨ 优化了部分样式
  • ✨ 重构了(SidebarItem): optimizate SidebarItem #845 by @bowencool
  • 🐛 修复了[build.js]: 修复了预览模式bug #819
  • 🐛 修复了[TagsView]: 右击菜单定位问题 #850
  • 🐛 修复了[css]: 小屏幕样式问题 #852
  • 🐛 修复了[excel]: 导出文件 filename bug && 格式化了代码 #857