Connecting the project to Zendesk
Set the relevant environment variables in the .env file:
HELP_DESK_CREDS='email=[Zendesk user email address],token=[Zendesk token],subdomain=[Zendesk site subdomain]'
If you have not done so already, create a Django user
Create a token for that user
make shell
run the following in the shell:
from rest_framework .authtoken .models import Token
token = Token .objects .create (user = ...) # Add a reference to the user object here
print (token .key )
On your host machine, create the following env vars:
Install the zenpy package
Run the following script on your host to create a ticket using Zenpy:
from zenpy import Zenpy
from zenpy .lib .api_objects import Ticket
credentials = {
"email" : "supply any value" ,
"token" : "Your help desk service token" ,
"subdomain" : "supply any value"
zenpy_client = Zenpy (** credentials )
# Create a new ticket
zenpy_client .tickets .create (
Ticket (
subject = "Test subject" ,
description = "Test description" ,