All terminal GeoFence WhiteList related APIs are encapsulated in classes *;.TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi*.
Constructors of TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi
public TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi(String baseUrl, String apiKey, String apiSecret);
Constructor parameters description
Name | Type | Description |
baseUrl | String | the base url of REST API |
apiKey | String | the apiKey of marketplace, get this key from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights |
apiSecret | String | apiSecret, get api secret from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights |
The search geoFence whiteList API allow the thirdparty system search geoFence whiteList by page.
public Result<TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListDTO> searchGeoFenceWhiteList(int pageNo, int pageSize, SearchOrderBy orderBy, String serialNo)
Input parameter(s) description
Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
pageNo | int | false | page number, value must >=1 |
pageSize | int | false | the record number per page, range is 1 to 100 |
orderBy | TerminalSearchOrderBy | true | the sort order by field name, value can be one of TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi.SearchOrderBy.CreatedDate_desc, TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi.SearchOrderBy.CreatedDate_asc. If pass null parameter the search result will order by CreatedDate_desc by default. |
serialNo | String | true | the serial number of terminal |
Sample codes
TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi terminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi = new TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
String serialNo = "";
Result<TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListDTO> result = terminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi.searchGeoFenceWhiteList(1,10, TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi.SearchOrderBy.CreatedDate_desc, serialNo);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["pageSize:must be greater than or equal to 1", "pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1"]
Succssful sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 0,
"pageInfo": {
"pageNo": 1,
"limit": 10,
"totalCount": 2,
"hasNext": false,
"dataSet": [
"terminalId": 1592562028642346,
"serialNo": "1123321123sn"
"terminalId": 1592379775647784,
"serialNo": "6688888822"
The type in dataSet of result is TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListDTO. The structure shows below.
Structure of class TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListDTO
Property Name | Type | Description |
terminalId | Long | Terminal's id. |
serialNo | String | Serial number of terminal. |
Possible validation errors
pageSize:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be less than or equal to 100
public Result<String> createGeoFenceWhiteList(TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest createRequest)
Input parameter(s) description
Parameter Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
createRequest | TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest | false | the create request object, the structure like below |
Structure of class TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest
Property Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
serialNo | String | fasle | the serial number of terminal |
Sample codes
TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi terminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi = new TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest createRequest = new TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest();
Result<String> result = terminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi.createGeoFenceWhiteList(createRequest);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["Parameter createRequest cannot be null!"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 28500,
"message": "The terminal has been configured with a geofencing whitelist"
Successful sample result
"businessCode": 0
Possible validation errors
Parameter createRequest cannot be null ! Parameter serialNo cannot be null !
Possible business codes
Business Code | Message | Description |
113 | Your request is invalid, please try again or contact marketplace administrator | |
2028 | Terminal not found | |
28500 | The terminal has been configured with a geofencing whitelist |
Delete geoFence whiteList by serialNo.
public Result<String> deleteGeoFenceWhiteList(TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest deleteRequest)
Input parameter(s) description
Parameter Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
deleteRequest | TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest | false | the delete request object, the structure like below |
Structure of class TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest
Property Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
serialNo | String | false | the serial number of terminal |
Note: deleteRequest cannot be empty
Sample codes
TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi terminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi = new TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest deleteRequest = new TerminalGeoFenceWhiteListRequest();
Result<String> result = terminalGeoFenceWhiteListApi.deleteGeoFenceWhiteList(deleteRequest);
Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": -1,
"validationErrors": ["Parameter deleteRequest cannot be null!"]
Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 28500,
"message": "The terminal has been configured with a geofencing whitelist"
Successful sample result(JSON formatted)
"businessCode": 0
Parameter createRequest cannot be null ! Parameter serialNo cannot be null !
Possible business codes
Business Code | Message | Description |
113 | Your request is invalid, please try again or contact marketplace administrator | |
2028 | Terminal not found |