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File metadata and controls

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TerminalApkParameter API

All terminal related APK parameter APIs are encapsulated in classes **.

Constructors of TerminalApkParameter

public TerminalApkParameterApi(String baseUrl, String apiKey, String apiSecret);

Constructor parameters description

Name Type Description
baseUrl String the base url of REST API
apiKey String the apiKey of marketplace, get this key from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights
apiSecret String apiSecret, get api secret from PAXSTORE admin console, refer to chapter Apply access rights

search terminal apk parameter by templateName ,packageName,versionName

search terminal apk parameter history by templateName ,packageName ,versionName.


 public Result<ApkParameterDTO> searchTerminalApkParameter(int pageNo, int pageSize , SearchOrderBy orderBy,String templateName ,String packageName, String versionName)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
pageNo int false page number, value must >=1
pageSize int false the record number per page, range is 1 to 100
orderBy SearchOrderBy true the sort order by field name, if this parameter is null the search result will order by created date descend. The value of this parameter can be one of SearchOrderBy.ApkParameter_asc and SearchOrderBy.ApkParameter_desc.
templateName String true Apk parameter template name
packageName String false get by app packageName
versionName String fasle The version name of application

Sample codes

TerminalApkParameterApi terminalApkParameterApi = new TerminalApkParameterApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Result<ApkParameterDTO> result = terminalApkParameterApi.searchTerminalApkParameter(1,2, TerminalApkParameterApi.SearchOrderBy.ApkParameter_asc,"12312","","6.6.4");

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["Parameter packageName is mandatory!", "Parameter versionName is mandatory!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 2028,
	"message": "TerminalApk not found"

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0,
	"pageInfo": {
		"pageNo": 1,
		"limit": 1,
		"totalCount": 4,
		"hasNext": true,
		"dataSet": [{
			"createdDate": 1574402799000,
			"name": "testCreate3RD-result-api-test",
			"paramTemplateName": "1000084085_(3).xml|schema1.xml",
			"id": 1148,
			"updatedDate": 1574402799000,
			"apk": {
				"apkType": "P",
				"apkFileType": "A",
				"apkFile": {
					"paxPermission": ""
				"osType": "A",
				"versionName": "6.6.4",
				"versionCode": 664,
				"status": "O"

The type in dataSet is ApkParameterDTO. And the structure like below.

Property Name Type Description
id Long The id of Apk parameter
name String The name of Apk Parameter
paramTemplateName String The Apk param template name
createdDate Long Create record time
updatedDate Long Update record time
apk ApkDTO App Info

The structure of class ApkDTO

Property Name Type Description
status String Status of apk. Value can be one of P(Pending), O(Online), R(Rejected) and U(Offline)
versionCode Long version code of apk.
versionName String version name of apk.
apkType String base type of apk. Value can be one of N(Normal) and P(Parameter)
apkFileType String file type of apk. Value can be one of A(Android), P(Prolin) and B(Broadpos)
apkFile ApkFileDTO install package file of apk.
Type string OS type, A is for android, T is for traditional

The structure of class ApkFileDTO

Property Name Type Description
permissions String Android OS Authorization.
paxPermission String Paydroid Authorizationr.

Possible client validation errors

pageNo:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be greater than or equal to 1
pageSize:must be less than or equal to 100
Parameter packageName is mandatory!
Parameter versionName is mandatory!

public Result<ApkParameterDTO> getTerminalApkParameter(Long apkParameterId);
public Result<ApkParameterDTO> getTerminalApkParameter(Long apkParameterId, List<String> pidList);

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
apkParameterId Long false the id of apk parameter
pidList List true the pid of the configured parameters to return

Sample codes

TerminalApkParameterApi terminalApkParameterApi = new TerminalApkParameterApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Long apkParameterId = 1149L;
Result<ApkParameterDTO> result = terminalApkParameterApi.getTerminalApkParameter(apkParameterId);

List<String> pidList = new ArrayList<>();
Result<ApkParameterDTO> result = terminalApkParameterApi.getTerminalApkParameter(apkParameterId, pidList);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["terminal apk parameter Id cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 9001,
	"message": "Push template not found"

Successful sample result

	"businessCode": 0,
	"data": {
		"createdDate": 1574402850000,
		"name": "testCreate3RD-result-api-test1",
		"paramTemplateName": "1000084085_(3).xml|schema1.xml",
		"id": 1149,
		"updatedDate": 1575451257000,
		"apk": {
			"apkType": "P",
			"apkFileType": "A",
			"apkFile": {
				"paxPermission": ""
			"osType": "A",
			"versionName": "6.6.4",
			"versionCode": 664,
			"status": "O"
		"apkAvailable": true

The type in dataSet is ApkParameterDTO. And the Structure is like ApkParameterDTO returned by searchTerminalApkParameter Api.

Create a Apk Parameter


public Result<String> createApkParameter(CreateApkParameterRequest createApkParameterRequest)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
CreateApkParameterRequest createApkParameterRequest false the create request object, the structure like below

Structure of class CreateApkParameterRequest

Property Name Type Nullable Description
packageName String false The package name which indicate the application you want to push to the terminal
version String false The version name of application which you want to push
name String false The template name
paramTemplateName String false The template file name of paramter application
parameters Map<String, String> true The parameter key and value, the key the PID in template
base64FileParameters List<FileParameter> true The parameter of file type

Structure of class FileParameter

Property Name Type Nullable Description
pid String true The PID in template
fileName String true The parameter of file type, file name containing suffix
fileData String true The parameter of file type, file base64 data, max size of file is 500kb

Sample codes

TerminalApkParameterApi terminalApkParameterApi = new TerminalApkParameterApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
  CreateApkParameterRequest createApkParameterRequest = new CreateApkParameterRequest();
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
parameters.put("sys.cap.emvParamCheckType", "abc");
FileParameter fileParameter = new FileParameter();
List<FileParameter> base64FileParameters = new ArrayList<>();
Result<String> result = terminalApkParameterApi.createApkParameter(createApkParameterRequest);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["Parameter createApkParameterRequest cannot be null!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 1002,
	"message": "Apk not found"

Successful sample result

	"businessCode": 0

Possible validation errors

Parameter createApkParameterRequest cannot be null!
paramTemplateName:may not be empty
version:may not be empty
packageName:may not be empty
name:may not be empty
parameters and base64FileParameters cannot be null at same time!
Exceed max counter (10) of file type parameters!
Exceed max size (500kb) per file type parameters!

Update terminal apk parameter by id

Update terminal apk parameter by id.


public Result<String> updateApkParameter(Long apkParameterId,UpdateApkParameterRequest updateApkParameterRequest)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
apkParameterId Long false the id of apk parameter
updateApkParameterRequest UpdateApkParameterRequest false The update request object. The structure shows below.

Structure of class UpdateApkParameterRequest

Property Name Type Nullable Description
paramTemplateName String true The name of param template
parameters Map<String, String> true The parameter key and value, the key the PID in template
base64FileParameters List<FileParameter> true The parameter of file type

Note:UpdateApkParameterRequest cannot be empty or paramTemplateName and parameters cannot be empty at same time.

Sample codes

TerminalApkParameterApi terminalApkParameterApi = new TerminalApkParameterApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");
Long apkParameterId = 1149L;
UpdateApkParameterRequest updateApkParameterRequest = new UpdateApkParameterRequest();
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
parameters.put("sys.param.acqInsCode", "abc");
parameters.put("wsplink_F1_wsplink_param_password", "123");
parameters.put("wsplink_F1_wsplink_param_TID", "abc");
parameters.put("wsplink_F1_wsplink_param_posID", "abc");
parameters.put("wsplink_F1_wsplink_param_Token", "abc");
parameters.put("wsplink_F1_wsplink_param_authURL0", "abc");
parameters.put("wsplink_F1_wsplink_param_settingsPassword", "123");
Result<String> result = terminalApkParameterApi.updateApkParameter(apkParameterId,updateApkParameterRequest);

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["terminal apk parameter Id cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!","Parameter apkParameterUpdateRequest cannot be null!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 9001,
	"message": "Push template not found"

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0

Possible validation errors

Parameter apkParameterId cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!
Parameter apkParameterUpdateRequest cannot be null!
Exceed max counter (10) of file type parameters!
Exceed max size (500kb) per file type parameters!

Possible business codes

Business Code Message Description
113 Malformed or illegal request
1272 Parameter template {0} not found {0} is the template name
1759 Reseller doesn't exist
9001 Push template not found

Delete apk parameter by apk parameter id

The delete apk parameter API allows third party system to delete apk parameter


public Result<String> deleteApkParameter(Long apkParameterId)

Input parameter(s) description

Parameter Name Type Nullable Description
apkParameterId Long false the apk parameter's id

Sample codes

TerminalApkParameterApi terminalApkParameterApi = new TerminalApkParameterApi("", "RCA9MDH6YN3WSSGPW6TJ", "TUNLDZVZECHNKZ4FW07XFCKN2W0N8ZDEA5ENKZYN");

Client side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": -1,
	"validationErrors": ["terminal apk parameter Id cannot be null and cannot be less than 1!"]

Server side validation failed sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 9001,
	"message": "Push template not found"

Successful sample result(JSON formatted)

	"businessCode": 0