Use this node to create animations in your Noodl projects.
Duration (ms)
The duration of the animation in milliseconds.
Easing Curve
Selects the curvature of the animation. There are four supported curves, and one that can be customized:
- Ease in
- Ease out
- Ease in ease out
- Linear
- Cubic Bezier
Cubic Bezier
This curve is controlled by two points, P1 and P2. These two points define a cubic bezier curve that controls the animation. It mirrors the functionality of cubic-bezier(P1X, P1Y, P2X, P2Y) in CSS.
+ Port
Click the +Port button to add a new subanimation (new value to animate). When you create a subanimation and give it a name, a new output port with the same name will also be created.
Start Mode
Controls the mode of the start value of a subanimation:
- Implicit - Sets the start value to the current value of the animated property, meaning for example if the currently connected value is 7, the animation will start from 7. If it is 100 it will start from 100 and so on.
- Explicit - Set the start value of a subanimation to a specific number that you specify in the node propeties.
Start Value
The number the subanimation should start at. Only available if Start Mode is set to Explicit.
End Value
The number the subanimation should end at.
Actions will play all subanimations of an Animation node.
Play to End
Plays the Animation from the current values of the subanimations to the end values of the subanimations.
Play From Start To End
Plays the animation from the Start Values of the subanimation to the End Values. Subanimations with Implicit Start Mode will work just as Play To End and will start from the subanimations current value.
Play to Start
Plays the animation from the current values of the subaniamtions to the Start Values of the subanimations. Subanimations with Implicit Start Mode will end at the value the subanimation had before it was animated.
Play From End To Start
Plays the animation from the End Values of the subanimations to the Start Values. Subanimations with Implicit Start Mode will animate to the value the subanimation had before it was animated.
Jump To Start
Instantly set the subanimations to their Start Values.
Jump To End
Instantly set the subanimations to their End Values.
Has Reached Start
This signal fires when the subanimations have played to start (reached their Start Values).
Has Reached End
This signal fires when the subanimations have played to end (reached their End Values).
Each subanimation creates an output that will show up in the Animation Values list.