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Work on sko_forall
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NotBad4U committed Mar 19, 2024
1 parent d36467c commit 9ace988
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Showing 55 changed files with 11,634 additions and 3,892 deletions.
144 changes: 136 additions & 8 deletions carcara/lambdapi/Alethe.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -422,20 +422,98 @@ begin

opaque symbol imp_eq_or p q: πᶜ (((¬ p) ∨ᶜ q) = (p ⇒ᶜ q)) ≔
assume p q;
apply prop_ext;
apply ∧ᶜᵢ
{ apply ⇒ᶜᵢ; assume Hor; apply or_to_imply Hor }
{ apply ⇒ᶜᵢ; assume Himp; apply imply_to_or Himp }

opaque symbol contrapos [p q] : πᶜ (p ⇒ᶜ q ⇔ᶜ (¬ q ⇒ᶜ ¬ p)) ≔
assume p q;
apply ∧ᶜᵢ
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume Himp;
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume Hnq;
apply ¬ᶜᵢ;
assume Hp;
have Hq: πᶜ q
{ apply ⇒ᶜₑ Himp Hp };
apply ¬ᶜₑ Hnq Hq
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume Himp;
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume Hp;
have Hor: πᶜ ((¬ ¬ q) ∨ᶜ ¬ p) {
rewrite imp_eq_or;
apply Himp
apply ∨ᶜₑ Hor
{ assume Hnnq; rewrite left nnpp_eq; apply Hnnq }
{ assume Hnp; apply ¬ᶜₑ Hnp Hp }

opaque symbol contradiction p : (πᶜ (¬ p) → πᶜ ⊥) → πᶜ p ≔
assume p Hnp;

// // Hilbert epsilon operator/choice
constant symbol ϵ [a]: (τ a → Prop) → τ a; notation ϵ quantifier;
symbol ϵ [a]: (τ a → Prop) → τ a; notation ϵ quantifier;

constant symbol ϵᵢ x p : πᶜ (p x) → πᶜ (p (ϵ p));
constant symbol ϵᵢ [a] x (p: τ a → Prop) : πᶜ (p x) → πᶜ (p (ϵ p));
constant symbol ϵ_det [p q]: Π x, πᶜ ((p x) ⇔ᶜ (q x)) → πᶜ (ϵ p = ϵ q);

opaque symbol imp_eq_or p q: πᶜ (((¬ p) ∨ᶜ q) = (p ⇒ᶜ q)) ≔
opaque symbol ϵ_to_∃ [a] p: πᶜ ((`∃ᶜ (x : τ a), p x) = p (`ϵ (x : τ a), p x)) ≔
assume p q;
assume a p;
apply prop_ext;
apply ∧ᶜᵢ
{ apply ⇒ᶜᵢ; assume Hor; apply or_to_imply Hor }
{ apply ⇒ᶜᵢ; assume Himp; apply imply_to_or Himp }
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume H;
apply ∃ᶜₑ _ H;
assume x H1;
apply ϵᵢ x (λ u, (p u)) H1;
apply ⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₂ (@contrapos (p (`ϵ x, p x) ) (`∃ᶜ x, p x)));
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume H;
have H1: πᶜ (`∀ᶜ x, ¬ p x) { apply (⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₁ (nex_forall p)) H) };
//type ∀ᶜₑ (λ u, ¬ (p u)) H1

opaque symbol ϵ_to_∀ [a] p: πᶜ ((`∀ᶜ (x : τ a), p x) = p (`ϵ (x : τ a), (¬ p x))) ≔
assume a p;
apply prop_ext;
apply ∧ᶜᵢ
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume H;
apply ∀ᶜₑ (`ϵ x, ¬ (p x)) H
apply ⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₂ (@contrapos (p (`ϵ x, ¬ (p x)) ) (`∀ᶜ x, p x)));
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume H;
have H1: πᶜ (`∃ᶜ x, ¬ p x) { refine (⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₁ (nforall_ex p)) H) };
apply ∃ᶜₑ _ H1;
assume x Hnpx;
apply ϵᵢ x (λ u, ¬ (p u)) Hnpx;

opaque symbol and_identity_r x : πᶜ ((x ∧ᶜ ⊤) = x) ≔
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1391,6 +1469,56 @@ begin

opaque symbol bind_∀' [a p q]: (Π (x: τ a), Π (y: τ a), πᶜ (x = y) → πᶜ (p x = q y)) → πᶜ ((`∀ᶜ (x: τ a), p x) = (`∀ᶜ (y: τ a), q y)) ≔
assume a p q;
assume H;
apply prop_ext;
apply ∧ᶜᵢ
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume H1;
apply ∀ᶜᵢ _;
assume x;
have Hpx: πᶜ (p x) { apply ∀ᶜₑ x H1; };
rewrite left H x x (eq_reflᶜ x);
apply Hpx
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume H1;
apply ∀ᶜᵢ _;
assume x;
have Hqx: πᶜ (q x) { apply ∀ᶜₑ x H1 };
rewrite H x x (eq_reflᶜ x);
apply Hqx;

opaque symbol sko_forall [a p q]: (Π (x: τ a), πᶜ (x = `ϵ (y: τ a), ¬ (p y)) → πᶜ (p x = q)) → πᶜ ((`∀ᶜ (x: τ a), p x) = q) ≔
assume a p q H;
apply prop_ext;
apply ∧ᶜᵢ
apply ⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₂ (@contrapos (`∀ᶜ x, p x) q));
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume Hnq;
rewrite .[x in ¬ x] (ϵ_to_∀ p);
have H1: πᶜ (p (`ϵ x, ¬ (p x)) = q) { apply H; reflexivity };
rewrite H1;
apply Hnq
rewrite .[x in _ ⇒ᶜ x] (ϵ_to_∀ p);
apply ⇒ᶜᵢ;
assume Hq;
have H1: πᶜ (p (`ϵ y, ¬ (p y)) = q) { apply H; reflexivity };
rewrite H1;
apply Hq

require open Stdlib.Nat;

// Inductive t A : nat -> Type :=
Expand All @@ -1405,7 +1533,7 @@ rule τ (vec $a $n) ↪ Vec $a $n;

symbol distinct a n : Vec a n → Prop;

type (cons 2 a (cons 1 b (cons 0 c □)));
//type (cons 2 a (cons 1 b (cons 0 c □)));

// boolean case
rule distinct o _ □ ↪ ⊤
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1445,4 +1573,4 @@ opaque symbol feq3ᶜ [a b c d] (f:τ a → τ b → τ c → τ d):
Π [x x':τ a], πᶜ(x = x') → Π [y y':τ b], πᶜ(y = y') → Π [z z':τ c], πᶜ(z = z') → πᶜ(f x y z = f x' y' z') ≔
assume a b c d f x x' xx' y y' yy' z z' zz'; rewrite xx'; rewrite yy'; rewrite zz'; reflexivity
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions carcara/lambdapi/Classic.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -422,3 +422,7 @@ begin
{ apply ⇒ᶜᵢ; assume hp; refine ⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₁ eqr) (⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₁ epq) hp) }
{ apply ⇒ᶜᵢ; assume hr; refine ⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₂ epq) (⇒ᶜₑ (∧ᶜₑ₂ eqr) hr) }

opaque symbol nforall_ex [a] p : πᶜ ((¬ (`∀ᶜ (x : τ a), p x)) ⇔ᶜ (`∃ᶜ (x : τ a), ¬ p x)) ≔ begin admit end;

opaque symbol nex_forall [a] p : πᶜ ((¬ (`∃ᶜ (x : τ a), p x)) ⇔ᶜ (`∀ᶜ (x : τ a), ¬ p x)) ≔ begin admit end;
53 changes: 42 additions & 11 deletions carcara/src/lambdapi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use crate::ast::{
use crate::parser::FunctionDef;
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::fmt::{self};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::time::Duration;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,15 +175,15 @@ macro_rules! tactic {
tactic![ $steps, $( $body )* ]
($steps:ident, rewrite [$($i:tt)+] $( ( $($args:tt) + ) ) * $($body:tt)+) => {
($steps:ident, rewrite [$($i:tt)+] $( ( $($args:tt) + ) ) * ; $($body:tt)+) => {
$steps.push(ProofStep::Rewrite(None, $($i)+, vec![ $( make_term![ $( $args )+ ] , )* ]));
tactic![ $steps, $( $body )+ ]
($steps:ident, rewrite .$pattern:tt $i:tt $( ( $($args:tt) + ) ) * $($body:tt)+) => {
($steps:ident, rewrite .$pattern:tt $i:tt $( ( $($args:tt) + ) ) * ; $($body:tt)+) => {
$steps.push(ProofStep::Rewrite(Some($pattern.to_string()), Term::from($i), vec![ $( make_term![ $( $args )+ ] , )* ]));
tactic![ $steps, $( $body )+ ]
($steps:ident, rewrite $i:tt $( ( $($args:tt) + ) ) * $($body:tt)+) => {
($steps:ident, rewrite $i:tt $( ( $($args:tt) + ) ) * ; $($body:tt)+) => {
$steps.push(ProofStep::Rewrite(None, Term::from($i), vec![ $( make_term![ $( $args )+ ] , )* ]));
tactic![ $steps, $( $body )+ ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -673,23 +673,35 @@ fn translate_subproof<'a>(
) -> TradResult<Vec<ProofStep>> {
let subproof = commands.last().unwrap();

//Get the last step of the proof
let (id, clause, rule) = unwrap_match!(
ProofCommand::Step(AstProofStep { id, clause, rule,.. }) => (normalize_name(id), clause, rule)

let assignment_args = assignment_args
.map(|(_, term)| Term::from(term))

let clause = clause.iter().map(From::from).collect_vec();

let mut fresh_ctx = Context::default();
fresh_ctx.sharing_map = context.sharing_map.clone();

let mut proof_cmds = translate_commands(&mut fresh_ctx, iter)?;

.filter(|cmd| matches!(cmd, ProofStep::Have(_, _, _)))
.for_each(|cmd| match cmd {
ProofStep::Have(name, cl, steps) => {
*cmd = ProofStep::Have(name.to_string(), cl.clone(), steps.to_vec());
_ => {},
} );

let assignment_args = assignment_args
.map(|(_, term)| Term::from(term))

//TODO: Remove this side effect by append the prelude in translate_commands and return the pair Subproof + Axioms in subproof
context.prelude.append(&mut fresh_ctx.prelude); // Add subproof of current subproof to the prelude

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,6 +756,20 @@ fn translate_subproof<'a>(
} else if rule == "sko_forall" {
let last_step_id = unwrap_match!(commands.get(commands.len() - 1), Some(ProofCommand::Step(AstProofStep{id, ..})) => normalize_name(id));

// end of the script
proof_cmds.append(&mut lambdapi! {
apply "∨ᶜᵢ₁";
apply "π̇ₗ" (@last_step_id.into());

} else {
let psy_id = unwrap_match!(commands.get(commands.len() - 2), Some(ProofCommand::Step(AstProofStep{id, ..})) => normalize_name(id));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -866,8 +892,12 @@ fn translate_tautology(

let steps = match rule {
"bind" | "subproof" => None,
"false" => Some(translate_false()),
"forall_inst" => Some(translate_forall_inst(args)),
"cong" => Some(translate_cong(clause, premises.as_slice())),
"cong" => {
/* println!("{}", id) ; */
Some(translate_cong(clause, premises.as_slice()))
"and_neg" | "or_neg" | "and_pos" | "or_pos" => Some(translate_auto_rewrite(rule)),
"not_or" => Some(translate_not_or(premises.first()?)),
"implies" => Some(translate_implies(premises.first()?.0.as_str())),
Expand All @@ -879,7 +909,8 @@ fn translate_tautology(
"refl" => Some(translate_refl()),
"and" => Some(translate_and(premises.first()?)),
"or" => Some(translate_or(premises.first()?.0.as_str())),
"hole" | "reordering" | "contraction" => Some(Ok(Proof(vec![ProofStep::Admit]))), // Rule specific to Carcara
"sko_forall" => Some(translate_sko_forall()),
"hole" | "reordering" | "contraction" => Some(Ok(Proof(vec![ProofStep::Admit]))), // specific rules of CVC5
_ => Some(translate_simple_tautology(rule, premises.as_slice())),

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion carcara/src/lambdapi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ impl PrettyPrint for LTerm {
=> space()
=> p.to_doc()
Expand Down

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