This document explains the process by which the CLI is distrbuted to various package management systems, such as Homebrew, Chocolatey, and apt.
The following process happens on each merge of a PR to main
graph LR
Developer --> |merge PR| GM[Git Main] --> |merge trigger| RP[Release-Please updates changelog PR PR]
When the team decides to create a release, we do so by merging the changelog PR that release-please has been keeping up to date.
This creates a new GitHub release, and also a Git Tag with the corresponding version number (e.g. v2.1
graph LR
Developer --> |merge changelog PR| GM[Git Main] --> |merge trigger| RP[Release-Please creates tag and github release]
Upon creation of the git tag, a goreleaser
workflow runs, which builds the binaries and kicks off the distribution flow:
graph LR
RP[release-please] --> |creates tag| GM[Git] --> |tag trigger| GO[GoReleaser]
The GoReleaser Github Actions workflow does most of the heavy lifting, as follows
flowchart TD
goreleaser --> msi --> generate-packages-and-publish
subgraph "goreleaser"
build --> uploadToGHA
build[Build CLI binaries for all architectures including deb, rpm and generate homebrew formula]
uploadToGHA[Upload binaries+linux packages+homebrew formula to GHA artifact]
subgraph "msi"
fetch --> buildmsi --> signmsi --> attachMSIToRelease --> uploadMSIToGHA
fetch[Fetch GHA artifact]
buildmsi[Build MSI installer]
signmsi[Sign MSI installer]
attachMSIToRelease["Attach MSI to GHA release"]
uploadMSIToGHA["Upload(append) MSI to GHA artifact"]
subgraph generate-packages-and-publish
fetch2 --> getScripts --> choco --> zipall --> octoPush --> octoRelease
fetch2[Fetch MSI + CLI Binaries from GHA artifact]
getScripts[Copy scripts to publish rpm and deb from OctopusDeploy/linux-package-feeds]
choco[Create chocolatey package]
zipall[Create with all packages and scripts]
octoPush[Push to octopus deploy]
octoRelease[Create release in octopus deploy using VERSION]
After which point Octopus is used to publish the packages to the external marketplaces, using the following deployment process. The lifecycle is configured to automatically deploy upon release creation
flowchart LR
choco-push[Push CLI to chocolatey]
homebrew-pr[Create pull request to update homebrew]
apt-push[Publish to APT repo]
rpm-push[Publish to RPM repo]