Welcome to the TastyBites repository! This project aims to create an engaging platform that reflects the restaurant's unique identity and enhances customer interactions. The website serves as a central hub for showcasing the menu, facilitating reservations, and allowing customers to share their experiences.
- React
- Vite
- Tailwind CSS
- Framer Motion
- W3 Forms
TastyBites is a team project organized by Devoic. Our team was divided into pairs to work on various components of the project, ensuring a collaborative effort to deliver a functional and visually appealing restaurant website.
- Sign-In Page
- Home Page
- Services Page
- Feedback Page
- Bookings Page
- Project Name: Restaurant Website
- Team Name: EasyDevs
- Team Members:
- Nitin Chakrawarti
- Archana Nair
Nitin Chakrawarti:
- Sign-In Page
- Home Page (excluding booking card)
- Feedback Page
- Bookings Page
Archana Nair:
- Services Page
- Footer
- Booking Card Section
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/NitinChakrawarti/Restaurant_Website
- Open terminal:
cd Restaurant_Website npm install npm run dev