OmniFeather is a fork of Feathercoin, with the Omni Protocol feature support from OmniLayer for Bitcoin added as a new layer of functionality on top. As such interacting with the API is done in the same manner (JSON-RPC) as Feathercoin Core, simply with additional RPCs available for utilizing Omni Protocol features.
As all existing Feathercoin functionality is inherent to OmniFeather, the RPC port by default remains as 9337
as per Feathercoin. If you wish to run OmniFeather in tandem with Feathercoin (eg. via a separate datadir) you may utilize the -rpcport<port>
option to nominate an alternative port number.
All available commands can be listed with "help"
, and information about a specific command can be retrieved with "help <command>"
Please note: this document may not always be up-to-date. There may be errors, omissions or inaccuracies present.
- Transaction creation
- omni_send
- omni_sendnewdexorder
- omni_sendupdatedexorder
- omni_sendcanceldexorder
- omni_senddexaccept
- omni_senddexpay
- omni_sendissuancecrowdsale
- omni_sendissuancefixed
- omni_sendissuancemanaged
- omni_sendsto
- omni_sendgrant
- omni_sendrevoke
- omni_sendclosecrowdsale
- omni_sendchangeissuer
- omni_sendall
- omni_sendenablefreezing
- omni_senddisablefreezing
- omni_sendfreeze
- omni_sendunfreeze
- omni_sendanydata
- omni_sendrawtx
- omni_funded_send
- omni_funded_sendall
- omni_sendnonfungible
- omni_setnonfungibledata
- Data retrieval
- omni_getinfo
- omni_getbalance
- omni_getallbalancesforid
- omni_getallbalancesforaddress
- omni_getwalletbalances
- omni_getwalletaddressbalances
- omni_gettransaction
- omni_listtransactions
- omni_listblocktransactions
- omni_listblockstransactions
- omni_listpendingtransactions
- omni_getactivedexsells
- omni_listproperties
- omni_getproperty
- omni_getactivecrowdsales
- omni_getcrowdsale
- omni_getgrants
- omni_getsto
- omni_getactivations
- omni_getpayload
- omni_getcurrentconsensushash
- omni_getnonfungibletokens
- omni_getnonfungibletokendata
- omni_getnonfungibletokenranges
- Data retrieval (address index)
- Raw transactions
- omni_decodetransaction
- omni_createrawtx_opreturn
- omni_createrawtx_multisig
- omni_createrawtx_input
- omni_createrawtx_reference
- omni_createrawtx_change
- omni_createpayload_simplesend
- omni_createpayload_sendall
- omni_createpayload_dexsell
- omni_createpayload_dexaccept
- omni_createpayload_sto
- omni_createpayload_issuancefixed
- omni_createpayload_issuancecrowdsale
- omni_createpayload_issuancemanaged
- omni_createpayload_closecrowdsale
- omni_createpayload_grant
- omni_createpayload_revoke
- omni_createpayload_changeissuer
- omni_createpayload_enablefreezing
- omni_createpayload_disablefreezing
- omni_createpayload_freeze
- omni_createpayload_unfreeze
- omni_createpayload_anydata
- omni_createpayload_sendnonfungible
- omni_createpayload_setnonfungibledata
- Configuration
The RPCs for transaction creation can be used to create and broadcast Omni Protocol transactions.
A hash of the broadcasted transaction is returned as result.
Create and broadcast a simple send transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
toaddress |
string | required | the address of the receiver |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to send |
amount |
string | required | the amount to send |
redeemaddress |
string | optional | an address that can spend the transaction dust (sender by default) |
referenceamount |
string | optional | a feathercoin amount that is sent to the receiver (minimal by default) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_send" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 1 "100.0"
Place, update or cancel a sell offer on the distributed token/FTC exchange.
Please note: this RPC is replaced by:
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
propertyidforsale |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to list for sale |
amountforsale |
string | required | the amount of tokens to list for sale |
amountdesired |
string | required | the amount of feathercoins desired |
paymentwindow |
number | required | a time limit in blocks a buyer has to pay following a successful accepting order |
minacceptfee |
string | required | a minimum mining fee a buyer has to pay to accept the offer |
action |
number | required | the action to take (1 for new offers, 2 to update, 3 to cancel) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_senddexsell" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 1 "1.5" "0.75" 25 "0.0001" 1
Creates a new sell offer on the distributed token/FTC exchange.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
propertyidforsale |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to list for sale |
amountforsale |
string | required | the amount of tokens to list for sale |
amountdesired |
string | required | the amount of feathercoins desired |
paymentwindow |
number | required | a time limit in blocks a buyer has to pay following a successful accepting order |
minacceptfee |
string | required | a minimum mining fee a buyer has to pay to accept the offer |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendnewdexorder" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 1 "1.5" "0.75" 50 "0.0001"
Updates an existing sell offer on the distributed token/FTC exchange.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
propertyidforsale |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to update |
amountforsale |
string | required | the new amount of tokens to list for sale |
amountdesired |
string | required | the new amount of feathercoins desired |
paymentwindow |
number | required | a new time limit in blocks a buyer has to pay following a successful accepting order |
minacceptfee |
string | required | a new minimum mining fee a buyer has to pay to accept the offer |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendupdatedexorder" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 1 "1.0" "1.75" 50 "0.0001"
Cancels existing sell offer on the distributed token/FTC exchange.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
propertyidforsale |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to cancel |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendcanceldexorder" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 1
Create and broadcast an accept offer for the specified token and amount.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
toaddress |
string | required | the address of the seller |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the token to purchase |
amount |
string | required | the amount to accept |
override |
boolean | required | override minimum accept fee and payment window checks (use with caution!) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_senddexaccept" \
"35URq1NN3xL6GeRKUP6vzaQVcxoJiiJKd8" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 1 "15.0"
Create and broadcast payment for an accept offer.
Please note: Partial purchases are not possible and the whole accepted amount must be paid.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
toaddress |
string | required | the address of the seller |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the token to purchase |
amount |
string | required | the Feathercoin amount to send |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_senddexpay" \
"35URq1NN3xL6GeRKUP6vzaQVcxoJiiJKd8" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 1 "15.0"
Create new tokens as crowdsale.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem to create the tokens in (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
type |
number | required | the type of the tokens to create: (1 for indivisible tokens, 2 for divisible tokens) |
previousid |
number | required | an identifier of a predecessor token (0 for new crowdsales) |
category |
string | required | a category for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
subcategory |
string | required | a subcategory for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
name |
string | required | the name of the new tokens to create |
url |
string | required | an URL for further information about the new tokens (can be "" ) |
data |
string | required | a description for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
propertyiddesired |
number | required | the identifier of a token eligible to participate in the crowdsale |
tokensperunit |
string | required | the amount of tokens granted per unit invested in the crowdsale |
deadline |
number | required | the deadline of the crowdsale as Unix timestamp |
earlybonus |
number | required | an early bird bonus for participants in percent per week |
issuerpercentage |
number | required | a percentage of tokens that will be granted to the issuer |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendissuancecrowdsale" \
"3JYd75REX3HXn1vAU83YuGfmiPXW7BpYXo" 2 1 0 "Companies" "Feathercoin Mining" \
"Quantum Miner" "" "" 2 "100" 1483228800 30 2
Create new tokens with fixed supply.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem to create the tokens in (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
type |
number | required | the type of the tokens to create: (1 for indivisible tokens, 2 for divisible tokens) |
previousid |
number | required | an identifier of a predecessor token (0 for new tokens) |
category |
string | required | a category for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
subcategory |
string | required | a subcategory for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
name |
string | required | the name of the new tokens to create |
url |
string | required | an URL for further information about the new tokens (can be "" ) |
data |
string | required | a description for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
amount |
string | required | the number of tokens to create |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendissuancefixed" \
"3Ck2kEGLJtZw9ENj2tameMCtS3HB7uRar3" 2 1 0 "Companies" "Feathercoin Mining" \
"Quantum Miner" "" "" "1000000"
Create new tokens with manageable supply.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem to create the tokens in (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
type |
number | required | the type of the tokens to create: (1 for indivisible tokens, 2 for divisible tokens) |
previousid |
number | required | an identifier of a predecessor token (0 for new tokens) |
category |
string | required | a category for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
subcategory |
string | required | a subcategory for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
name |
string | required | the name of the new tokens to create |
url |
string | required | an URL for further information about the new tokens (can be "" ) |
data |
string | required | a description for the new tokens (can be "" ) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendissuancemanaged" \
"3HsJvhr9qzgRe3ss97b1QHs38rmaLExLcH" 2 1 0 "Companies" "Feathercoin Mining" "Quantum Miner" "" ""
Create and broadcast a send-to-owners transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to distribute |
amount |
string | required | the amount to distribute |
redeemaddress |
string | optional | an address that can spend the transaction dust (sender by default) |
distributionproperty |
number | optional | the identifier of the property holders to distribute to |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendsto" \
"32Z3tJccZuqQZ4PhJR2hxHC3tjgjA8cbqz" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 3 "5000"
Issue or grant new units of managed tokens.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
toaddress |
string | required | the receiver of the tokens (sender by default, can be "" ) |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to grant |
amount |
string | required | the amount of tokens to create |
grantdata |
string | optional | NFT only: data set in all NFTs created in this grant (default: empty) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendgrant" "3HsJvhr9qzgRe3ss97b1QHs38rmaLExLcH" "" 51 "7000"
Revoke units of managed tokens.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to revoke |
amount |
string | required | the amount of tokens to revoke |
memo |
string | optional | a text note attached to this transaction (none by default) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendrevoke" "3HsJvhr9qzgRe3ss97b1QHs38rmaLExLcH" "" 51 "100"
Manually close a crowdsale.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address associated with the crowdsale to close |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the crowdsale to close |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendclosecrowdsale" "3JYd75REX3HXn1vAU83YuGfmiPXW7BpYXo" 70
Change the issuer on record of the given tokens.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address associated with the tokens |
toaddress |
string | required | the address to transfer administrative control to |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendchangeissuer" \
"1ARjWDkZ7kT9fwjPrjcQyvbXDkEySzKHwu" "3HTHRxu3aSDV4deakjC7VmsiUp7c6dfbvs" 3
Transfers all available tokens in the given ecosystem to the recipient.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
toaddress |
string | required | the address of the receiver |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem of the tokens to send (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
redeemaddress |
string | optional | an address that can spend the transaction dust (sender by default) |
referenceamount |
string | optional | a feathercoin amount that is sent to the receiver (minimal by default) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendall" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 2
Enables address freezing for a centrally managed property.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from (must be issuer of a managed property) |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendenablefreezing" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" 2
Disables address freezing for a centrally managed property.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Disabling freezing for a property will UNFREEZE all frozen addresses for that property!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from (must be issuer of a managed property) |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_senddisablefreezing" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" 2
Freeze an address for a centrally managed token.
Note: Only the issuer may freeze tokens, and only if the token is of the managed type with the freezing option enabled.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from (must be issuer of a managed property with freezing enabled |
toaddress |
string | required | the address to freeze |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to freeze |
amount |
string | required | the amount to freeze (note: currently unused, frozen addresses cannot transact the property) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendfreeze" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" "3HTHRxu3aSDV4deakjC7VmsiUp7c6dfbvs" 2 1000
Unfreeze an address for a centrally managed token.
Note: Only the issuer may unfreeze tokens
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from (must be issuer of a managed property with freezing enabled |
toaddress |
string | required | the address to unfreeze |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to unfreeze |
amount |
string | required | the amount to unfreeze (note: currently unused |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendunfreeze" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" "3HTHRxu3aSDV4deakjC7VmsiUp7c6dfbvs" 2 1000
Create and broadcast a transaction with an arbitrary payload.
When no receiver is specified, the sender is also considered as receiver.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
data |
string | required | the hex-encoded data |
toaddress |
string | optional | the optional address of the receiver |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendanydata" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" "646578782032303230"
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendanydata" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" "646578782032303230" "3HTHRxu3aSDV4deakjC7VmsiUp7c6dfbvs"
Broadcasts a raw Omni Layer transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send from |
rawtransaction |
string | required | the hex-encoded raw transaction |
referenceaddress |
string | optional | a reference address (none by default) |
redeemaddress |
string | optional | an address that can spend the transaction dust (sender by default) |
referenceamount |
string | optional | a feathercoin amount that is sent to the receiver (minimal by default) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendrawtx" \
"1MCHESTptvd2LnNp7wmr2sGTpRomteAkq8" "000000000000000100000000017d7840" \
Creates and sends a funded simple send transaction.
All feathercoins from the sender are consumed and if there are feathercoins missing, they are taken from the specified fee source. Change is sent to the fee source!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send the tokens from |
toaddress |
string | required | the address of the receiver |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to send |
amount |
string | required | the amount to send |
feeaddress |
string | required | the address that is used for change and to pay for fees, if needed |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_funded_send" "1DFa5bT6KMEr6ta29QJouainsjaNBsJQhH" \
"15cWrfuvMxyxGst2FisrQcvcpF48x6sXoH" 1 "100.0" \
Creates and sends a transaction that transfers all available tokens in the given ecosystem to the recipient.
All feathercoins from the sender are consumed and if there are feathercoins missing, they are taken from the specified fee source. Change is sent to the fee source!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
fromaddress |
string | required | the address to send the tokens from |
toaddress |
string | required | the address of the receiver |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem of the tokens to send (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
feeaddress |
string | required | the address that is used for change and to pay for fees, if needed |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_funded_sendall" "1DFa5bT6KMEr6ta29QJouainsjaNBsJQhH" \
"15cWrfuvMxyxGst2FisrQcvcpF48x6sXoH" 1 "15Jhzz4omEXEyFKbdcccJwuVPea5LqsKM1"
Create and broadcast a non-fungible send transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
address |
string | required | the address to send from |
toaddress |
string | required | the address of the receiver |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to send |
tokenstart |
number | required | the first token in the range to send |
tokenend |
number | required | the last token in the range to send |
redeemaddress |
string | optional | an address that can spend the transaction dust (sender by default) |
referenceamount |
string | optional | a feathercoin amount that is sent to the receiver (minimal by default) |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_sendnonfungible" "3M9qvHKtgARhqcMtM5cRT9VaiDJ5PSfQGY" "37FaKponF7zqoMLUjEiko25pDiuVH5YLEa" 70 1 1000
Sets either the issuer or holder data field in a non-fungible token. Holder data can only be updated by the token owner and issuer data can only be updated by address that created the tokens.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the property identifier |
tokenstart |
number | required | the first token in the range to set data on |
tokenend |
number | required | the last token in the range to set data on |
issuer |
boolean | required | if true issuer data set, otherwise holder data set |
data |
string | required | data set as in either issuer or holder fields |
"hash" // (string) the hex-encoded transaction hash
$ omnicore-cli "omni_setnonfungibledata" 70 50 60 true "string data"
The RPCs for data retrieval can be used to get information about the state of the Omni ecosystem.
Returns various state information of the client and protocol.
"omnicoreversion_int" : xxxxxxx, // (number) client version as integer
"omnicoreversion" : "x.x.x.x-xxx", // (string) client version
"feathercoincoreversion" : "x.x.x", // (string) Feathercoin Core version
"block" : nnnnnn, // (number) index of the last processed block
"blocktime" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) timestamp of the last processed block
"blocktransactions" : nnnn, // (number) Omni transactions found in the last processed block
"totaltransactions" : nnnnnnnn, // (number) Omni transactions processed in total
"alerts" : [ // (array of JSON objects) active protocol alert (if any)
"alerttype" : n // (number) alert type as integer
"alerttype" : "xxx" // (string) alert type (can be "alertexpiringbyblock", "alertexpiringbyblocktime", "alertexpiringbyclientversion" or "error")
"alertexpiry" : "nnnnnnnnnn" // (string) expiration criteria (can refer to block height, timestamp or client version)
"alertmessage" : "xxx" // (string) information about the alert
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getinfo"
Returns the token balance for a given address and property.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
address |
string | required | the address |
propertyid |
number | required | the property identifier |
"balance" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the available balance of the address
"reserved" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount reserved by sell offers and accepts
"frozen" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount frozen by the issuer (applies to managed properties only)
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getbalance", "1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P" 1
Returns a list of token balances for a given currency or property identifier.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the property identifier |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"address" : "address", // (string) the address
"balance" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the available balance of the address
"reserved" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount reserved by sell offers and accepts
"frozen" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount frozen by the issuer (applies to managed properties only)
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getallbalancesforid" 1
Returns a list of all token balances for a given address.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
address |
string | required | the address |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the property identifier
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the property
"balance" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the available balance of the address
"reserved" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount reserved by sell offers and accepts
"frozen" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount frozen by the issuer (applies to managed properties only)
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getallbalancesforaddress" "1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P"
Returns a list of the total token balances of the whole wallet.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
includewatchonly |
boolean | optional | include balances of watchonly addresses (default: false) |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the property identifier
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the token
"balance" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the total available balance for the token
"reserved" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the total amount reserved by sell offers and accepts
"frozen" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the total amount frozen by the issuer (applies to managed properties only)
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getwalletbalances"
Returns a list of all token balances for every wallet address.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
includewatchonly |
boolean | optional | include balances of watchonly addresses (default: false) |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"address" : "address", // (string) the address linked to the following balances
"balances" :
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the property identifier
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the token
"balance" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the available balance for the token
"reserved" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount reserved by sell offers and accepts
"frozen" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount frozen by the issuer (applies to managed properties only)
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getwalletaddressbalances"
Get detailed information about an Omni transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
txid |
string | required | the hash of the transaction to lookup |
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction
"sendingaddress" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the sender
"referenceaddress" : "address", // (string) a Feathercoin address used as reference (if any)
"ismine" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction involes an address in the wallet
"confirmations" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the number of transaction confirmations
"fee" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the transaction fee in feathercoins
"blocktime" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the timestamp of the block that contains the transaction
"valid" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction is valid
"positioninblock" : n, // (number) the position (index) of the transaction within the block
"version" : n, // (number) the transaction version
"type_int" : n, // (number) the transaction type as number
"type" : "type", // (string) the transaction type as string
[...] // (mixed) other transaction type specific properties
$ omnicore-cli "omni_gettransaction" "1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d"
List wallet transactions, optionally filtered by an address and block boundaries.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
txid |
string | optional | address filter (default: "*" ) |
count |
number | optional | show at most n transactions (default: 10 ) |
skip |
number | optional | skip the first n transactions (default: 0 ) |
startblock |
number | optional | first block to begin the search (default: 0 ) |
endblock |
number | optional | last block to include in the search (default: 999999999 ) |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction
"sendingaddress" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the sender
"referenceaddress" : "address", // (string) a Feathercoin address used as reference (if any)
"ismine" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction involves an address in the wallet
"confirmations" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the number of transaction confirmations
"fee" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the transaction fee in feathercoins
"blocktime" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the timestamp of the block that contains the transaction
"valid" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction is valid
"positioninblock" : n, // (number) the position (index) of the transaction within the block
"version" : n, // (number) the transaction version
"type_int" : n, // (number) the transaction type as number
"type" : "type", // (string) the transaction type as string
[...] // (mixed) other transaction type specific properties
$ omnicore-cli "omni_listtransactions"
Lists all Omni transactions in a block.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
index |
number | required | the block height or block index |
[ // (array of string)
"hash", // (string) the hash of the transaction
$ omnicore-cli "omni_listblocktransactions" 279007
Lists all Omni transactions in a given range of blocks.
Note: the list of transactions is unordered and can contain invalid transactions!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
firstblock |
number | required | the index of the first block to consider |
lastblock |
number | required | the index of the last block to consider |
[ // (array of string)
"hash", // (string) the hash of the transaction
$ omnicore-cli "omni_omni_listblocktransactions" 279007 300000
Returns a list of unconfirmed Omni transactions, pending in the memory pool.
Note: the validity of pending transactions is uncertain, and the state of the memory pool may change at any moment. It is recommended to check transactions after confirmation, and pending transactions should be considered as invalid.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
address |
string | optional | filter results by address (default: "" for no filter) |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction
"sendingaddress" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the sender
"referenceaddress" : "address", // (string) a Feathercoin address used as reference (if any)
"ismine" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction involes an address in the wallet
"fee" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the transaction fee in feathercoins
"version" : n, // (number) the transaction version
"type_int" : n, // (number) the transaction type as number
"type" : "type", // (string) the transaction type as string
[...] // (mixed) other transaction type specific properties
$ omnicore-cli "omni_listpendingtransactions"
Returns currently active offers on the distributed exchange.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
address |
string | optional | address filter (default: include any) |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hash of the transaction of this offer
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the identifier of the tokens for sale
"seller" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the seller
"amountavailable" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the number of tokens still listed for sale and currently available
"feathercoindesired" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the number of feathercoins desired in exchange
"unitprice" : "n.nnnnnnnn" , // (string) the unit price (FTC/token)
"timelimit" : nn, // (number) the time limit in blocks a buyer has to pay following a successful accept
"minimumfee" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the minimum mining fee a buyer has to pay to accept this offer
"amountaccepted" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the number of tokens currently reserved for pending "accept" orders
"accepts": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of pending "accept" orders
"buyer" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the buyer
"block" : nnnnnn, // (number) the index of the block that contains the "accept" order
"blocksleft" : nn, // (number) the number of blocks left to pay
"amount" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount of tokens accepted and reserved
"amounttopay" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount in feathercoins needed finalize the trade
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getactivedexsells"
Lists all tokens or smart properties.
To get the total number of tokens, please use omni_getproperty.
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the identifier of the tokens
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the tokens
"category" : "category", // (string) the category used for the tokens
"subcategory" : "subcategory", // (string) the subcategory used for the tokens
"data" : "information", // (string) additional information or a description
"url" : "uri", // (string) an URI, for example pointing to a website
"divisible" : true|false // (boolean) whether the tokens are divisible
"issuer" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the issuer on record
"creationtxid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded creation transaction hash
"fixedissuance" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the token supply is fixed
"managedissuance" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the token supply is managed by the issuer
$ omnicore-cli "omni_listproperties"
Returns details for about the tokens or smart property to lookup.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens or property |
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the identifier
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the tokens
"category" : "category", // (string) the category used for the tokens
"subcategory" : "subcategory", // (string) the subcategory used for the tokens
"data" : "information", // (string) additional information or a description
"url" : "uri", // (string) an URI, for example pointing to a website
"divisible" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the tokens are divisible
"issuer" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the issuer on record
"creationtxid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded creation transaction hash
"fixedissuance" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the token supply is fixed
"managedissuance" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the token supply is managed by the issuer
"freezingenabled" : true|false, // (boolean) whether freezing is enabled for the property (managed properties only)
"totaltokens" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the total number of tokens in existence
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getproperty" 3
Lists currently active crowdsales.
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the identifier of the crowdsale
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the tokens issued via the crowdsale
"issuer" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the issuer on record
"propertyiddesired" : n, // (number) the identifier of the tokens eligible to participate in the crowdsale
"tokensperunit" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of tokens granted per unit invested in the crowdsale
"earlybonus" : n, // (number) an early bird bonus for participants in percent per week
"percenttoissuer" : n, // (number) a percentage of tokens that will be granted to the issuer
"starttime" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the start time of the of the crowdsale as Unix timestamp
"deadline" : nnnnnnnnnn // (number) the deadline of the crowdsale as Unix timestamp
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getactivecrowdsales"
Returns information about a crowdsale.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the crowdsale |
verbose |
boolean | optional | list crowdsale participants (default: false ) |
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the identifier of the crowdsale
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the tokens issued via the crowdsale
"active" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the crowdsale is still active
"issuer" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the issuer on record
"propertyiddesired" : n, // (number) the identifier of the tokens eligible to participate in the crowdsale
"tokensperunit" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of tokens granted per unit invested in the crowdsale
"earlybonus" : n, // (number) an early bird bonus for participants in percent per week
"percenttoissuer" : n, // (number) a percentage of tokens that will be granted to the issuer
"starttime" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the start time of the of the crowdsale as Unix timestamp
"deadline" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the deadline of the crowdsale as Unix timestamp
"amountraised" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of tokens invested by participants
"tokensissued" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the total number of tokens issued via the crowdsale
"issuerbonustokens" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of tokens granted to the issuer as bonus
"addedissuertokens" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of issuer bonus tokens not yet emitted
"closedearly" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the crowdsale ended early (if not active)
"maxtokens" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the crowdsale ended early due to reaching the limit of max. issuable tokens (if not active)
"endedtime" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the time when the crowdsale ended (if closed early)
"closetx" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction that closed the crowdsale (if closed manually)
"participanttransactions": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of crowdsale participations (if verbose=true)
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded hash of participation transaction
"amountsent" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of tokens invested by the participant
"participanttokens" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the tokens granted to the participant
"issuertokens" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the tokens granted to the issuer as bonus
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getcrowdsale" 3 true
Returns information about granted and revoked units of managed tokens.
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the identifier of the managed tokens
"name" : "name", // (string) the name of the tokens
"issuer" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the issuer on record
"creationtxid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded creation transaction hash
"totaltokens" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the total number of tokens in existence
"issuances": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of the granted and revoked tokens
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hash of the transaction that granted tokens
"grant" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the number of tokens granted by this transaction
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hash of the transaction that revoked tokens
"grant" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the number of tokens revoked by this transaction
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the managed tokens to lookup |
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getgrants" 31
Get information and recipients of a send-to-owners transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
txid |
string | required | the hash of the transaction to lookup |
recipientfilter |
string | optional | a filter for recipients (wallet by default, "*" for all) |
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction
"sendingaddress" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the sender
"ismine" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction involes an address in the wallet
"confirmations" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the number of transaction confirmations
"fee" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the transaction fee in feathercoins
"blocktime" : nnnnnnnnnn, // (number) the timestamp of the block that contains the transaction
"valid" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction is valid
"positioninblock" : n, // (number) the position (index) of the transaction within the block
"version" : n, // (number) the transaction version
"type_int" : n, // (number) the transaction type as number
"type" : "type", // (string) the transaction type as string
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the identifier of sent tokens
"divisible" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the sent tokens are divisible
"amount" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the number of tokens sent to owners
"totalstofee" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the fee paid by the sender, nominated in OMN or TOMN
"recipients": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of recipients
"address" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the recipient
"amount" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the number of tokens sent to this recipient
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getsto" "1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d" "*"
Returns pending and completed feature activations.
"pendingactivations": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of pending feature activations
"featureid" : n, // (number) the id of the feature
"featurename" : "xxxxxxxx", // (string) the name of the feature
"activationblock" : n, // (number) the block the feature will be activated
"minimumversion" : n // (number) the minimum client version needed to support this feature
"completedactivations": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of completed feature activations
"featureid" : n, // (number) the id of the feature
"featurename" : "xxxxxxxx", // (string) the name of the feature
"activationblock" : n, // (number) the block the feature will be activated
"minimumversion" : n // (number) the minimum client version needed to support this feature
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getactivations"
Get the payload for an Omni transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
txid |
string | required | the hash of the transaction to retrieve payload |
"payload" : "payloadmessage", // (string) the decoded Omni payload message
"payloadsize" : n // (number) the size of the payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getpayload" "1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d"
Returns the consensus hash covering the state of the current block.
"block" : nnnnnn, // (number) the index of the block this consensus hash applies to
"blockhash" : "hash", // (string) the hash of the corresponding block
"consensushash" : "hash" // (string) the consensus hash for the block
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getcurrentconsensushash"
Returns the non-fungible tokens for a given address. Optional property ID filter.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
address |
string | required | the address |
propertyid |
number | optional | the property identifier |
"propertyid" : n,
"tokens" : [
"tokenstart" : n, // (number) the first token in this range
"tokenend" : n, // (number) the last token in this range
"amount" : n.nnnnnnnn, // (number) the amount of tokens in the range
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getnonfungibletokens 1EXoDusjGwvnjZUyKkxZ4UHEf77z6A5S4P 1"
Returns owner and all data set in a non-fungible token. If looking up a single token on tokenidstart can be specified only.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the property identifier |
tokenidstart |
number | required | the first non-fungible token in range |
tokenidend |
number | required | the last non-fungible token in range |
"index" : n, // (number) the unique index of the token
"owner" : "owner", // (string) the Bitcoin address of the owner
"grantdata" : "grantdata", // (string) contents of the grant data field
"issuerdata" : "issuerdata", // (string) contents of the issuer data field
"holderdata" : "holderdata", // (string) contents of the holder data field
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getnonfungibletokendata 1 10 20"
Returns the ranges and their addresses for a non-fungible token property.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the property identifier |
"address" : "address", // (string) the address
"tokenstart" : n, // (number) the first token in this range
"tokenend" : n, // (number) the last token in this range
"amount" : n.nnnnnnnn, // (number) the amount of tokens in the range
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getnonfungibletokenranges 1"
The following RPCs can be used to obtain information about non-wallet balances and transactions. The address index must be enabled to use them.
Returns the txids for one or more addresses (requires addressindex to be enabled).
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
addresses |
object | required | an object with addresses and optional start and end blocks |
[ // (array of txids) a list of transaction hashes
"hash", // (string) the transaction identifier
$ omnicore-cli getaddresstxids '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"]}'
$ omnicore-cli getaddresstxids '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"], "start": 380, "end": 400}'
Returns all changes for an address (requires addressindex to be enabled).
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
addresses |
object | required | an object with addresses and optional start and end blocks |
"satoshis": n, // (number) the difference of satoshis
"txid": "hash", // (string) the related txid
"index": n, // (number) the related input or output index
"height": n, // (number) the block height
"address": "base58address", // (string) the address
$ omnicore-cli getaddressdeltas '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"]}'
$ omnicore-cli getaddressdeltas '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"], "start": 380, "end": 400, "chainInfo": false}'
Returns the balance for one or more addresses (requires addressindex to be enabled).
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
addresses |
object | required | an array of addresses |
"balance": n, // (number) the current balance in satoshis
"received": n, // (number) the total number of satoshis received (including change)
"immature": n // (number) the total number of non-spendable mining satoshis received
$ omnicore-cli getaddressbalance '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"]}'
$ omnicore-cli getaddressbalance '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj", "2N2Hca6QvczCnSJ1ZkFfjqDvmgPiWifFF8Q"]}'
Returns all unspent outputs for an address (requires addressindex to be enabled).
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
addresses |
object | required | an array of addresses |
"utxos": [
"address": "base58address", // (string) The address
"txid": "hash" // (string) The output txid
"outputIndex": n, // (number) The block height
"script": "hex", // (string) The script hex encoded
"satoshis": n, // (number) The number of satoshis of the output
"height": 301, // (number) The block height
"coinbase": true // (boolean) Whether it's a coinbase transaction
"hash": "hash", // (string) The current block hash
"height": n // (string) The current block height
$ omnicore-cli getaddressbalance '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"]}'
$ omnicore-cli getaddressbalance '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"], "chainInfo": true}'
Returns all mempool deltas for an address (requires addressindex to be enabled).
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
addresses |
object | required | an array of addresses |
"address": "base58address", // (string) The address
"txid": "hash" // (string) The related txid
"index": n, // (number) The related input or output index
"satoshis": n, // (number) The difference of satoshis
"timestamp": n, // (number) The time the transaction entered the mempool (seconds)
"prevtxid": "hash", // (string) The previous txid (if spending)
"prevout": n // (number) The previous transaction output index (if spending)
$ omnicore-cli getaddressmempool '{"addresses": ["2NDaa1MvFcpc2CAbFvG5g9dDxzrRyDnKnsj"]}'
Returns array of hashes of blocks within the timestamp range provided.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
high |
number | required | the newer block timestamp |
low |
number | required | the older block timestamp |
options |
object | optional | an object with options |
"hash", // (string) The block hash
"blockhash": "hash", // (string) The block hash
"logicalts": n // (number) The logical timestamp
$ omnicore-cli getblockhashes 1902163557 1602163557
$ omnicore-cli getblockhashes 1902163557 1602163557 '{"noOrphans":false, "logicalTimes":true}'
Returns the txid and index where an output is spent.
Returns array of hashes of blocks within the timestamp range provided.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
data |
object | required | Transaction data |
"txid": "hash", // (string) The transaction id
"index": n, // (number) The spending input index
"height": n // (number) The block height
getspentinfo '{"txid": "f5ea8842e96933cbb4d6f07c6dd33902bf3abb2f46cd84ff681ecd288214ea72", "index": 0}'
The RPCs for raw transactions/payloads can be used to decode or create raw Omni transactions.
Raw transactions need to be signed with "signrawtransaction"
and then broadcasted with "sendrawtransaction"
Decodes an Omni transaction.
If the inputs of the transaction are not in the chain, then they must be provided, because the transaction inputs are used to identify the sender of a transaction.
A block height can be provided, which is used to determine the parsing rules.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
rawtx |
string | required | the raw transaction to decode |
prevtxs |
string | optional | a JSON array of transaction inputs (default: none) |
height |
number | optional | the parsing block height (default: 0 for chain height) |
The format of prevtxs
is as following:
"txid" : "hash", // (string, required) the transaction hash
"vout" : n, // (number, required) the output number
"scriptPubKey" : "hex", // (string, required) the output script
"value" : n.nnnnnnnn // (number, required) the output value
"txid" : "hash", // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction
"fee" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the transaction fee in feathercoins
"sendingaddress" : "address", // (string) the Feathercoin address of the sender
"referenceaddress" : "address", // (string) a Feathercoin address used as reference (if any)
"ismine" : true|false, // (boolean) whether the transaction involes an address in the wallet
"version" : n, // (number) the transaction version
"type_int" : n, // (number) the transaction type as number
"type" : "type", // (string) the transaction type as string
[...] // (mixed) other transaction type specific properties
$ omnicore-cli "omni_decodetransaction" "010000000163af14ce6d477e1c793507e32a5b7696288fa89705c0d02a3f66beb3c \
5b8afee0100000000ffffffff02ac020000000000004751210261ea979f6a06f9dafe00fb1263ea0aca959875a7073556a088cdf \
adcd494b3752102a3fd0a8a067e06941e066f78d930bfc47746f097fcd3f7ab27db8ddf37168b6b52ae22020000000000001976a \
914946cb2e08075bcbaf157e47bcb67eb2b2339d24288ac00000000" \
"[{\"txid\":\"eeafb8c5b3be663f2ad0c00597a88f2896765b2ae30735791c7e476dce14af63\",\"vout\":1, \
Adds a payload with class C (op-return) encoding to the transaction.
If no raw transaction is provided, a new transaction is created.
If the data encoding fails, then the transaction is not modified.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
rawtx |
string | required | the raw transaction to extend (can be null ) |
payload |
string | required | the hex-encoded payload to add |
"rawtx" // (string) the hex-encoded modified raw transaction
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createrawtx_opreturn" "01000000000000000000" "00000000000000020000000006dac2c0"
Adds a payload with class B (bare-multisig) encoding to the transaction.
If no raw transaction is provided, a new transaction is created.
If the data encoding fails, then the transaction is not modified.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
rawtx |
string | required | the raw transaction to extend (can be null ) |
payload |
string | required | the hex-encoded payload to add |
seed |
string | required | the seed for obfuscation |
payload |
string | required | a public key or address for dust redemption |
"rawtx" // (string) the hex-encoded modified raw transaction
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createrawtx_multisig" \
"0100000001a7a9402ecd77f3c9f745793c9ec805bfa2e14b89877581c734c774864247e6f50400000000ffffffff01aa0a00000 \
00000001976a9146d18edfe073d53f84dd491dae1379f8fb0dfe5d488ac00000000" \
"1LifmeXYHeUe2qdKWBGVwfbUCMMrwYtoMm" \
Adds a transaction input to the transaction.
If no raw transaction is provided, a new transaction is created.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
rawtx |
string | required | the raw transaction to extend (can be null ) |
txid |
string | required | the hash of the input transaction |
n |
number | required | the index of the transaction output used as input |
"rawtx" // (string) the hex-encoded modified raw transaction
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createrawtx_input" \
"01000000000000000000" "b006729017df05eda586df9ad3f8ccfee5be340aadf88155b784d1fc0e8342ee" 0
Adds a reference output to the transaction.
If no raw transaction is provided, a new transaction is created.
The output value is set to at least the dust threshold.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
rawtx |
string | required | the raw transaction to extend (can be null ) |
destination |
string | required | the reference address or destination |
referenceamount |
number | optional | the optional reference amount (minimal by default) |
"rawtx" // (string) the hex-encoded modified raw transaction
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createrawtx_reference" \
21f065b52aeaa0a0000000000001976a914946cb2e08075bcbaf157e47bcb67eb2b2339d24288ac00000000" \
"1CE8bBr1dYZRMnpmyYsFEoexa1YoPz2mfB" \
Adds a change output to the transaction.
The provided inputs are not added to the transaction, but only used to determine the change. It is assumed that the inputs were previously added, for example via "createrawtransaction"
Optionally a position can be provided, where the change output should be inserted, starting with 0
. If the number of outputs is smaller than the position, then the change output is added to the end. Change outputs should be inserted before reference outputs, and as per default, the change output is added to the`first position.
If the change amount would be considered as dust, then no change output is added.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
rawtx |
string | required | the raw transaction to extend |
prevtxs |
string | required | a JSON array of transaction inputs |
destination |
string | required | the destination for the change |
fee |
number | required | the desired transaction fees |
position |
number | optional | the position of the change output (default: first position) |
The format of prevtxs
is as following:
"txid" : "hash", // (string, required) the transaction hash
"vout" : n, // (number, required) the output number
"scriptPubKey" : "hex", // (string, required) the output script
"value" : n.nnnnnnnn // (number, required) the output value
"rawtx" // (string) the hex-encoded modified raw transaction
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createrawtx_change" \
"0100000001b15ee60431ef57ec682790dec5a3c0d83a0c360633ea8308fbf6d5fc10a779670400000000ffffffff025c0d00000 \
000000047512102f3e471222bb57a7d416c82bf81c627bfcd2bdc47f36e763ae69935bba4601ece21021580b888ff56feb27f17f \
08802ebed26258c23697d6a462d43fc13b565fda2dd52aeaa0a0000000000001976a914946cb2e08075bcbaf157e47bcb67eb2b2 \
339d24288ac00000000" \
"[{\"txid\":\"6779a710fcd5f6fb0883ea3306360c3ad8c0a3c5de902768ec57ef3104e65eb1\",\"vout\":4, \
\"scriptPubKey\":\"76a9147b25205fd98d462880a3e5b0541235831ae959e588ac\",\"value\":0.00068257}]" \
"1CE8bBr1dYZRMnpmyYsFEoexa1YoPz2mfB" 0.000035 1
Create the payload for a simple send transaction.
Note: if the server is not synchronized, amounts are considered as divisible, even if the token may have indivisible units!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to send |
amount |
string | required | the amount to send |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_simplesend" 1 "100.0"
Create the payload for a send all transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem of the tokens to send (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_sendall" 2
Create a payload to place, update or cancel a sell offer on the distributed exchange.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyidforsale |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to list for sale (must be 1 for OMN or 2 for TOMN) |
amountforsale |
string | required | the amount of tokens to list for sale |
amountdesired |
string | required | the amount of feathercoins desired |
paymentwindow |
number | required | a time limit in blocks a buyer has to pay following a successful accepting order |
minacceptfee |
string | required | a minimum mining fee a buyer has to pay to accept the offer |
action |
number | required | the action to take (1 for new offers, 2 to update", 3 to cancel) |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_dexsell" 1 "1.5" "0.75" 25 "0.0005" 1
Create the payload for an accept offer for the specified token and amount.
Note: if the server is not synchronized, amounts are considered as divisible, even if the token may have indivisible units!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the token to purchase |
amount |
string | required | the amount to accept |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_dexaccept" 1 "15.0"
Creates the payload for a send-to-owners transaction.
Note: if the server is not synchronized, amounts are considered as divisible, even if the token may have indivisible units!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the token to distribute |
amount |
string | required | the amount to distribute |
distributionproperty |
number | optional | the identifier of the property holders to distribute to |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_sto" 3 "5000"
Creates the payload for a new tokens issuance with fixed supply.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem to create the tokens in (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
type |
number | required | the type of the tokens to create: (1 for indivisible tokens, 2 for divisible tokens) |
previousid |
number | required | an identifier of a predecessor token (use 0 for new tokens) |
category |
string | required | a category for the new tokens (can be "") |
subcategory |
string | required | a subcategory for the new tokens (can be "") |
name |
string | required | the name of the new tokens to create |
url |
string | required | an URL for further information about the new tokens (can be "") |
data |
string | required | a description for the new tokens (can be "") |
amount |
string | required | the number of tokens to create |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_issuancefixed" 2 1 0 "Companies" "Feathercoin Mining" "Quantum Miner" "" "" "1000000"
Creates the payload for a new tokens issuance with crowdsale.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem to create the tokens in (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
type |
number | required | the type of the tokens to create: (1 for indivisible tokens, 2 for divisible tokens) |
previousid |
number | required | an identifier of a predecessor token (use 0 for new tokens) |
category |
string | required | a category for the new tokens (can be "") |
subcategory |
string | required | a subcategory for the new tokens (can be "") |
name |
string | required | the name of the new tokens to create |
url |
string | required | an URL for further information about the new tokens (can be "") |
data |
string | required | a description for the new tokens (can be "") |
propertyiddesired |
number | required | the identifier of a token eligible to participate in the crowdsale |
tokensperunit |
string | required | the amount of tokens granted per unit invested in the crowdsale |
deadline |
number | required | the deadline of the crowdsale as Unix timestamp |
earlybonus |
number | required | an early bird bonus for participants in percent per week |
issuerpercentage |
number | required | a percentage of tokens that will be granted to the issuer |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_issuancecrowdsale" 2 1 0 "Companies" "Feathercoin Mining" "Quantum Miner" "" "" 2 "100" 1483228800 30 2
Creates the payload for a new tokens issuance with manageable supply.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
ecosystem |
number | required | the ecosystem to create the tokens in (1 for main ecosystem, 2 for test ecosystem) |
type |
number | required | the type of the tokens to create: (1 for indivisible tokens, 2 for divisible tokens) |
previousid |
number | required | an identifier of a predecessor token (use 0 for new tokens) |
category |
string | required | a category for the new tokens (can be "") |
subcategory |
string | required | a subcategory for the new tokens (can be "") |
name |
string | required | the name of the new tokens to create |
url |
string | required | an URL for further information about the new tokens (can be "") |
data |
string | required | a description for the new tokens (can be "") |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_issuancemanaged" 2 1 0 "Companies" "Feathercoin Mining" "Quantum Miner" "" ""
Creates the payload to manually close a crowdsale.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the crowdsale to close |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_closecrowdsale" 70
Creates the payload to issue or grant new units of managed tokens.
Note: if the server is not synchronized, amounts are considered as divisible, even if the token may have indivisible units!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to grant |
amount |
string | required | the amount of tokens to create |
grantdata |
string | optional | NFT only: data set in all NFTs created in this grant (default: empty) |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_grant" 51 "7000"
Creates the payload to revoke units of managed tokens.
Note: if the server is not synchronized, amounts are considered as divisible, even if the token may have indivisible units!f
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to revoke |
amount |
string | required | the amount of tokens to revoke |
memo |
string | optional | a text note attached to this transaction (none by default) |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_revoke" 51 "100"
Creates the payload to change the issuer on record of the given tokens.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_changeissuer" 3
Creates the payload to enable address freezing for a centrally managed property.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_enablefreezing" 3
Creates the payload to disable address freezing for a centrally managed property.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Disabling freezing for a property will UNFREEZE all frozen addresses for that property!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_disablefreezing" 3
Creates the payload to freeze an address for a centrally managed token.
Note: if the server is not synchronized, amounts are considered as divisible, even if the token may have indivisible units!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
toaddress |
string | required | the address to freeze tokens for |
propertyid |
number | required | the property to freeze tokens for (must be managed type and have freezing option enabled) |
amount |
string | required | the amount of tokens to freeze (note: this is unused - once frozen an address cannot send any transactions) |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_freeze" "3HTHRxu3aSDV4deakjC7VmsiUp7c6dfbvs" 31 "100"
Creates the payload to unfreeze an address for a centrally managed token.
Note: if the server is not synchronized, amounts are considered as divisible, even if the token may have indivisible units!
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
toaddress |
string | required | the address to unfreeze tokens for |
propertyid |
number | required | the property to unfreeze tokens for (must be managed type and have freezing option enabled) |
amount |
string | required | the amount of tokens to unfreeze (note: this is unused) |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_unfreeze" "3HTHRxu3aSDV4deakjC7VmsiUp7c6dfbvs" 31 "100"
Creates the payload to embed arbitrary data.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
data |
string | required | the hex-encoded data |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_anydata" "646578782032303230"
Create the payload for a non-fungible send transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to send |
tokenstart |
number | required | the first token in the range to send |
tokenend |
number | required | the last token in the range to send |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_sendnonfungible" 70 1 1000
Create the payload for a non-fungible token set data transaction.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the tokens to send |
tokenstart |
number | required | the first token in the range to set data on |
tokenend |
number | required | the last token in the range to set data on |
issuer |
boolean | required | if true issuer data set, otherwise holder data set |
data |
string | required | data set as in either issuer or holder fields |
"payload" // (string) the hex-encoded payload
$ omnicore-cli "omni_createpayload_setnonfungibledata" 70 50 60 true "string data"
The RPCs for the fee system can be used to obtain data about the fee system and fee distributions.
Obtains the current amount of fees cached (pending distribution).
If a property ID is supplied the results will be filtered to show this property ID only. If no property ID is supplied the results will contain all properties that currently have fees cached pending distribution.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | optional | the identifier of the property to filter results on |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"propertyid" : nnnnnnn, // (number) the property id
"cachedfees" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of fees cached for this property
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getfeecache" 31
Obtains the amount at which cached fees will be distributed.
If a property ID is supplied the results will be filtered to show this property ID only. If no property ID is supplied the results will contain all properties.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | optional | the identifier of the property to filter results on |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"propertyid" : nnnnnnn, // (number) the property id
"feetrigger" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount of fees required to trigger distribution
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getfeetrigger" 31
Obtains the current percentage share of fees addresses would receive if a distribution were to occur.
If an address is supplied the results will be filtered to show this address only. If no address is supplied the results will be filtered to show wallet addresses only. If a wildcard is provided ("*"
) the results will contain all addresses that would receive a share.
If an ecosystem is supplied the results will reflect the fee share for that ecosystem (main or test). If no ecosystem is supplied the results will reflect the main ecosystem.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
address |
string | optional | the address to filter results on |
ecosystem |
number | optional | the ecosystem to obtain the current percentage fee share (1 = main, 2 = test) |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"address" : "address" // (string) the address that would receive a share of fees
"feeshare" : "n.nnnn%", // (string) the percentage of fees this address will receive based on the current state
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getfeeshare" "1CE8bBr1dYZRMnpmyYsFEoexa1YoPz2mfB" 1
Obtains data for a past distribution of fees.
A distribution ID must be supplied to identify the distribution to obtain data for.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
distributionid |
number | required | the identifier of the distribution to obtain data for |
"distributionid" : n, // (number) the distribution id
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the property id of the distributed tokens
"block" : n, // (number) the block the distribution occurred
"amount" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount that was distributed
"recipients": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of recipients
"address" : "address", // (string) the address of the recipient
"amount" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount of fees received by the recipient
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getfeedistribution" 1
Obtains data for past distributions of fees for a property.
A property ID must be supplied to retrieve past distributions for.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
propertyid |
number | required | the identifier of the property to retrieve past distributions for |
[ // (array of JSON objects)
"distributionid" : n, // (number) the distribution id
"propertyid" : n, // (number) the property id of the distributed tokens
"block" : n, // (number) the block the distribution occurred
"amount" : "n.nnnnnnnn", // (string) the amount that was distributed
"recipients": [ // (array of JSON objects) a list of recipients
"address" : "address", // (string) the address of the recipient
"amount" : "n.nnnnnnnn" // (string) the amount of fees received by the recipient
$ omnicore-cli "omni_getfeedistributions" 31
The RPCs for the configuration can be used to alter Omni Core settings.
Sets the global flag that determines whether transactions are automatically committed and broadcasted.
Name | Type | Presence | Description |
flag |
boolean | required | the flag |
true|false // (boolean) the updated flag status
$ omnicore-cli "omni_setautocommit" false
To ensure backwards compatibility, deprecated RPCs are kept for at least one major version.
The following calls are replaced in Omni Core 0.0.10, and queries with the old command are forwarded.