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420 lines (355 loc) · 15.6 KB

Configuration File Structure

Complete File

Below is an example of a complete configuration file. The following sections will explain each part of the configuration file in more detail.

# Specify task environment
env: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.task.DockingEnv

# Task environment configuration
  # Define the name of the agent platform
  agent: deputy
  # Define simulation step size
  step_size: 1
  # Define a list of environment platforms
  # First environment platform
  - name: chief # Platform name
    class: saferl.aerospace.models.cwhspacecraft.platforms.CWHSpacecraft2d # Platform class
    config: # Platform dependent configuration
      init: # Platform initialization parameters
        initializer: saferl.environment.tasks.initializers.RandBoundsInitializer
        x: 0
        x_dot: 0
        y: 0
        y_dot: 0
  - name: deputy # Platform name
    class: saferl.aerospace.models.cwhspacecraft.platforms.CWHSpacecraft2d # Platform class
    config: # Platform dependent configuration
        class: saferl.environment.models.platforms.AgentController
        - name: thrust_x
          space: discrete
          points: 11
          bounds: [-1, 1]
        - name: thrust_y
          space: discrete
          points: 11
          bounds: [-1, 1]
      init: # Platform initialization parameters
        initializer: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.initializers.ConstrainedDeputyPolarInitializer
        ref: chief
        radius: [100, 150]
        angle: [0, 6.283185307179586]
  - name: docking_region # Platform name
    class: saferl.environment.models.geometry.RelativeCircle # Platform class
    config: # Platform dependent configuration
      ref: chief
      x_offset: 0
      y_offset: 0
      radius: 0.5
      init: # Platform initialization parameters
        initializer: saferl.environment.tasks.initializers.RandBoundsInitializer
  status: # List of status processors
    - name: in_docking # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.InDockingStatusProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        deputy: deputy
        docking_region: docking_region
    - name: docking_distance # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DockingDistanceStatusProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        deputy: deputy
        docking_region: docking_region
    - name: delta_v # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DockingThrustDeltaVStatusProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        target: deputy
    - name: custom_metrics.delta_v_total # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.AccumulatorStatusProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        status: delta_v
    - name: max_vel_limit # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DockingVelocityLimit # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        target: deputy
        dist_status: docking_distance
        vel_threshold: 0.2
        threshold_dist: 0.5
        slope: 2
    - name: max_vel_violation # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DockingVelocityLimitViolation # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        target: deputy
        ref: chief
        vel_limit_status: max_vel_limit
    - name: max_vel_constraint # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.RelativeVelocityConstraint # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        target: deputy
        ref: chief
        vel_limit_status: max_vel_limit
    - name: failure # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.FailureStatusProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        docking_distance: docking_distance
        max_goal_distance: 40000
        timeout: 2000
        in_docking_status: in_docking
        max_vel_constraint_status: max_vel_constraint
    - name: success # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.SuccessStatusProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        in_docking_status: in_docking
        max_vel_constraint_status: max_vel_constraint
  observation: # List of observation processors
    - name: observation_processor # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DockingObservationProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        deputy: deputy
        mode: 2d
  reward: # List of reward processors
    - name: time_reward # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.TimeRewardProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        reward: -0.001
    - name: dist_change_reward # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DistanceChangeRewardProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        deputy: deputy
        docking_region: docking_region
        reward: -1.0e-02
    - name: delta_v # Processor name
      class: saferl.environment.tasks.processor.reward.ProportionalRewardProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        scale: 0
        bias: 0
        proportion_status: delta_v
    - name: max_vel_constraint # Processor name
      class: saferl.environment.tasks.processor.reward.ProportionalRewardProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        scale: -0.001
        bias: -0.01
        proportion_status: max_vel_violation
        cond_status: max_vel_constraint
        cond_status_invert: True
    - name: failure_reward # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.FailureRewardProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        failure_status: failure
          crash: -1
          distance: -1
          timeout: -5
    - name: success_reward # Processor name
      class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.SuccessRewardProcessor # Processor class
      config: # Processor-dependent configuration
        reward: 5
        success_status: success
  verbose: false # Training verbosity


env: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.task.DockingEnv

The env key defines the Gym environment used during training. Every env object expects an env_config configuration. Specify the Gym environment you wish to use with the import path of the environment class.

Env Config


The env_config key points to the custom environment configuration for the environment specified by env. All environments which inherit from the SafeRL BaseEnv class expect the follow keys in the custom env_config:

  • agent: a string listing the name of the environment object which will take actions within the environment.

  • step_size: a float denoting the step size of the simulation.

  • env_objs: an ordered list of EnvObj config entries. This list contains every EnvObj present in the environment and their relative configurations.

  • observation: an ordered list of ObservationProcessor config entries. This list contains every ObservationProcessor present in the environment and their relative configurations.

  • reward: an ordered list of RewardProcessor config entries. This list contains every RewardProcessor present in the environment and their relative configurations.

  • status: an ordered list of StatusProcessor config entries. This list contains every StatusProcessor present in the environment and their relative configurations.

  • verbose: A boolean flag which sets the verbosity of environment setup and training.

Each of these entries in the env_config configuration will be explained in further detail below.

EnvObj Entries

name: deputy # Platform name
class: saferl.aerospace.models.cwhspacecraft.platforms.CWHSpacecraft2d # Platform class
config: # Platform dependent configuration
    class: saferl.environment.models.platforms.AgentController
    - name: thrust_x
      space: discrete
      points: 11
      bounds: [-1, 1]
    - name: thrust_y
      space: discrete
      points: 11
      bounds: [-1, 1]
  init: # Platform initialization parameters
    initializer: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.initializers.ConstrainedDeputyPolarInitializer
    ref: chief
    radius: [100, 150]
    angle: [0, 6.283185307179586]

All simulations in saferl are made up of environment objects. Environment objects represent physical and logical objects in the simulation which may act as agents, goals, points of interest, or obstacles. All environment objects are instantiated in the order given by the configuration file at the beginning of the simulation.

Environment object entries in a custom YAML configuration file consist of three primary keys:

  • name
  • class
  • config


The name key points to a string value denoting the name of the environment object in the simulation. The environment object can be easily referenced by its name throughout the rest of the configuration file.


The class key points to a string value containing the python import path of the class definition that will be used to instantiate the environment object in the simulation. This class must inherit from the saferl.environment.models.platforms.BaseEnvObj class.


The config key points to a (potentially empty) dictionary of key-value pairs. The contents of this configuration dictionary include an init configuration and a configuration which is dependent on the expected configuration parameters of the environment object class. For example, the saferl.aerospace.models.cwhspacecraft.platforms.CWHSpacecraft2d class can take a controller key-value configuration which defines the controller class and actuator parameters for the platform.

The config dictionary also contains an init configuration. This configuration specifies the initializer class used to initialize the platform within the environment, as well as whatever custom parameters the initializer class expects. The initializer class is expected to inherit from saferl.environment.tasks.initializers.Initializer.

Observation Processor Entries

name: observation_processor # Processor name
class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DockingObservationProcessor # Processor class
config: # Processor-dependent configuration
    deputy: deputy
    mode: 2d

Observation processors define how observations are handled within a simulation. Many tasks require that an agent have only a partial knowledge of the full simulation state. Observation processors transform the full simulation state into an appropriate observation for the agent. All observation processors execute in the order given by the configuration file at each time step of the simulation.

Observation processor entries in a custom YAML configuration file consist of three primary keys:

  • name
  • class
  • config


The name key points to a string value denoting the name of the observation processor in the simulation. The processor can be easily referenced by its name throughout the rest of the configuration file.


The class key points to a string value containing the python import path of the class definition that will be used to instantiate the observation processor in the simulation. This class must inherit from the saferl.environment.tasks.processor.processors.ObservationProcessor class.


The config key points to a (potentially empty) dictionary of key-value pairs. The contents of this configuration dictionary include a configuration which is dependent on the expected configuration parameters of the observation processor class. For example, the saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.DockingObservationProcessor class can take a deputy key-value configuration, which registers the name of the deputy environment object in the simulation, and a mode key-value configuration which defines whether observations are 2D or 3D.

Reward Processor Entries

name: time_reward # Processor name
class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.TimeRewardProcessor # Processor class
config: # Processor-dependent configuration
    reward: -0.001

Reward processors define how rewards are computed during agent training. Each reward processor uses information in the simulation state and/or the simulation status (see below) to compute a reward for an agent. All reward processors execute in the order given by the configuration file at each time step of the simulation.

Reward processor entries in a custom YAML configuration file consist of three primary keys:

  • name
  • class
  • config


The name key points to a string value denoting the name of the reward processor in the simulation. The processor can be easily referenced by its name throughout the rest of the configuration file.


The class key points to a string value containing the python import path of the class definition used to instantiate the reward processor in the simulation. This class must inherit from the saferl.environment.tasks.processor.processors.RewardProcessor class.


The config key points to a (potentially empty) dictionary of key-value pairs. The contents of this configuration dictionary include a configuration which is dependent on the expected configuration parameters of the observation processor class. For example, the saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.TimeRewardProcessor class can take a reward key-value configuration, which defines the reward value associated with time taken to complete the task.

Status Processor Entries

name: in_docking # Processor name
class: saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.InDockingStatusProcessor # Processor class
config: # Processor-dependent configuration
    deputy: deputy
    docking_region: docking_region

Status processors are used to compute specific status information of interest to the task from the raw simulation state (e.g. distance between two environment objects). These statuses can inform other status or reward processors. All status processors execute in the order given by the configuration file at each time step of the simulation.

Status processor entries in a custom YAML configuration file consist of three primary keys:

  • name
  • class
  • config


The name key points to a string value denoting the name of the status processor in the simulation. The processor can be easily referenced by its name throughout the rest of the configuration file.


The class key points to a string value containing the python import path of the class definition used to instantiate the status processor in the simulation. This class must inherit from the saferl.environment.tasks.processor.processors.StatusProcessor class.


The config key points to a (potentially empty) dictionary of key-value pairs. The contents of this configuration dictionary include a configuration which is dependent on the expected configuration parameters of the observation processor class. For example, the saferl.aerospace.tasks.docking.processors.InDockingStatusProcessor class can take a deputy key-value configuration, which registers the name of the deputy environment object in the simulation, and a docking_region key-value configuration which registers the name of the docking region environment object in the simulation.