diff --git a/build/templater/debian/ombi.service b/build/templater/debian/ombi.service index 352862d..22f5875 100644 --- a/build/templater/debian/ombi.service +++ b/build/templater/debian/ombi.service @@ -2,11 +2,18 @@ Description=Ombi - PMS Requests System After=network-online.target +##!!!Do not edit this file. I mean, go ahead if you really want to. +## what you SHOULD do, is copy this service file to /etc/systemd/system/ombi.service and edit it there. +## or make a new file in /etc/systemd/system/ombi.service.d/local.conf and simply override the parts you want to change. +## and the rest will be defaulted to whats in here. +## Finally, if the above options seem difficult, you can put additional startup options in /etc/default/ombi.conf like this: +##startup_options = "--host --baseurl /ombi" [Service] +EnvironmnetFile=-/etc/default/ombi.conf User=ombi Group=nogroup WorkingDirectory=/opt/Ombi/ -ExecStart=/opt/Ombi/Ombi --storage /etc/Ombi/ +ExecStart=/opt/Ombi/Ombi --storage /etc/Ombi/ ${startup_options} Type=simple TimeoutStopSec=30 Restart=on-failure