- Prompt 'Add New Operation' when selecting a field when no operations are entered. - Clearing cache
- When a farm name is changed in master list, coming through as undefined for farm key.
- Need a different content type for a field operation, vs normal operation
- Operation copy
- Managing farms
- Edit
- Delete
- Need to handle master field deletion by winfield
- Add a 'season field' and 'season farm' type
- Saving local data
- Selecting a year/season
- Field list
- Logging out of OADA
- Add in organizations (multiple oada connections)
- Dont make operation a rev'd link inside a field.
- Instead watch the /operations? Maybe im doing that already and just don't need the rev'd link
- Is there a way we can remove 'operation' form field in tree, but still create a link to it when i push a new field?
- I don't want it to pull down the operation when i do the initial get (supply a different tree to get???)