The common
role contains common tasks and variables required by other roles and is automatically included in all other roles.
All of the variables shown below have a default value but can be overridden to suit your environment. Variable overriding can be done in playbooks, inventories, from the command line using the -e
switch with the ansible-playbook
command, or from Ansible Tower and AWX. See Ansbile documentation for further information.
should be set to the location of the Privilege Manager install package directory. The subdirectories of this directory contain install packages for the server, plugin for sudo, and Unix agent for all supported systems and architectures.Default value is:
client_sw_dir: /tmp/1id/qpm
For example, the install package directory for Privilege Manager contains the following subdirectories:
agent server sudo_plugin
sets the temporary directory on Ansible hosts for storing files that need to be copied over to the hosts during software deployment operations. The directory is created if it doesn't exist.Default value is:
software_tmp_dir: /tmp/1id
sets policy server used for preflight and joining.Default value is:
join_server: ''
Facts generation variable defaults for all roles are set by the variables below.
enables facts generation. Implicitely enabled ifreports_generate
is set.Default value is:
facts_generate: true
enables verbose facts generation.Default value is:
facts_verbose: true
Report generation variable defaults for all roles are set by the variables below.
enables report generation.Default value is:
reports_generate: true
Disabling report generation if not needed will increase the speed of all roles.
enables backup of prior reports by renaming them with the date and time they were generated so that the latest reports do not override the previous reports.Default value is:
reports_backup: false
sets the format of the details section in both the HTML and CSV reports. Valid options:yaml
details will be in YAML formatjson
details will be in JSON format
Default value is:
reports_details_format: yaml
sets the host on which the reports should be generated.Default value is:
reports_host: ''