diff --git a/src/pynwb/ecephys.py b/src/pynwb/ecephys.py
index dbe1c17e3..aa13d9d54 100644
--- a/src/pynwb/ecephys.py
+++ b/src/pynwb/ecephys.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from hdmf.common import DynamicTableRegion, DynamicTable, VectorData
 from hdmf.data_utils import DataChunkIterator, assertEqualShape
-from hdmf.utils import docval, popargs, getargs, get_docval, popargs_to_dict, get_data_shape
+from hdmf.utils import docval, popargs, get_docval, popargs_to_dict, get_data_shape
 from . import register_class, CORE_NAMESPACE
 from .base import TimeSeries
@@ -39,22 +39,27 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
 @register_class('ElectrodesTable', CORE_NAMESPACE)
 class ElectrodesTable(DynamicTable):
-    """TODO"""
+    """A table of all electrodes (i.e. channels) used for recording. Introduced in NWB 3.0.0. Replaces the "electrodes"
+    table (neurodata_type_inc DynamicTable, no neurodata_type_def) that is part of NWBFile."""
     __columns__ = (
-        {'name': 'location', 'description': 'TODO', 'required': True},
-        {'name': 'group', 'description': 'TODO', 'required': True},
-        {'name': 'group_name', 'description': 'TODO', 'required': False })
-    @docval({'name': 'x', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'y', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'z', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'imp', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'filtering', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'rel_x', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'rel_y', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'rel_z', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
-            {'name': 'reference', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'TODO', 'default': None},
+        {'name': 'location', 'description': 'Location of the electrode (channel).', 'required': True},
+        {'name': 'group', 'description': 'Reference to the ElectrodeGroup.', 'required': True},
+        {'name': 'group_name', 'description': 'Name of the ElectrodeGroup.', 'required': False })
+    @docval({'name': 'x', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'x coordinate of the channel location in the brain',
+             'default': None},
+            {'name': 'y', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'y coordinate of the channel location in the brain',
+             'default': None},
+            {'name': 'z', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'z coordinate of the channel location in the brain',
+             'default': None},
+            {'name': 'imp', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'Impedance of the channel, in ohms.', 'default': None},
+            {'name': 'filtering', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'Description of hardware filtering.', 'default': None},
+            {'name': 'rel_x', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'x coordinate in electrode group', 'default': None},
+            {'name': 'rel_y', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'xy coordinate in electrode group', 'default': None},
+            {'name': 'rel_z', 'type': VectorData, 'doc':'z coordinate in electrode group', 'default': None},
+            {'name': 'reference', 'type': VectorData, 'default': None,
+             'doc':'Description of the reference electrode and/or reference scheme used for this electrode'},
             *get_docval(DynamicTable.__init__, 'id', 'columns', 'colnames'))
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         kwargs['name'] = 'electrodes'
@@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     def copy(self):
-        Return a copy of this DynamicTable.
+        Return a copy of this ElectrodesTable.
         This is useful for linking.
         kwargs = dict(id=self.id, columns=self.columns, colnames=self.colnames)
diff --git a/src/pynwb/nwb-schema b/src/pynwb/nwb-schema
index 65230a20d..78df82c4b 160000
--- a/src/pynwb/nwb-schema
+++ b/src/pynwb/nwb-schema
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 65230a20d9f6f895968c61f1cc52b2c15fcec10b
+Subproject commit 78df82c4bdc6f094a6dfb97fb85d9ae396087d91
diff --git a/tests/unit/foo.py b/tests/unit/foo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f25db94..000000000
--- a/tests/unit/foo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-from datetime import datetime
-from uuid import uuid4
-import numpy as np
-from dateutil.tz import tzlocal
-from hdmf.common import VectorData
-from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO, NWBFile
-from pynwb.ecephys import LFP, ElectricalSeries, ElectrodeGroup, ElectrodesTable
-nwbfile = NWBFile(
-    session_description="my first synthetic recording",
-    identifier=str(uuid4()),
-    session_start_time=datetime.now(tzlocal()),
-    experimenter=[
-        "Baggins, Bilbo",
-    ],
-    lab="Bag End Laboratory",
-    institution="University of Middle Earth at the Shire",
-    experiment_description="I went on an adventure to reclaim vast treasures.",
-    session_id="LONELYMTN001",
-device = nwbfile.create_device(
-    name="array", description="the best array", manufacturer="Probe Company 9000"
-group = ElectrodeGroup( name='foo',
-        description="electrode group",
-        device=device,
-        location="brain area",)
-# location_col = VectorData(name='location', description='foo', data=['brain area'])
-# group_col = VectorData(name='groups', description='foo', data=[group])
-table = ElectrodesTable()
-nwbfile.electrodes = table
-nwbfile.add_electrode(group=group, location='brain')
-# breakpoint()
-# nwbfile.add_electrode_column(name="label", description="label of electrode")
-# nshanks = 4
-# nchannels_per_shank = 3
-# electrode_counter = 0
-# #
-# for ishank in range(nshanks):
-#     # create an electrode group for this shank
-#     electrode_group = nwbfile.create_electrode_group(
-#         name="shank{}".format(ishank),
-#         description="electrode group for shank {}".format(ishank),
-#         device=device,
-#         location="brain area",
-#     )
-#     # add electrodes to the electrode table
-#     for ielec in range(nchannels_per_shank):
-#         nwbfile.add_electrode(
-#             group=electrode_group,
-#             label="shank{}elec{}".format(ishank, ielec),
-#             location="brain area",
-#         )
-#         electrode_counter += 1
-# breakpoint()
-# with NWBHDF5IO("ecephys_tutorial.nwb", "w") as io:
-#     io.write(nwbfile)
-# new='/Users/mavaylon/Research/NWB/pynwb/ecephys_tutorial.nwb'
-io= NWBHDF5IO("/Users/mavaylon/Research/NWB/pynwb/tests/back_compat/2.6.0_DynamicTableElectrodes.nwb", "r")
-# io= NWBHDF5IO(new, 'r')
-read_nwbfile = io.read()