POEM ID: 010
Title: add argument recordable
to options.declare
Authors: robfalck (Rob Falck)
Competing POEMs: [N/A]
Related POEMs: [N/A]
Associated implementation PR: N/A
- Active
- Requesting decision
- Accepted
- Rejected
- Integrated
This POEM adds a minor non-breaking change to the user-facing API.
If a model has an option which is not pickleable, recording fails.
To get around this, OpenMDAO currently allows the system.options['options_excludes'] = ['foo']
mechanism to prevent it from being recorded.
In some cases, such as the guess_func
option for BalanceComp, this object will never be pickleable and therefore it shouldn't be the users responsibility to declare options_excludes
Instead, the option should be able to be marked as recordable (or not) when the option is declared.
This POEM proposes adding a new argument 'recordable' to System.options.declare
It will default to True (the current behavior) and behave as if it is added to system.options['options_excludes']
by default.