diff --git a/structure/syntax/ubl-despatch-advice.xml b/structure/syntax/ubl-despatch-advice.xml
index 3548cd19..81e7cb11 100644
--- a/structure/syntax/ubl-despatch-advice.xml
+++ b/structure/syntax/ubl-despatch-advice.xml
@@ -981,6 +981,150 @@
+ cac:DeliveryParty
+ Delivery party
+ cac:PartyIdentification
+ Party identification
+ Identification of the delivery party. The party to whom the goods are delivered
+ cbc:ID
+ Delivery party identifier
+ In this BIS: The identifier of the party that should receive the
+ ordered items
+ tir01-101
+ schemeID
+ Deliver party registration identifier identification scheme
+ identifier
+ The identification scheme identifier of the deliverparty
+ identifier.
+ 0002
+ 987654321
+ cac:PartyName
+ Party name
+ cbc:Name
+ Delivery party name
+ In this
+ BIS: The name of the party that should receive the delivery
+ Text
+ tir01-102
+ Surgery department
+ cac:PostalAddress
+ Final Delivery address
+ The final address for the delivery
+ cbc:StreetName
+ Address line 1
+ The main address line in a postal address usually the street
+ name and number.
+ Text
+ tir01-p029
+ cbc:AdditionalStreetName
+ Address line 2
+ An additional address line in a postal address that can be used
+ to give further details supplementing the main line. Common use are
+ secondary house number in a complex or in a building.
+ Text
+ tir01-p030
+ cbc:CityName
+ City
+ The common name of the city where the postal address is. The
+ name is written in full rather than as a code.
+ Text
+ tir01-p031
+ cbc:PostalZone
+ Post code
+ The identifier for an addressable group of properties according
+ to the relevant national postal service, such as a ZIP code or Post
+ Code.
+ Text
+ tir01-p032
+ cbc:CountrySubentity
+ Country subdivision
+ For specifying a region, county, state, province etc. within a
+ country by using text.
+ Text
+ tir01-p033
+ cac:AddressLine
+ Address line
+ cbc:Line
+ Address line 3
+ An additional address line in an address that can be used
+ to give further details supplementing the main line.
+ Text
+ tir01-p034
+ Gate 34
+ cac:Country
+ Country
+ cbc:IdentificationCode
+ Country code
+ A code that identifies the country.The lists of valid
+ countries are registered with the ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency,
+ "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their
+ subdivisions". Codes must be according to the alpha-2
+ representation.
+ Code
+ tir01-p035
+ ISO3166
+ NL
+ cac:Contact
+ Contact information
+ Contact information for the delivery party
+ cbc:Name
+ Contact person name
+ The name of the contact person.
+ Text
+ tir01-103
+ cbc:Telephone
+ Contact telephone number
+ A phone number for the contact person. If the person has a
+ direct number, this is that number.
+ Text
+ tir01-104
+ cbc:ElectronicMail
+ Contact email address
+ The e-mail address for the contact person. If the person has a
+ direct e-mail this is that email.
+ Text
+ tir01-106
Actual or expected despatch period