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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
240 lines (199 loc) · 12.9 KB

Itemizer | Github Action Quality gate License sponge version

Itemizer is a Sponge Minecraft plugin that allows custom items creation. Store plenty of custom items in configurations files.
Once an item is registered, you can also register :

  • crafts : register new crafts (with or without shape) and smelting recipes
  • pools : assign items to pools with a probability, and fetch them randomly
  • affixes : for additionnal customization, items can be modified afterwards using affixes (also pickable in a pool) to slighly modify their characteristics.

An examples of each config file is loaded at the first launch of the plugin, under the folder /config/itemizer/. This way you can see how they're structured.

Don't be afraid by item config complexity, it can be generated from existing items in-game


This plugin needs a sponge server 1.12. Download our latest release and copy it into your server's mods/ folder. Then restart your server.
Check in the /config/itemizer/ folder if default configuration is properly copied, and you should notice server logs mentionning the proper plugin loaded.

Minecraft Commands

  • /register <newId> : register item in hand into the config. I advise you to use this generator to generate the item to register.
    Once registered, the item will be saved into the configuration file, and you will be able to retrieve it.
    Permission : itemizer.command.register
  • /retrieve <itemId> [quantity] [player] : Obtain an item specified in the configuration file (see the items.conf) for the given id.
    Permission : itemizer.command.rerieve
  • /fetch <poolId> [quantity] [player] : Try to obtain an item from a configured pool (see the pools.conf) using its id.
    Permission : itemizer.command.fetch
  • /has-item <player> <itemId> [quantity] : check if a player has an specific item from configuration in his inventory
    Permission : itemizer.command.hasitem
  • /reload-itemizer : Reload all itemizer configuration files.
    Permission : itemizer.command.reload

Configuration files

All configuration files use HOCON format. They are loaded at plugin start. You can force a reload with the command /reload-itemizer (crafts will require a server restart).
The configuration files are stored in the config/itemizer folder of your server. Default configuration files will be generated if they do not exist. You can also use a folder instead of a plain file, the plugin will then read every files within it (for instance, create a folder items instead of the items.conf, and put every HOCON files within it).

I highly recommend to backup your files to avoid any unwanted loss.

Item creation

A file named items.conf stores the items that can be retrieved from the plugin.

The root element has to be items.
For each item configured, the following data can be provided :

  • The mandatory id field is used as a key identifier
  • The mandatory item contains all the item data. I advise you to generate the item with a generator using the /give command and register it using /register.
  • thirdParties allows third party plugin to update your item (by now only Jessie tags is available)
  • Affix pick in a pool of affix to randomly affect item statistics.

When starting the server with the plugin for the first time, a default configuration will be generated (we didn't write those configurations manually).

Items pool

A file named pools.conf defines pools to select item randomly from.
When fetching from a pool, it will randomly gives you one (or none) of the listed items.

The root element must be pools.

  • An id is used to enable a pool to be referenced.
  • items is an array containing the items obtainable, it contains :
    • A probability between 0 and 1, giving the actual chances of having a given item. ex: 0.2 gives you a 20% chance of obtaining that item. The last item in a pool can have a probability of 1, it would then be the default drop
    • An Item reference, it could be its name , its ref or directly is type
      • ref is used as a reference to a configured item id
      • name will be used if ref is absent or if no item were returned to generate an item with a given type
      • you can use type instead of the above both to set a full item configuration (same as item in item property in item.conf)
    • Two quantities (optional) maxQuantity and minQuantity.
      if this item is fetched from the pool, you will obtain between minQuantity and maxQuantity of that item. By default 1.
pools = [
    id: 1,
    items: [
        probability: 0.5,
        item : {name: "minecraft:cooked_porkchop"},
        maxQuantity : 3, #default 1
        minQuantity : 1  #default 1
        probability: 0.2,
        item : {ref: "training_stick"}

The first pool of item has a 50% chance of getting a porkchop, 20% chance of getting the configured item with id 1, and 30% chance of getting nothing.

Craft configuration

A file named crafts.conf defines new crafts to be implemented in game.

The root element must be crafts.

  • An id must be defined.
  • The __class__ can be of three types :, or
  • Used in all crafting recipes the, result must be an object containing one of the following fields:
    • name can be used with a string to reference a minecraft item
    • ref used with a number or a string can be used to retrieve an item from Itemizer's items.
  • The recipe is used for ShapelessCrafting and Smelting only, and is used to define the item needed for the recipe. It must contain an object with one of the following fields:
    • name associated with a string for a minecraft item.
    • ref with a number or a string for the desired Itemizer id of the item.
  • The pattern is used for ShapedCrafting only to define the pattern which will be used to craft an item (example available and explained below)
  • The ingredients are used for ShapedCrafting to match pattern keys with ingredients:
    • Each different character used in the pattern must be used as a key with one of the following:
      • An object with "name" as a key and the item name as a value (e.g: {name: "minecraft:stick"})
      • An object with "ref" as a key and the itemizer id as a value (e.g: {ref: 1})

crafts = [
    __class__ : ""
    id : 1
    result : {ref : 1},
    recipe : {name : "stone_axe"}
    __class__ : ""
    id : 2
    result : {name : "coal"},
    recipe : {name : "cooked_porkchop"}
    __class__ : ""
    id : 3
    result : {ref : "king_sword"},
    pattern : [" a "," a "," a "],
    ingredients : {
      a : {name: "minecraft:stick"},

The first craft requires a stone axe to craft the item referenced "1", the second craft enable us to cook a cooked_porkchop into a coal, and the third one is used to craft the item referenced "king_sword" with three sticks aligned in a vertical centered line (notice the whitespaces before and after the "a")
In case you wanted to make the same recipe with a square pattern: pattern : ["aaa", "a a", "aaa"]

Global configuration

In the global configuration file, you can change plugin settings for default names in item descriptions.

  • RewriteParts: instead of using default Minecraft notation for enchantments, modifiers , unbreakable , canMine ; you can choose to change their name.
    For each key in this object, set false to let default look or true to rewrite it.
  • DefaulColor: if you decide to rewrite a part, you can choose the color of each element in this object.
  • EnchantRewrite: you can change the name of an enchantment in this object. If you let an enchantment blank, it will not appear.
  • ModifierRewrite: you can change an attribute name (AttributeModifier like generic.attackDamage) as you like in this object.
  • CanMineRewrite and UnbreakableRewrite are string to overwrite the default text of those traits.

You can choose to edit the config file or use /configure <Type> <Key> [value] command. Be careful using the command, the file will be overwritten


Affix are buffs/debuffs that can be applied to items.
They are pre-registered in pools (not related to the pools used for items). They are stored in the affix.conf file as an HOCON file.

The root is affixes, it contains a list of affix groups.

A group is categorized by its group name.
it's a schematic name only used for configuration like damage, speed, balanced, only_negative, etc... It will be used to attach a group to an item.

Then there are multiples tiers for each affix.
A tier is like a power level. __class__ is the implementation of the affix, you can use your own (leave it as is if you don't know what that mean).

You can set a prefix and a suffix to modify the item name. Don't leave space before and after.
The probability is the chance to choose this tiers more than another. the smaller it is, the less chance you have to get this tier. Be careful to stay under the probability of 1, otherwise the tier which total probability exceeds 1 will never get picked.

Then, the attributes are the data modifiers which change the item statistics.
You have 4 properties , name, slot, amount and operation. Value are the same than vanilla.
If you want more details about AttributeModifiers check the Minecraft wiki

affixes = [
       tiers : [
           __class__ :
           suffix : "of stupidity"
           probability : 1
           attributes : [
               name : attackDamage
               slot: mainHand
               amount : 10
               operation :0

For developer

If you are willing to use Itemizer in your plugin development, we provide services to ease interactions.
You can also use it with js (like with customNPC).


  • IItemService : Give access to the object getters functions to a plugin.

    Return Method
    org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack construct(ItemBean item)
    java.util.Optional<org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack> fetch(java.lang.String id)
    boolean hasItem( player, java.lang.String id, int quantity)
    void instanciate(org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack itemStack, java.lang.String worldName, double x, double y, double z)
    void instantiate(org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack itemStack,<> location)
    void register(java.lang.String id, org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStackSnapshot snapshot)
    void removeItem( player, java.lang.String id, java.lang.Integer quantity)
    java.util.Optional<org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack> retrieve(java.lang.String id)
    java.util.Optional<org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.ItemStack> retrieve(java.lang.String id, int qte)

Installation with Gradle

  • Add Jitpack into your repositories
repositories {
  maven {
      name = 'jitpack'
      url = ''
  • Add Itemizer to your dependencies
dependencies {
    compile 'org.spongepowered:spongeapi:7.0.0'
    implementation 'com.github.OnapleRPG:Itemizer:V3.2'
  • Use services
Optional<IItemService> optionalIItemService = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(IItemService.class);
   if (optionalIItemService.isPresent()) {
       IItemService iItemService = optionalIItemService.get();
       optionalItem = iItemService.retrieve(itemId);