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PHP CSS Parser

A Parser for CSS Files written in PHP. Allows extraction of CSS files into a data structure, manipulation of said structure and output as (optimized) CSS.



Include the CSSParser.php file somewhere in your code using require_once (or include_once, if you prefer), it does not have any other dependencies.


To use the CSS Parser, create a new instance. The constructor takes the following form:

new CSSParser($sCssContents, $sCharset = 'utf-8');

The charset is used only if no @charset declaration is found in the CSS file.

To read a file, for example, you’d do the following:

$oCssParser = new CSSParser(file_get_contents('somefile.css'));
$oCssDocument = $oCssParser->parse();

The resulting CSS document structure can be manipulated prior to being output.


The resulting data structure consists mainly of four basic types: CSSList, CSSRuleSet, CSSRule and CSSValue. There are two additional types used: CSSImport and CSSCharset which you won’t use often.


CSSList represents a generic CSS container, most likely containing selectors but it may also contain at-rules, charset declarations, etc. CSSList has the following concrete subtypes:

  • CSSDocument – representing the root of a CSS file.
  • CSSMediaQuery – represents a subsection of a CSSList that only applies to a output device matching the contained media query.


CSSRuleSet is a container for individual rules. The most common form of a rule set is one constrained by a selector. The following concrete subtypes exist:

  • CSSAtRule – for generic at-rules which do not match the ones specifically mentioned like @import, @charset or @media. A common example for this is @font-face.
  • CSSSelector – a selector; contains an array of selector strings (comma-separated in the CSS) as well as the rules to be applied to the matching elements.

Note: A CSSList can contain other CSSLists (and CSSImports as well as a CSSCharset) while a CSSRuleSet can only contain CSSRules.


CSSRules just have a key (the rule) and multiple values (the part after the colon in the CSS file). This means the values attribute is an array consisting of arrays. The inner level of arrays is comma-separated in the CSS file while the outer level is whitespace-separated.


CSSValue is an abstract class that only defines the __toString method. The concrete subclasses are:

  • CSSSize – consists of a numeric size value and a unit.
  • CSSColor – colors can be input in the form #rrggbb, #rgb or schema(val1, val2, …) but are alwas stored as an array of ('s' => val1, 'c' => val2, 'h' => val3, …) and output in the second form.
  • CSSString – this is just a wrapper for quoted strings to distinguish them from keywords; always output with double quotes.
  • CSSURL – URLs in CSS; always output in URL("") notation.

To access the items stored in a CSSList – like the document you got back when calling $oCssParser->parse() –, use getContents(), then iterate over that collection and use instanceof to check whether you’re dealing with another CSSList, a CSSRuleSet, a CSSImport or a CSSCharset.

To append a new item (selector, media query, etc.) to an existing CSSList, construct it using the constructor for this class and use the append($oItem) method.

If you want to manipulate a CSSRuleSet, use the methods addRule(CSSRule $oRule), getRules() and removeRule($mRule) (which accepts either a CSSRule instance or a rule name; optionally suffixed by a dash to remove all related rules).

Convenience methods

There are a few convenience methods on CSSDocument to ease finding, manipulating and deleting rules:

  • getAllSelectors() – does what it says; no matter how deeply nested your selectors are.
  • getAllRuleSets() – does what it says; no matter how deeply nested your rule sets are.
  • getAllValues() – finds all CSSValue objects inside CSSRules.

Use cases

Use CSSParser to prepend an id to all selectors

$sMyId = "#my_id";
$oParser = new CSSParser($sCssContents);
$oCss = $oParser->parse();
foreach($oCss->getAllSelectors() as $oSelector) {
	$aSelector = $oSelector->getSelector();
	foreach($aSelector as $iKey => $sSelector) {
		//Loop over all selector parts (the comma-separated strings in a selector) and prepend the id
		$aSelector[$iKey] = "$sMyId $sSelector";

Shrink all absolute sizes to half

$oParser = new CSSParser($sCssContents);
$oCss = $oParser->parse();
foreach($oCss->getAllValues() as $mValue) {
	if($mValue instanceof CSSSize && !$mValue->isRelative()) {

Remove unwanted rules

$oParser = new CSSParser($sCssContents);
$oCss = $oParser->parse();
foreach($oCss->getAllRuleSets() as $oRuleSet) {
	$oRuleSet->removeRule('font-'); //Note that the added dash will make this remove all rules starting with font- (like font-size, font-weight, etc.) as well as a potential font-rule


To output the entire CSS document into a variable, just use ->__toString():

$oCssParser = new CSSParser(file_get_contents('somefile.css'));
$oCssDocument = $oCssParser->parse();
print $oCssDocument->__toString();


Example 1 (At-Rules)


@charset "utf-8";

@font-face {
  font-family: "CrassRoots";
  src: url("../media/cr.ttf")

html, body {
	font-size: 1.6em

Structure (var_dump())

object(CSSDocument)#2 (1) {
  array(3) {
    object(CSSCharset)#4 (1) {
      object(CSSString)#3 (1) {
        string(5) "utf-8"
    object(CSSAtRule)#5 (2) {
      string(9) "font-face"
      array(2) {
        object(CSSRule)#6 (3) {
          string(11) "font-family"
          array(1) {
            array(1) {
              object(CSSString)#7 (1) {
                string(10) "CrassRoots"
        object(CSSRule)#8 (3) {
          string(3) "src"
          array(1) {
            array(1) {
              object(CSSURL)#9 (1) {
                object(CSSString)#10 (1) {
                  string(15) "../media/cr.ttf"
    object(CSSSelector)#11 (2) {
      array(2) {
        string(4) "html"
        string(4) "body"
      array(1) {
        object(CSSRule)#12 (3) {
          string(9) "font-size"
          array(1) {
            array(1) {
              object(CSSSize)#13 (2) {
                string(2) "em"

Output (__toString())

@charset "utf-8";@font-face {font-family: "CrassRoots";src: url("../media/cr.ttf");}html, body {font-size: 1.6em;}

Example 2 (Values)


#header {
	margin: 10px 2em 1cm 2%;
	font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, "Gill Sans", sans-serif;
	color: red !important;

Structure (var_dump())

object(CSSDocument)#2 (1) {
  array(1) {
    object(CSSSelector)#3 (2) {
      array(1) {
        string(7) "#header"
      array(3) {
        object(CSSRule)#4 (3) {
          string(6) "margin"
          array(4) {
            array(1) {
              object(CSSSize)#5 (2) {
                string(2) "px"
            array(1) {
              object(CSSSize)#6 (2) {
                string(2) "em"
            array(1) {
              object(CSSSize)#7 (2) {
                string(2) "cm"
            array(1) {
              object(CSSSize)#8 (2) {
                string(1) "%"
        object(CSSRule)#9 (3) {
          string(11) "font-family"
          array(1) {
            array(4) {
              string(7) "Verdana"
              string(9) "Helvetica"
              object(CSSString)#10 (1) {
                string(9) "Gill Sans"
              string(10) "sans-serif"
        object(CSSRule)#11 (3) {
          string(5) "color"
          array(1) {
            array(1) {
              string(3) "red"

Output (__toString())

#header {margin: 10px 2em 1cm 2%;font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, "Gill Sans", sans-serif;color: red !important;}


  • More convenience methods [like selectorsWithElement($sId/Class/TagName), removeSelector($oSelector), attributesOfType($sType), removeAttributesOfType($sType)]
  • Options for output (compact, verbose, etc.)
  • Support for @namespace
  • Named color support (using CSSColor instead of an anonymous string literal)
  • Allow for function-like property values other than hsl(), rgb(), rgba(), and url() (like -moz-linear-gradient(), for example).
  • Test suite
  • Adopt lenient parsing rules