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Getting Started: Windows

ifrasch edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 57 revisions

Table of Contents

Using an Installer

Building from source

Tools and Dependencies

Installing git for Windows

  1. Download and install msysgit. If you plan to submit patches to the bladeRF project, please select the Checkout as-is, commit Unix-style line endings option in the installer.
  2. Download and install tortoisegit.
For more information, see the mysysgit and tortoisegit wiki pages about their install procedures.

Installing Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop

  1. Download Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop from Microsoft.
  2. Follow the installation instructions, including any post-install updates.
Note: Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop corresponds to Visual Studio 12 in CMake.

Installing libusb

  1. Download the latest Windows binary release of libusb, which also include development headers
    1. Note: you may need to download and install 7-zip from to open this file.
  2. Extract the contents to a location of your choice. Make note of this location so that you can later provide it to CMake. The default configuration assumes that files will be in C:/Program Files (x86)/libusb-1.0.20 If you wish to change the directory, use the -DLIBUSB_PATH= option for CMake.
  3. Get the device driver installer (zadig):
  4. Open Zadig.
  5. Go to Device->Create New Device.
  6. Type a device name (i.e., "bladeRF") in the text box. In the driver spinbox, select libusbK. Specify the VID/PID (1d50/6066) in the USB ID fields.
  7. Plug the device into the computer and open Device Manager. A new device called bladeRF should show up with a yellow bang next to it in device manager.
  8. Right-click on the bladeRF entry and select "Update Driver Software...".
    1. Choose "Browse my computer for driver software"
    2. "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer".
    3. Click "Have Disk..." and point it to the location that Zadig installed the driver to (C:\usb_driver).
    4. Select "bladeRF" and continue through the wizard.
  9. Device Manager should now show bladeRF under libusbK USB Devices.

Installing pthreads-win32

The pthreads library is required to build libbladeRF and its utilities. A few steps are required to install this pthreads implementation. See the pthreads-win32 website for more information.

  1. Download the latest release. Currently this is the pthreads-win32 website.
  2. Extract the contents of the release zip.
  3. Copy the contents of the Pre-built.2 directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\pthreads-win32

Installing CMake

Download and install CMake for Windows:

Building with CMake and Visual Studio 2013

Cloning the bladeRF git repository

  1. Right click on the Desktop and click "Git clone..."
  2. Paste into the URL field
  3. Select your preferred directory to clone the repository to. TortoiseGit requires this to be an empty folder.
  4. Click OK and let it run. The bladeRF code is now on your computer.

Configuring with CMake

  1. Run the CMake GUI utility.
  2. Under "Where is the source code", browse to [preferred_directory]/bladeRF/host.
  3. Create a new directory, [preferred_directory]/bladeRF/host/build.
  4. Under "Where to build the binaries", browse to the newly created [preferred_directory]/bladeRF/host/build. Click the Configure button.
  5. Select your appropriate version of Visual Studio. For Visual Studio 2013, select "Visual Studio 12" or "Visual Studio 12 Win64". Select "Use default native compilers", then click "Finish".
  6. If the configuration fails, double check the values for LIBUSB_PATH and LIBPTHREADSWIN32_PATH, and re-run the configuration.
  7. Click on the Generate button.
  8. A visual studio solution should now be available, build/host/bladeRF.sln


  1. CMake has created a bladeRF.sln file. Open Visual Studio, and open this file.
  2. A number of projects should show up in the Solution Explorer, including:
    1. bladeRF-cli
    2. libbladerf_shared
  3. Run Build -> Build Solution
  4. After the build completes, you should see an host\output directory in the build directory, containing either a Debug or Release subdirectory. These directories will contain generated executables, libraries, and will contain copies of the required DLLs.

Verifying basic functionality

Open up a cmd.exe window and navigate to the output directory associated with your build:


10/19/2013  05:36 PM           122,880 bladeRF-cli.exe
10/19/2013  05:36 PM           139,776 bladeRF.dll

... Snipped out some other items ...

10/19/2013  05:35 PM            92,160 libusb-1.0.dll
10/19/2013  05:35 PM            55,808 pthreadVC2.dll

Note the presence of the libusb-1.0.dll and pthreadVC2.dll in this directory. These are placed here so that the bladeRF-cli and other tests may be run from this directory.

From here, you can continue on with the Getting Started: Verifying Basic Device Operation wiki page. If you encounter any errors or warnings, please see the Troubleshooting guide.

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