- Connect Arduino to your computer with an USB connector
- Open Arduino IDE, choose Menu-Tools-Board=Arduino/Genuino UNO
- Choose Menu-Tools-Port=USBModem....
- Upload an empty sketch to your Arduino
- Connect the BTM with wires to the Arduino, see below
- Yellow to 3.3 V
- Orange to GND
- Brown to RX
- Red to TX
Arduino/Genuino UNO
- Red to TX
- Brown to RX
- Open Arduino IDE, choose Serial monitor from the menu, choose Baudrate=9600
- Type ‘AT+NAME?’ and give Enter for asking the current name of the BTM
Follow next steps for naming more then 1 BTM
- Close Serial monitor window
- Power Off Arduino and connect a new BTM
- Open Serial monitor window
- AT+NAMEKijkdoos2 + send (or enter)
- Close Serial monitor window
- Power Off/On Arduino
- Check if BTM has new name
- For naming next BTM goto 1
http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.15/doc/tutorials/programming/bluetooth.html see Step 1: Setup With FTDI + Arduino Serial Monitor + AT Command
http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Use-Bluetooth-40-HM10/ see Step 8 en 9