diff --git a/docs/Optum Clinformatics/Optum_person.md b/docs/Optum Clinformatics/Optum_person.md
index 83f0cc83..d85b2c1d 100644
--- a/docs/Optum Clinformatics/Optum_person.md
+++ b/docs/Optum Clinformatics/Optum_person.md
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Race is also now split into two variables such that patients can denote both the
|BIRTH_DATETIME|**Member_Continuous_Enrollment** YRDOB
UTC tz midnight|Concatenate the source field values into datetime value with UTC Timezone|
|DEATH_DATETIME|**(DOD only) DEATH** YMDOD|Set the day to the last day of the month and set time to UTC tz midnight|
|RACE_CONCEPT_ID|**Member_Enrollment** Race|[See Race mapping](#Mapping-Race)||
-|ETHNICITY_CONCEPT_ID|**Member_Enrollment** Race|[See Ethnicity mapping](#Mapping-Race)||
+|ETHNICITY_CONCEPT_ID|**Member_Enrollment** Ethnicity|[See Ethnicity mapping](#Mapping-Ethnicity)||
|LOCATION_ID|FK to Location table.|Represents the last known location for person in **Member_Continuous_Enrollment**. For **SES** the field is REGION, and **DOD** it is STATE||