Class for sending emails using SMTP.
#include "MailSending.h"
// creation
static MailSending *create();
// configuration
void serverSet(const std::string &server);
void passwordSet(const std::string &password);
void recipientSet(const std::string &recipient);
void senderSet(const std::string &sender);
void subjectSet(const std::string &subject);
void bodySet(const std::string &body);
// start / cancel
Processing *start(Processing *pChild, DriverMode driver = DrivenByParent);
Processing *cancel(Processing *pChild);
// success
Success success();
// result
// environment change -> email sent
// repel
Processing *repel(Processing *pChild);
Processing *whenFinishedRepel(Processing *pChild);
The MailSending() class provides functionality for sending emails via the SMTP protocol. It utilizes the cURL library for handling email transmission over SMTP, offering both synchronous and asynchronous operations.
Creates a new instance of the MailSending() class. Memory is allocated using new
with the std::nothrow
modifier to ensure safe handling of failed allocations.
Sets the SMTP server to be used for sending the email.
- server: The SMTP server address (e.g., "").
Sets the password for SMTP authentication.
- password: The password for the SMTP server.
Sets the email recipient address.
- recipient: The recipient's email address (e.g., "[email protected]").
Sets the email sender address.
- sender: The sender's email address (e.g., "[email protected]").
Sets the subject of the email.
- subject: The email subject.
Sets the body content of the email.
- body: The email body.
Once the process is started, it progresses "in the background". This means that with each system tick, the process is allowed to take a small amount of processing time. During each tick, the process must account for other processes that are contained within the same driver tree.
The progression can be managed by the parent process itself (DrivenByParent = default) or optionally by a new driver. When a new driver is used, it creates a new driver tree. All children within a driver tree share the processing time of the system ticks, unless a new driver tree is created.
A new driver can either be an internal driver, such as a worker thread (DrivenByNewInternalDriver), or any external driver (DrivenByExternalDriver), like a thread pool or a specialized scheduler.
- pChild: Pointer to any process which is derived from Processing().
- driver: Type of driver which is responsible for the progress of the new child process. A new thread? --> DrivenByNewInternalDriver
Processes are related to functions. They establish a mapping from input to output. For functions, the mathematical signature is y = f(x). In the case of processes, however, the mapping cannot happen immediately as with functions; instead, it takes too much time to wait for completion. Therefore, the mathematical signature of processes is y = p(x, t).
In software, processes also differ from functions. While functions are managed by the compiler and the calling procedure (ABI) on the system's stack, processes must be managed by the user and reside in the heap memory.
As long as this process is not finished, its function success() returns Pending. On error, success() is not Positive but returns some negative number. On success, success() returns Positive.
Environment change. An email has been sent to the recipient.
Note: Error codes may not be distinctly defined at this time.
Possible causes and their corresponding error codes identifiers are:
Code Cause
<none> Bad configuration
<none> Timeout sending mail
<none> Error during transfer
After a process has completed and its results have been consumed, the process must be separated from the parent process using the repel() function. This is inherent to the nature of processes.
In the header file of MsgDispatching()
/* member variables */
MailSending *mpMail;
In the source file of MsgDispatching()
: Processing("MsgDispatching")
, mpMail(NULL) // initialize pointer
mState = StStart;
Success MsgDispatching::process()
Success success;
switch (mState)
case StStart:
// create AND CHECK
mpMail = MailSending::create();
if (!mpMail)
return procErrLog(-1, "could not create process");
// configure (required)
mpMail->recipientSet("[email protected]");
mpMail->senderSet("[email protected]");
mpMail->subjectSet("Test Email");
mpMail->bodySet("This is a test email.");
// start
mState = StMailDoneWait;
case StMailDoneWait:
// wait
success = mpMail->success();
if (success == Pending)
// FIRST: check for errors
if (success != Positive)
procWrnLog("could not finish email sending");
// ALWAYS: repel
mpMail = NULL;
mState = StNext;
case StNext:
return Pending;
- Linux
- Windows
- FreeBSD
- MacOSX
Order 1
Depth -
The base class for all processes in a software system.
License MIT
Required Yes
Project Page
License GPLv3
Required Yes
Project Page
cURL is a library for transferring data with URLs, supporting SMTP for sending emails.
License MIT-like
Required Yes
Project Page
Processing(), cURL, curl_easy_perform(), curl_multi_perform()
Copyright (C) 2024, Johannes Natter
This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 or later. See for more information.