Migrations take a database from one state to another state. This service applies the migrations in the migrations folder and then exits.
is used to provide some easy to use commands to make development easy.
Docker is assumed.
Instructions for the migrate
command can be found here.
We use the official postgres docker image to test migrations. Just run make db
on a linux based system and you'll have a functioning database.
[mike@ouroboros migrations]$ make db
docker run -d --network host -e POSTGRES_USER=bugbounty -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret postgres
# Wait till posgres is listening
while (! (: </dev/tcp/localhost/5432) &> /dev/null); do sleep 0.5; done
# our database creates a user at startup, so we should simulate that too:
psql --host=localhost --username=bugbounty -c "CREATE ROLE leastprivilegeuser LOGIN PASSWORD 'test';"
You'll be able to connect as the bugbounty admin users like this:
$ psql --host=localhost --username=bugbounty
psql (14.3, server 13.2 (Debian 13.2-1.pgdg100+1))
Type "help" for help.
The variables in the Makefile
specify that migrations are up
by default.
$ make migrate
migrate -database postgres://bugbounty:secret@localhost:5432/bugbounty?sslmode=disable -path migrations up
1/u create_bugs (22.989499ms)
2/u add-test-data (40.969189ms)
3/u grant_privs_to_api_user (61.50811ms)
After that the admin user should be able to see two users:
$ psql --host=localhost --username=bugbounty -P pager=off -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_user;"
usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | userepl | usebypassrls | passwd | valuntil | useconfig
bugbounty | 10 | t | t | t | t | ******** | |
leastprivilegeuser | 16385 | f | f | f | f | ******** | |
(2 rows)
$ psql --host=localhost --username=leastprivilegeuser --dbname=bugbounty -P pager=off -c "SELECT * FROM BUGS;"
id | title | description | status | url | foundon
1 | Reflective XSS found on customer support page | The "contact us for support" form allows for js to be supplied in the "issue" field which is then executed after save | investigating | www.example.com | 2022-04-28
(1 row)
You should be able to successfully query the bugs table as the leastprivilegeuser
$ psql --host=localhost --username=leastprivilegeuser --dbname=bugbounty -P pager=off -c "SELECT * FROM BUGS;"
id | title | description | status | url | foundon
1 | Reflective XSS found on customer support page | The "contact us for support" form allows for js to be supplied in the "issue" field which is then executed after save | investigating | www.example.com | 2022-04-28
(1 row)
If you want to migrate the other direction, specify the direction as "down".
[mike@ouroboros migrations]$ make migrate direction=down
migrate -database postgres://bugbounty:secret@localhost:5432/bugbounty?sslmode=disable -path migrations down
Are you sure you want to apply all down migrations? [y/N]
Applying all down migrations
3/d grant_privs_to_api_user (29.377262ms)
2/d add-test-data (60.51318ms)
1/d create_bugs (86.104349ms)
Shutdown running containers with make itstop
You can generate new migrations like this:
$ make migration name=create_dogs
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations -seq create_dogs