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Version: 0.3.11 Type: application AppVersion: 0.2.3

OTF Helm charts.


Add the helm repository:

helm repo add otf

To install the chart you need at the very minimum:

For example, if a PostgreSQL server is accessible via the hostname postgres, has a database named otf accessible to a user with username postgres and password postgres:

helm install otf otf/otf --set secret=2876cb147697052eec5b3cdb56211681 --set site-token=my-token --set database=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres/otf

Alternatively, you can use the test-values.yaml from this repo:

helm install otf otf/otf -f ./charts/otf/test-values.yaml

This will:

  • Install PostgreSQL on the cluster
  • Set secret
  • Set a site token

Note: you should only use this for testing purposes.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
caCerts.enabled bool false Mount a secret containing CA certificates and make them available to both terraform and otfd, allowing them to communicate with API endpoints that use custom CA certificates.
caCerts.secretItems list [] Specify individual items in secret containing CA certificates. Use the KeyToPath schema for each item. If unspecified, all items are mounted from the secret.
caCerts.secretName string "certs" Name of secret containing the CA certificates to mount.
database string "" Postgres connection string
databasePasswordFromSecret object nil Source database password from a secret
databaseUsernameFromSecret object nil Source database username from a secret
envsFromSecret string "" Environment variables to be passed to the deployment from the named kubernetes secret.
extraEnvs list [] Extra environment variables to be passed to the deployment.
fullnameOverride string ""
github.clientID string "" Github OAuth client ID. See docs.
github.clientSecret string "" Github OAuth client secret. See docs.
github.hostname string "" Github hostname to use for all interactions with Github.
gitlab.clientID string "" Gitlab OAuth client ID. See docs.
gitlab.clientSecret string "" Gitlab OAuth client secret. See docs.
gitlab.hostname string "" Gitlab hostname to use for all interactions with Gitlab.
google.audience string "" The Google JWT audience claim for validation. Validation is skipped if empty. See docs.
hostname string "" Set client-accessible hostname. See docs.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "leg100/otfd"
image.tag string ""
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts list []
ingress.path string "/"
ingress.pathType string "Prefix"
ingress.tls list []
logging.format string "default" Logging format: default, text, or json. See docs
logging.http bool false Log http requests.
logging.verbosity int 0 Logging verbosity, the higher the number the more verbose the logs. See docs.
maxConfigSize string "" Max config upload size in bytes. See docs.
nameOverride string ""
no_proxy string nil Specify hosts for which outbound connections should not use the proxy.
nodeSelector object {}
oidc.clientID string "" OIDC client ID. See docs.
oidc.clientSecretFromSecret object nil Source OIDC client secret from a k8s secret. See docs.
oidc.issuerURL string "" OIDC issuer URL. See docs. string "" OIDC provider name. See docs.
oidc.scopes list [] Override OIDC scopes. See docs.
oidc.usernameClaim string "" Override OIDC claim used for username. See docs.
podAnnotations object {} Add annotations to otfd pod
podSecurityContext object {} Set security context for otfd pod
postgres.enabled bool false Install postgres chart dependency.
proxy string nil Specify an http(s) proxy for outbound connections.
replicaCount int 1 Number of otfd nodes in cluster
resources object {}
sandbox bool false Enable sandboxing of terraform apply - note, this will run pods as privileged
secret string "" Cryptographic secret. Must be a hex-encoded 16-byte string. See docs.
secretFromSecret object {} Source cryptographic secret from a kubernetes secret instead.
service.annotations object {}
service.port int 80 Service port for otf
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type for otf
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceMonitor object {"enabled":false} Collect prometheus metrics
siteAdmins list [] Site admins - list of user accounts promoted to site admin. See docs.
siteToken string "" Site admin token - empty string disables the site admin account. See docs.
tolerations list []


If you make any changes to the chart you need to bump its version. You can either do that by hand in Chart.yaml, or using make:

# requires `yq`
make bump

To generate the from its template,

# requires `helm-docs`
make readme

Any changes to the version or to the values.yaml file are automatically reflected in the generated

To lint the chart:

make lint

To deploy the chart to a cluster to the namespace otf-test with pre-configured defaults along with PostgreSQL:

make deploy

To test the chart (assumes release is named otf):

make test

And to lint, deploy, and then test the chart:

make all