diff --git a/docs/spec/runner/secrets.md b/docs/spec/runner/secrets.md
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+# Secret Variables Management
+## Secret definition
+Secret are user provided variables whose value is never written in:
+- standard error (verbose logs included curl logs, asserts error etc...)
+- various report debug logs (for instance headers in `--report-html`)
+> [!NOTE]
+> Do we need to protect standard output? If we define a secret with `--secret foo=bar` and that
+> the HTTP response is `{"value": "bar"}`, do we output {"value": "xxx"}
+## Injecting variables
+As of Hurl 5.0.1, the way to define variables in Hurl are:
+- Command line for a single variable `hurl --variable host=example.net --variable id=1234 test.hurl`
+- Command line for a variables file `hurl --variables-file vars.env test.hurl` where `vars.env` is the following file:
+ ```
+ host=example.net
+ id=1234
+ ```
+- Environment variable prefixed by `HURL_`
+ export HURL_host=example.net
+ export HURL_id=1234
+ hurl test.hurl
+- `[Options]` section, inside a Hurl file
+ ```hurl
+ GET https://{{host}}/{{id}}/status
+ [Options]
+ variable: host=example.net
+ variable: id=1234
+ HTTP 304
+ GET https://{{host}}/health
+ HTTP 200
+ ```
+## Injecting secrets
+Some ideas:
+- Duplicating command line / Hurl syntax for secret with `--secret`, `--secrets-variable`
+ - Command line for a single variable `hurl --secret host=example.net --secret id=1234 test.hurl`
+ - Command line for a variables file `hurl --secrets-file vars.env test.hurl`
+ - ~~Environment variable prefixed by `HURLSECRET_`~~
+ - ~~`[Options]` section~~
+GET https://{{host}}/{{id}}/status
+secret: host=example.net
+secret: id=1234
+HTTP 304
+GET https://{{host}}/health
+HTTP 200
+> [!NOTE]
+> What happens if we define a secret, and declared it afterward as a variable?
+> ```shell
+> $ hurl --secret foo=toto test.hurl
+> ```
+> `test.hurl` being:
+> ```hurl
+> GET https://sample.com
+> [Options]
+> variable foo=tata
+> ```
+- Using a specific pattern in variable value and do not introduce any options
+ - Command line for a single variable `hurl --variable host=SECRET(example.net) --variable id=SECRET(1234) test.hurl`
+ - Command line for a variables file `hurl --variables-file vars.env test.hurl` where `vars.env` is the following file:
+ ```
+ host=SECRET(example.net)
+ id=SECRET(1234)
+ ```
+ - Question: how do we make a literal "public" variable `SECRET(foo)`
+Injecting secret and variable with the same name must lead to an error:
+$ hurl --variable foo=toto --secret foo=tutu /tmp/test.hurl
+error: the variable 'foo' cannot be public and private at the same time
+## Implementation
+Options defined at the CLI are represented by [`CliOptions` struct](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl/blob/master/packages/hurl/src/cli/options/mod.rs)
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct CliOptions {
+ // ...
+ pub variables: HashMap,
+ // ...
+Throughout the code, we're using an `HashMap` for owning variables. Variables are just Hurl `Value`. The public API
+for running a Hurl sample is :
+pub fn run(
+ content: &str,
+ filename: Option<&Input>,
+ runner_options: &RunnerOptions,
+ variables: &HashMap,
+ logger_options: &LoggerOptions,
+) -> Result {
+ // ...
+With secret, we'll neet to distinguish if a variable is public or private.
+- introduce a proper type `Variable` that holds a `String` name, a `Value` value and a variable kind (`public` or `private`)
+- introduce a proper `VariableSet` that have the same interface as `HashMap`, for the moment.
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