{{ obligate 1,15 * * }}
- water the plants (added on the 1st and 15th of every month)
{{ obligate * * 3 }}
- write the weekly email (added every Wednesday) {{ obligate * * 5 }}
- send the weekly email (added every Friday)
{{ obligate * * * }}
- every time a new note is made {{ obligate 1 2 * }}
- Add this on the 1st of February {{ obligate * 1-6 1,5 }}
- every Monday and Wednesday for the first 6 months of the year {{ obligate 1-7,15-21 1,3,5,7,9,11 7 }}
- every other Sunday but only every other month {{ obligate * 10-12 * }}
- every day in Q4 {{ obligate 1 1,4,7,10 * }}
- on the first of every quarter {{ obligate 20 10 * }}
- on the 20th of October {{ obligate 20 10 7 }}
- on the 20th of October, if it's a Sunday
Created on {{date}} {{time}} Previous note: [[{{previous_note_path}}|{{previous_note}}]] Next note: [[{{next_note_path}}|{{next_note}}]]