This is my NeoVim config using lua and Pakcer as a plugin manager. Not a final version of course. My goal is to improve my configuration and keep it the same accross two systems: macos and arch.
There is a lualine with some theme, and iceberg-based colorscheme ( with my background but you probably change it so whatever.
- nvim >= 0.9.1
- nodejs
- npm
- gcc
- nerd-fonts (recommended)
Run this commands to install my config:
#Maybe backup your current config first ;)
$ git clone ~/.config/nvim
$ cd ~/.config/nvim
$ bash
Everything should be set up :)
Open nvim
and run :PackerStatus
to see what have been installed.
The most important keybind is as always leader. For me it is a ,
char. It's pretty handy, don't you think?
Mapping | Action |
<leader>w |
Save current buffer |
<leader>q |
Close the buffer. If there is more buffers open only the current will be closed. |
<leader>1q |
Force to close. Close all buffers, do not save them and do not warning about it. |
<leader>tt |
Trigger floating terminal |
<leader>gg |
Trigger floating gitui |
<leader>c<Space> |
Comment/uncomment selected lines. In normal mode comment/uncomment current line. |
<leader>l |
Toggle twilight (focus mode) |
<leader>s |
Toggle shade (dim unselected tabs) |
<leader>i |
Trigger toggler action |
<M-Up/Down> |
Shade brightness up/down |
<leader><cr> |
Clear all selected matching |
<C-h/j/k/l> |
Switch focus to left/down/up/right window |
<C-up/down> |
Trigger multi cursor. |
There is an error with the shade plugin. Coc HintFloat windows doesn't appear if shade is enabled. I'm working on it, but for now, if there is a hint sign (">>") in the left column, I disable the shade plugin with the <leader>s
Mapping | Action |
<leader>ff |
Trigger floating fuzzy file finder. (Now you can switch between telescopes menu with tabulator) |
<leader>fgr |
Trigger floating live grep. |
<leader>fb |
Trigger floating buffers selector. |
<leader>fl |
Trigger floating fuzzy line finder. |
<leader>fm |
Trigger floating old files (mru) finder. |
<leader>ft |
Trigger floating file type selector. |
<leader>ftt |
Trigger floating treesitter (funcs, variable, structs finder). |
<leader>fcs |
Trigger floating colorscheme selector. |
<leader>fgc |
Trigger floating git commits selector. |
<leader>fgb |
Trigger floating git branches selector. |
<leader>y |
Trigger floating undo history |
<leader>fs |
Trigger floating ssh connection selector |
Mapping | Action |
<leader>cfr |
Use coc-prettier to format the code (need coc-prettier to be installed :CocInstall coc-prettier ) |
Now you can connect to the remote host using distant and edit files remotly!
Mapping | Action |
<leader>d |
Open connection info |
<leader>o |
Open remote file director in user home path |
I keep my notes using arachne in the single directory ($HOME/.config/nvim/notes)
Mapping | Action |
<leader>nn |
Create new note |
<leader>fn |
Find notes by telescope |
<leader>fgn |
Grep from notes by telescope |
<leader>nr |
Rename current note |
Mapping | Action |
<leader>PI |
Install all plugins with Packer |
<leader>PS |
Sync/Upgrade all plugins with Packer |
Mapping | Action |
<leader>rr |
Open ranger in the current path. |
Mapping | Action |
<M-j> |
Move line/visual block down |
<M-k> |
Move line/visual block up |
<M-l> |
Move char/visual block left |
<M-h> |
Move char/visual block right |
This config uses coc. So the code completion is very powerful and simple to use. Just find your favorite language coc server and install it from vim command. Exmaple:
:CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer
- NeoVim can keep all changes you made in a single dir. I set it to ~/.config/nvim/undo. So you can undo and redo changes in any file even if you close it.
- Now you can connect to the remote host using distant and edit files remotly! Just press
to open telescope based on your~/.ssh/config.
That's it for now...