Releases · ONLYOFFICE/
- editors: added the WOPI Conversion API
- editors: added the UserCanNotWriteRelative property to the CheckFileInfo WOPI operation
- editors: added the scheme for editing binary document formats
- editors: added the convert action to the WOPI discovery
- editors: added the PutRelativeFile WOPI operation
- editors: added the Inserting external data page
- editors: added the setReferenceData method
- editors: added the events.onRequestReferenceData event
- editors: added the document.referenceData parameter
- editors: added the mode field to the editorConfig.customization.layout.leftMenu and editorConfig.customization.layout.rightMenu parameters
- editors: added the editorConfig.customization.font parameter
- editors: added the EnableInsertRemoteImage, CopyPasteRestrictions, SupportsLocks, and SupportsUpdate CheckFileInfo properties
- editors: added the Action_InsertGraphic, Blur_Focus, Grab_Focus, and Host_PostmessageReady PostMessage messages
- editors: added the information about the syncronous conversion timeout
- editors: added the history.serverVersion parameter description
- editors: added the conversion limitation for the spreadsheets
- editors: added the information about hiding changes when the server version is updated
- plugins: v7.3
- plugins: changed the structure of the Plugins and Macros section
- plugins: parsing documentation from source code
- plugins: added the icons2 and store parameters to the plugin config
- docbuilder: v7.3
- portals: generate documentation without dll
- editors: added the editorConfig.customization.integrationMode parameter
- editors: added the integration with frontent frameworks
- editors: JWT is enabled by default
- plugins: added the onAddComment, onChangeCommentData and onRemoveComment events
- plugins: added the AcceptReviewChanges, MoveToNextReviewChange and RejectReviewChanges methods
- macros: added the Import CSV/text data macro
- macros: added the Recalculate worksheet values macro sample
- docbuilder: added global examples
- docbuilder: added the onWorksheetChange event to Spreadsheet API
- docbuilder: events documentation
- docbuilder: global member properties
- editors: added the Version and LastModifiedTime properties to the CheckFileInfo WOPI operation
- editors: added the Connector class to interact with text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and fillable forms from the outside
- editors: added the theme-contrast-dark theme id to the editorConfig.customization.uiTheme parameter
- editors: added the phone field to the editorConfig.customization.customer parameter
- editors: added the four letter language codes to the editorConfig.lang parameter
- editors: added the connections_view, users_view_count and users_view parameters to the license response
- editors: added the information about co-editing modes
- editors: added the live viewer mode to the text document, spreadsheet and presentation editors
- editors: added the embedview action to the WOPI discovery
- editors: added the information about highlighting document changes in the forcefully saved document versions
- editors: signature code examples
- editors: added the Drupal ONLYOFFICE connector module
- editors: added the Mobile integration page
- editors: added the WordPress plugin
- editors: test examples v1.3.0
- plugins: added the onBlurContentControl, onChangeContentControl and onFocusContentControl events
- plugins: added the ChangeOleObject, GetAllForms, GetFileToDownload, GetFormsByTag, GetFormValue, GetImageDataFromSelection, GetInstalledPlugins, InstallPlugin, PutImageDataToSelection, RemovePlugin, SetFormValue, ShowButton and UpdatePlugin methods
- plugins: changed the plugin localization scheme
- macros: added the Debugging page
- docbuilder: added the C++ and .Net wrappers
- docbuilder: v7.2
- portals: api v12.1.0
- editors: the services.CoAuthoring.token.inbox.inBody and services.CoAuthoring.token.outbox.inBody parameters for enabling token in body are deprecated
- editors: added the X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser, X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave and X-LOOL-WOPI-IsExitSave request headers to the PutFile WOPI operation
- editors: added the parameter
- editors: added conversion from xlsb format
- editors: added opening for xlsb format
- editors: added the editorConfig.customization.layout parameter section
- editors: added the editorConfig.customization.features parameter section
- editors: added the documentLayout parameter to the conversion request
- editors: added the documentRenderer parameter to the conversion request
- editors: added conversion from pdf/xps/oxps formats to docx
- editors: added the document.permissions.userInfoGroups parameter
- plugins: the access to the window and document objects and the alert function is restricted from the plugin command code and macros
- plugins: added the GetAllOleObjects, RemoveOleObject, RemoveOleObjects and SelectOleObject methods
- plugins: added the ConvertDocument and ReplaceTextSmart methods
- docbuilder: v7.1
- desktop: added the --ascdesktop-support-debug-info-keep flag to run the application
- portals: api v12.0
- editors: test examples v1.2.0
- editors: added the Strapi plugin
- editors: added the information for Nextcloud and ownCloud about validating certificates
- editors: added the important security information to the test examples
- editors: link to helpcenter about themes
- plugins: updated the information about adding plugins to ONLYOFFICE Cloud