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File metadata and controls

131 lines (96 loc) · 3.75 KB


This repository currently contains two separate approaches (TPCM and TRepo) to provide a textual editing environment for Palladio models. Both use a Xtext based grammar and the Xtext generator framework to create the PCM instances.


TPCM is a textual modeling language aiming to capture the complete feature set of the Palladio Component Model. Based on the textual model description, the traditional PCM model files are generated and updated in the background. In order to facilitate a native textual experience, TPCM does not support interacting with existing non-textual model files. A mapping mechanism of textual specifications to existing model artifacts will be integrated in the near future.


Install the TPCM feature into a recent Eclipse using the update-site

Specification and Example

The TPCM language currently supports the PCM view points Repository, System, Resource Environment, Allocation, Usage and Resource Types. There are, however, some limitations to the expressiveness:

  • In order to provide a unified interface-based language, TPCM does not support specifying Resource Demands directly in the internal action. Instead, please use the Resource Call mechanism.
  • Fork/Join actions are not yet supported by the RDSEFF language
  • Reliability modeling is not yet part of the language
  • Component parameters are not yet part of the language

All view points can be specified in a single .tpcm file otr split into multiple ones. A comprehensive specification-by-example can be found in the folder tests/org.palladiosimulator.textual.tpcm.tests/test-resources/parser.


import std::definitions

repository demoRepo {
	datatype PrimitiveInt INT 

	interface IService1 {
		op foo(param1 PrimitiveInt)

	interface IService2 {
		op bar(param1 PrimitiveInt) PrimitiveInt

	component Service1 {
		provides ps1 IService1
		requires rs2 IService2
		requires cpu ICPU

		seff {«param1.VALUE»)
	component Service2 {
		provides ps2 IService2

system demoSystem {
	provides serv1 demoRepo::IService1 -> assembly A1 demoRepo::Service1
	A1 -> assembly A2 demoRepo::Service2

resourceenvironment demoEnv {
	container C1 {
		processing CPU CPUResource 

allocation demoAllocation {
	demoSystem::A1, demoSystem::A2 -> demoEnv::C1

usage demoUsage {
	"Simple Demo Scenario" population(«20») thinkTime(«0.1») { («100»)
		delay «10» («IntPMF[(5;0.5)(10;0.5)]»)


TRepo constitutes a textual specification of PCM repositories. In contrast to TPCM, it provides support to work with existing (non-textual) repositories. TRepo is not maintained, anymore.


Install the RepoLang feature into a recent Eclipse using the update-site


Create a new text file with the ending .trepo in any project. Add the components using the grammar. The pcm repository will be generated automatically in the src-gen folder.


Repository textualRepository

import myRepository.*
Types { 
	struct MyType  {
		key : STRING 
		value : STRING
		type: STRING
	collection MyCollection of STRING

Interface IConsumer { 
	String invoke (foo: BOOL, bar: BYTE)

Interface IDatabase { 
	MyCollection query

Component MyConsumer 
	provides IConsumer as consumer 
	requires IDatabase as database
	SEFF on consumer invoke {
		ACQ threadPool
		EXT database -> query
		REL threadPool

  PassiveResource threadPool (10)		