Aero: Air pollution app built with React, Next.js, Tailwind, and Node Pulls from Open Weather API. Will eventually have map funcitonality (with coord)
Notes: CTRL + ALT + A to toggle Tawilwind Code readability
- Setup
Setup and learn Next.jsLearn server componentsAPI fetch testing for proof-of-conceptCreate repoAdd TypeScript into project and refactor accordingly
- Air Data Component
Fetch with OpenWeather air pollution API (start with one number)Build out Navbar componentStyle NavbarAir menu iconMake burger menu hide when it hits certain breakpointConditionals to render a range of 'poor' to 'good. And final numberCredit Karma style UI (react-gauge-chart)value={} to be linked/referenced with whatever the index value will be.Design the componentContainer div for co, no, etc. Background color?Drop shadows for things
Location input functionality (coord input?, then location with geocoding API)Add the search bar inputImplement the geocoding APIMake the search function with the AirData componentGet rid of ugly small text in gauge componentSet a default location / settings
React Countup component for re rendersBreak gauge into its own componentAdd and style location coordinates in the AirData componentBreak data-grid into it's own component
- Map Integration
Implement Leaflet to be a full screen mapLink the coorodinates with the API dataAdjust map controls and functionalityMake pan animation smoother
- Deploy
Finish documentation on websiteCreate small top right blurb with about the app. maybe mini updates sectionDeploy on Netlify
- Mapbox Refactor
Implement new mapMake fullscreenNew searchbar with autofill for cities and address that match coordinates (Mapbox API?)Make sure Geocoding API and searchbar match with the coordinates of OpenWeather's API. Display air data accordingly.Add flyTo on search input- Lat and Lon bar display
- Have location of the visitor be the default coordinates (addControl())
- Fix position of button
- App Loader
Conditional rendering for Home componentIncrease size and center (may need to change up Loader)Browse other components incase there is anything cooler- Potentially fade-in the AirData component on load
Load spinner!Color code gradient for textMake Loader its own componentFix mobile responsive bug (no scroll or smaller)Component organizationAdd tooltip dialog boxes (defines what co, no, etc mean)Reintergrate gauge with colors (perhaps a new gauge? chart.js?)Center loaders- Bubble overlays with AQI for some locations (map clustering)
- Data visualization with d3.js or chart.js
- Color code for gases
- Better centering of the map (help with control display)
- Allow drag and droppable pin to change Air data
- Utilize SSR for OpenWeather APIs
- Make map false for mobile?
- Implement a more mobile design (hide arrow wordmark, smaller search bar?, simplify component to aqi word and searchbar.)