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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘
- ❤️ 最后 1 天复盘总结。
Hi, guys. I'm Penny, my nickname on 𝕏 is @Penny777. Please follow me! Currently, I'm living in New Zealand and working for a Web3 company. It may sound like I have a lot of opportunities to learn English with native speakers, but that's not true. All of my colleagues are also Chinese, and we speak Chinese all day. The local people have a Kiwi accent, which is very difficult to understand—HELL MODE! So, I want to join this group and dive into English training together.
To be honest, I'm not very sure, maybe 50%
Dictation 1 to 3
- Mother ~, who receive the Nobel peace prize for her work on behalf the poor ~ India, she was 87 years old.
- What time do you have? I have 5 o'clock
- There are three things I've learned that never to discuse with people: religion, politics, and great ~.
- Mother Teresa, who received the Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta India, she was 87 years old.
- ✔
- There are three things I've learned never to discuse with people: religion, politics, and Great Pumpkin.
- Mother Teresa
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Calcutta(kolkata) India
- Great Pumpkin
- The video cut about 'Great Pumpkin'
- Understanding the background of culture is also important thing in dictation training. Such as, Mother Teresa, Calcutta India, Great Pumpkin and so on.