On OSX or Linux development workstations,
Install NodeJS posssibly with NVM, which may depend on the availability of an installed python, and c++ compiler.
Install yarn package manager.
Linux: develop for example on an older 32 bit workstation with distribution Fedora (25)
Install whatever version of Python the NVM script will expect:
$ sudo dnf install python27
Install a version of NVM (check github for later revisions):
$ curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
If you are installing the latest NodeJS in for example Fedora (25) on an
older 32 bit workstation, you may need to build NodeJS from source which
will require installing gcc
$ sudo dnf install gcc-c++
Install a specific version of NodeJS with the node version manager. If NVM chooses to compile because there is no binary distribution, then the compile process will take quite a while.
$ nvm install 11.0.0
Install yarn . Further reading about yarn usage
$ npm install yarn --global