- /auth/send-otp (POST)
- Sends OTP to mobile no passed
- Returns 200 on sucessful response
- /auth/verify-otp (POST)
- Verifies the OTP entered by user
- Returns 401 in case of mismatch / expired OTP
- Returns 404 if OTP is not found
- Returns 200 in case of sucess
- /auth/add-user-details (POST)
- Updates user details
- Returns 200 in case of sucessful response
- /auth/self (GET)
- Gets the data of the user from the token
- Returns 404 if the user is not found
- /auth/logout (GET)
- Logouts a user
- Returns 401 if the Session is not found for the user
- If the cookie is found it clears it and redirects to home page
- /auth/google (GET)
- Authenticate user with Google login
- /auth/google/callback (GET)
- Callback made by google for completing authentication
- /channel/:channelId (GET)
- Gets channel details based on channel id
- returns 200 on sucess
- returns 404 if channel is not found
- /event/types (GET)
- Fetches all event types
- Returns 200 in case of sucess
- /event (POST)
- Creates an event
- Returns 201 in case of sucessful event creation
- /events (GET)
- Fetches the events for the userId
- Returns 200 on sucessful response
- /event/channels/:eventId (GET)
- Gets channel categories by event id
- /event/:eventId (GET)
- Gets event details based on event Id
- /event/categories/:eventId (GET)
- Gets categories by event id
- returns 404 if not categories found
- /event/category (POST)
- Creates a category for the eventId
- Takes eventId, name, description
- Returns 201 on sucess
- /event/channel (POST)
- Creates a channel for the event
- Returns 201 on sucess
- /channels/:channelid/messages (POST)
- Sends a message to specified channel
- Returns 200 on sucessful message
- /channels/:channelid/messages (GET)
- Gets messages by channelId
- Returns 200 if sucess
- Returns 500 incase of failure
- /user/exists/:username
- Checks if the username is available for registration
- Returns 200 and status if the username is taken or not already
- Returns 500 incase of error
- /users/
- Gets all the users
- Returns message 'Total users found:' on sucessfully able to find users
- Returns 500 in case of error
- /rsvp/direct (POST)
- Creates a direct invite RSVP for the userid
- Returns 400 if the RSVP already exists
- Returns 500 incase of internal error
- Returns 201 on sucessful creation
- /rsvp/open (POST)
- Creates an open link for anyone to join, we can have a user limit and expiry defined.
- Returns 201 on sucessful creation
- /rsvp/direct (PUT)
- Updates the direct RSVP
- Takes the input as rsvpId and status
- Returns 200 on sucessful update
- /rsvp/open (PUT)
- Updates on open RSVP invite
- Takes the rsvpid and status
- Returns 200 on sucessful update
- /rsvp/user (GET)
- Gets the rsvps by user
- Returns 400 in case of invalid userid
- Returns 404 if no RSVPs are found
- Returns 200 in case of sucessfully finding the RSVPs
- /rsvp/event/:eventId (GET)
- Gets all the RSVPs for the eventid
- Returns 200 if its able to fetch the RSVPs
- Returns 404 if no RSVPs are found
- Returns 500 if there is some error