From 8b1432234484345ee2b7de3a2095010b31bf2758 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Padraig Gleeson
Date: Thu, 19 May 2022 11:04:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] To v0.4.0 using NeuroML schema for v2.3
neuroml/ | 4 +-
neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml | 2 +-
neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml.h5 | Bin 69930 -> 69930 bytes
neuroml/examples/test_files/testh5.nml | 2 +-
neuroml/nml/NeuroML_v2.3.xsd | 3666 +++++++++++++++++++
neuroml/nml/ | 492 +--
6 files changed, 3918 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 neuroml/nml/NeuroML_v2.3.xsd
diff --git a/neuroml/ b/neuroml/
index a1c80ae7..dc595fe9 100644
--- a/neuroml/
+++ b/neuroml/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from .nml.nml import * # allows importation of all neuroml classes
-__version__ = "0.3.2"
+__version__ = "0.4.0"
__version_info__ = tuple(int(i) for i in __version__.split("."))
-current_neuroml_version = "v2.2"
+current_neuroml_version = "v2.3"
diff --git a/neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml b/neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml
index ce78e6df..052769bd 100644
--- a/neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml
+++ b/neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Lots of notes....
diff --git a/neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml.h5 b/neuroml/examples/test_files/complete.nml.h5
index c1b02e5fc2ff14fc4b5dd993bb38873b07d8c093..aa96b91da5e795776da6eac9aa043e6bdf80f48a 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 173
delta 177
Root notes
diff --git a/neuroml/nml/NeuroML_v2.3.xsd b/neuroml/nml/NeuroML_v2.3.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5a5461e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neuroml/nml/NeuroML_v2.3.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,3666 @@
+ An id attribute for elements which need to be identified uniquely (normally just within their parent element).
+ A value for a physical quantity in NeuroML 2, e.g. 20, -60.0mV or 5nA
+ An id string for pointing to an entry in an annotation element related to a MIRIAM resource. Based on metaid of SBML
+ An id string for pointing to an entry in the NeuroLex ontology. Use of this attribute is a shorthand for a full
+ RDF based reference to the MIRIAM Resource urn:miriam:neurolex, with an bqbiol:is qualifier
+ An attribute useful as id of segments, connections, etc: integer >=0 only!
+ Integer >=1 only!
+ Double >0 only
+ Value which is either 0 or 1
+ Textual human readable notes related to the element in question. It's useful to put these into
+ the NeuroML files instead of XML comments, as the notes can be extracted and repeated in the files to which the NeuroML is mapped.
+ A property ( a **tag** and **value** pair ), which can be on any **baseStandalone** either as a direct child, or within an **Annotation** . Generally something which helps the visual display or facilitates simulation of a Component, but is not a core physiological property. Common examples include: **numberInternalDivisions,** equivalent of nseg in NEURON; **radius,** for a radius to use in graphical displays for abstract cells ( i. e. without defined morphologies ); **color,** the color to use for a **Population** or **populationList** of cells; **recommended_dt_ms,** the recommended timestep to use for simulating a **Network** , **recommended_duration_ms** the recommended duration to use when running a **Network**
+ A structured annotation containing metadata, specifically RDF or **property** elements
+ Contains an extension to NeuroML by creating custom LEMS ComponentType.
+ LEMS ComponentType for Constant.
+ LEMS Exposure (ComponentType property)
+ LEMS ComponentType for Dynamics
+ LEMS ComponentType for DerivedVariable
+ LEMS ComponentType for ConditionalDerivedVariable
+ Float value restricted to between 1 and 0
+ The root NeuroML element.
+ Various types of cells which are defined in NeuroML 2. This list will be expanded...
+ Various types of cells which are defined in NeuroML 2 based on PyNN standard cell models.
+ Various types of synapse which are defined in NeuroML 2. This list will be expanded...
+ Various types of synapse which are defined in NeuroML 2 based on PyNN standard cell/synapse models.
+ Various types of inputs which are defined in NeuroML2. This list will be expanded...
+ Various types of input which are defined in NeuroML 2 based on PyNN standard cell/synapse models.
+ Various types of concentration model which are defined in NeuroML 2. This list will be expanded...
+ A kinetic scheme based ion channel with multiple **gateKS** s, each of which consists of multiple **KSState** s and **KSTransition** s giving the rates of transition between them
+:param conductance:
+:type conductance: conductance
+ Note **ionChannel** and **ionChannelHH** are currently functionally identical. This is needed since many existing examples use ionChannel, some use ionChannelHH. NeuroML v2beta4 should remove one of these, probably ionChannelHH.
+:param conductance:
+:type conductance: conductance
+ Note **ionChannel** and **ionChannelHH** are currently functionally identical. This is needed since many existing examples use ionChannel, some use ionChannelHH. NeuroML v2beta4 should remove one of these, probably ionChannelHH.
+:param conductance:
+:type conductance: conductance
+ Same as **ionChannel** , but with a **vShift** parameter to change voltage activation of gates. The exact usage of **vShift** in expressions for rates is determined by the individual gates.
+:param vShift:
+:type vShift: voltage
+:param conductance:
+:type conductance: conductance
+ A value for the conductance scaling which varies as a standard function of the difference between the current temperature, **temperature,** and the temperature at which the conductance was originally determined, **experimentalTemp**
+:param q10Factor:
+:type q10Factor: none
+:param experimentalTemp:
+:type experimentalTemp: temperature
+ A **KSState** with **relativeConductance** of 0
+:param relativeConductance:
+:type relativeConductance: none
+ A **KSState** with **relativeConductance** of 1
+:param relativeConductance:
+:type relativeConductance: none
+ A forward only **KSTransition** for a **gateKS** which specifies a **rate** ( type **baseHHRate** ) which follows one of the standard Hodgkin Huxley forms ( e. g. **HHExpRate** , **HHSigmoidRate** , **HHExpLinearRate**
+ A reverse only **KSTransition** for a **gateKS** which specifies a **rate** ( type **baseHHRate** ) which follows one of the standard Hodgkin Huxley forms ( e. g. **HHExpRate** , **HHSigmoidRate** , **HHExpLinearRate**
+ KS Transition specified in terms of time constant **tau** and steady state **inf**
+ A gate which consists of multiple **KSState** s and **KSTransition** s giving the rates of transition between them
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Note all sub elements for gateHHrates, gateHHratesTau, gateFractional etc. allowed here. Which are valid should be constrained by what type is set
+ Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Gate which follows the general Hodgkin Huxley formalism but is instantaneous, so tau = 0 and gate follows exactly inf value
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Gate composed of subgates contributing with fractional conductance
+:param instances:
+:type instances: none
+ Model of an intracellular buffering mechanism for **ion** ( currently hard Coded to be calcium, due to requirement for **iCa** ) which has a baseline level **restingConc** and tends to this value with time course **decayConstant.** The ion is assumed to occupy a shell inside the membrane of thickness **shellThickness.**
+:param restingConc:
+:type restingConc: concentration
+:param decayConstant:
+:type decayConstant: time
+:param shellThickness:
+:type shellThickness: length
+ Model of buffering of concentration of an ion ( currently hard coded to be calcium, due to requirement for **iCa** ) which has a baseline level **restingConc** and tends to this value with time course **decayConstant.** A fixed factor **rho** is used to scale the incoming current *independently of the size of the compartment* to produce a concentration change.
+:param restingConc:
+:type restingConc: concentration
+:param decayConstant:
+:type decayConstant: time
+:param rho:
+:type rho: rho_factor
+ Base type for all synapses, i. e. ComponentTypes which produce a current ( dimension current ) and change Dynamics in response to an incoming event. cno_0000009
+ Base type for synapses with a dependence on membrane potential
+ Synapse model which produces a synaptic current.
+ Synapse model which exposes a conductance **g** in addition to producing a current. Not necessarily ohmic!! cno_0000027
+:param gbase: Baseline conductance, generally the maximum conductance following a single spike
+:type gbase: conductance
+:param erev: Reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Synapse model suited for a sum of two expTwoSynapses which exposes a conductance **g** in addition to producing a current. Not necessarily ohmic!! cno_0000027
+:param gbase1: Baseline conductance 1
+:type gbase1: conductance
+:param gbase2: Baseline conductance 2
+:type gbase2: conductance
+:param erev: Reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Gap junction/single electrical connection
+:param conductance:
+:type conductance: conductance
+ Dummy synapse which emits no current. Used as presynaptic endpoint for analog synaptic connection.
+ Behaves just like a one way gap junction.
+:param conductance:
+:type conductance: conductance
+ Graded/analog synapse. Based on synapse in Methods of http://www.
+:param conductance:
+:type conductance: conductance
+:param delta: Slope of the activation curve
+:type delta: voltage
+:param k: Rate constant for transmitter-receptor dissociation rate
+:type k: per_time
+:param Vth: The half-activation voltage of the synapse
+:type Vth: voltage
+:param erev: The reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Alpha current synapse: rise time and decay time are both **tau.**
+:param tau: Time course for rise and decay
+:type tau: time
+:param ibase: Baseline current increase after receiving a spike
+:type ibase: current
+ Ohmic synapse model where rise time and decay time are both **tau.** Max conductance reached during this time ( assuming zero conductance before ) is **gbase** * **weight.**
+:param tau: Time course of rise/decay
+:type tau: time
+:param gbase: Baseline conductance, generally the maximum conductance following a single spike
+:type gbase: conductance
+:param erev: Reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Ohmic synapse model whose conductance rises instantaneously by ( **gbase** * **weight** ) on receiving an event, and which decays exponentially to zero with time course **tauDecay**
+:param tauDecay: Time course of decay
+:type tauDecay: time
+:param gbase: Baseline conductance, generally the maximum conductance following a single spike
+:type gbase: conductance
+:param erev: Reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Ohmic synapse model whose conductance waveform on receiving an event has a rise time of **tauRise** and a decay time of **tauDecay.** Max conductance reached during this time ( assuming zero conductance before ) is **gbase** * **weight.**
+:param tauRise:
+:type tauRise: time
+:param tauDecay:
+:type tauDecay: time
+:param gbase: Baseline conductance, generally the maximum conductance following a single spike
+:type gbase: conductance
+:param erev: Reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Ohmic synapse similar to expTwoSynapse but consisting of two components that can differ in decay times and max conductances but share the same rise time.
+:param tauRise:
+:type tauRise: time
+:param tauDecay1:
+:type tauDecay1: time
+:param tauDecay2:
+:type tauDecay2: time
+:param gbase1: Baseline conductance 1
+:type gbase1: conductance
+:param gbase2: Baseline conductance 2
+:type gbase2: conductance
+:param erev: Reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Synapse consisting of two independent synaptic mechanisms ( e. g. AMPA-R and NMDA-R ), which can be easily colocated in connections
+ Biexponential synapse that allows for optional block and plasticity mechanisms, which can be expressed as child elements.
+:param tauRise:
+:type tauRise: time
+:param tauDecay:
+:type tauDecay: time
+:param gbase: Baseline conductance, generally the maximum conductance following a single spike
+:type gbase: conductance
+:param erev: Reversal potential of the synapse
+:type erev: voltage
+ Base type of any cell ( e. g. point neuron like **izhikevich2007Cell** , or a morphologically detailed **Cell** with **segment** s ) which can be used in a **population**
+ Integrate and fire cell which returns to its leak reversal potential of **leakReversal** with a time constant **tau**
+:param leakReversal:
+:type leakReversal: voltage
+:param tau:
+:type tau: time
+:param thresh: The membrane potential at which to emit a spiking event and reset voltage
+:type thresh: voltage
+:param reset: The value the membrane potential is reset to on spiking
+:type reset: voltage
+ Integrate and fire cell which returns to its leak reversal potential of **leakReversal** with a time course **tau.** It has a refractory period of **refract** after spiking
+:param refract:
+:type refract: time
+:param leakReversal:
+:type leakReversal: voltage
+:param tau:
+:type tau: time
+:param thresh: The membrane potential at which to emit a spiking event and reset voltage
+:type thresh: voltage
+:param reset: The value the membrane potential is reset to on spiking
+:type reset: voltage
+ Integrate and fire cell with capacitance **C,** **leakConductance** and **leakReversal**
+:param leakConductance:
+:type leakConductance: conductance
+:param leakReversal:
+:type leakReversal: voltage
+:param thresh:
+:type thresh: voltage
+:param reset:
+:type reset: voltage
+:param C: Total capacitance of the cell membrane
+:type C: capacitance
+ Integrate and fire cell with capacitance **C,** **leakConductance,** **leakReversal** and refractory period **refract**
+:param refract:
+:type refract: time
+:param leakConductance:
+:type leakConductance: conductance
+:param leakReversal:
+:type leakReversal: voltage
+:param thresh:
+:type thresh: voltage
+:param reset:
+:type reset: voltage
+:param C: Total capacitance of the cell membrane
+:type C: capacitance
+ Cell based on the 2003 model of Izhikevich, see
+:param v0: Initial membrane potential
+:type v0: voltage
+:param a: Time scale of the recovery variable U
+:type a: none
+:param b: Sensitivity of U to the subthreshold fluctuations of the membrane potential V
+:type b: none
+:param c: After-spike reset value of V
+:type c: none
+:param d: After-spike increase to U
+:type d: none
+:param thresh: Spike threshold
+:type thresh: voltage
+ Any cell with a membrane potential **v** with voltage units and a membrane capacitance **C.** Also defines exposed value **iSyn** for current due to external synapses and **iMemb** for total transmembrane current ( usually channel currents plus **iSyn** )
+:param C: Total capacitance of the cell membrane
+:type C: capacitance
+ Cell based on the modified Izhikevich model in Izhikevich 2007, Dynamical systems in neuroscience, MIT Press
+:param v0:
+:type v0: voltage
+:param k:
+:type k: conductance_per_voltage
+:param vr:
+:type vr: voltage
+:param vt:
+:type vt: voltage
+:param vpeak:
+:type vpeak: voltage
+:param a:
+:type a: per_time
+:param b:
+:type b: conductance
+:param c:
+:type c: voltage
+:param d:
+:type d: current
+:param C: Total capacitance of the cell membrane
+:type C: capacitance
+ Model based on Brette R and Gerstner W ( 2005 ) Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire Model as an Effective Description of Neuronal Activity. J Neurophysiol 94:3637-3642
+:param gL:
+:type gL: conductance
+:param EL:
+:type EL: voltage
+:param VT:
+:type VT: voltage
+:param thresh:
+:type thresh: voltage
+:param reset:
+:type reset: voltage
+:param delT:
+:type delT: voltage
+:param tauw:
+:type tauw: time
+:param refract:
+:type refract: time
+:param a:
+:type a: conductance
+:param b:
+:type b: current
+:param C: Total capacitance of the cell membrane
+:type C: capacitance
+ Simple dimensionless model of spiking cell from FitzHugh and Nagumo. Superseded by **fitzHughNagumo1969Cell** ( See )
+:param I:
+:type I: none
+ The Fitzhugh Nagumo model is a two-dimensional simplification of the Hodgkin-Huxley model of spike generation in squid giant axons. This system was suggested by FitzHugh ( FitzHugh R. [1961]: Impulses and physiological states in theoretical models of nerve membrane. Biophysical J. 1:445-466 ), who called it " Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model ", and the equivalent circuit by Nagumo et al. ( Nagumo J. , Arimoto S. , and Yoshizawa S. [1962] An active pulse transmission line simulating nerve axon. Proc IRE. 50:2061-2070. 1962 ). This version corresponds to the one described in FitzHugh R. [1969]: Mathematical models of excitation and propagation in nerve. Chapter 1 ( pp. 1-85 in H. P. Schwan, ed. Biological Engineering, McGraw-Hill Book Co. , N. Y. )
+:param a:
+:type a: none
+:param b:
+:type b: none
+:param I: plays the role of an external injected current
+:type I: none
+:param phi:
+:type phi: none
+:param V0:
+:type V0: none
+:param W0:
+:type W0: none
+ Reduced CA3 cell model from Pinsky and Rinzel 1994. See
+:param iSoma:
+:type iSoma: currentDensity
+:param iDend:
+:type iDend: currentDensity
+:param gLs:
+:type gLs: conductanceDensity
+:param gLd:
+:type gLd: conductanceDensity
+:param gNa:
+:type gNa: conductanceDensity
+:param gKdr:
+:type gKdr: conductanceDensity
+:param gCa:
+:type gCa: conductanceDensity
+:param gKahp:
+:type gKahp: conductanceDensity
+:param gKC:
+:type gKC: conductanceDensity
+:param gc:
+:type gc: conductanceDensity
+:param eNa:
+:type eNa: voltage
+:param eCa:
+:type eCa: voltage
+:param eK:
+:type eK: voltage
+:param eL:
+:type eL: voltage
+:param pp:
+:type pp: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: specificCapacitance
+:param alphac:
+:type alphac: none
+:param betac:
+:type betac: none
+:param gNmda:
+:type gNmda: conductanceDensity
+:param gAmpa:
+:type gAmpa: conductanceDensity
+:param qd0:
+:type qd0: none
+ Cell with **segment** s specified in a **morphology** element along with details on its **biophysicalProperties** . NOTE: this can only be correctly simulated using jLEMS when there is a single segment in the cell, and **v** of this cell represents the membrane potential in that isopotential segment.
+ Variant of cell with two independent Ca2+ pools. Cell with **segment** s specified in a **morphology** element along with details on its **biophysicalProperties** . NOTE: this can only be correctly simulated using jLEMS when there is a single segment in the cell, and **v** of this cell represents the membrane potential in that isopotential segment.
+ The collection of **segment** s which specify the 3D structure of the cell, along with a number of **segmentGroup** s
+ A segment defines the smallest unit within a possibly branching structure ( **morphology** ), such as a dendrite or axon. Its **id** should be a nonnegative integer ( usually soma/root = 0 ). Its end points are given by the **proximal** and **distal** points. The **proximal** point can be omitted, usually because it is the same as a point on the **parent** segment, see **proximal** for details. **parent** specifies the parent segment. The first segment of a **cell** ( with no **parent** ) usually represents the soma. The shape is normally a cylinder ( radii of the **proximal** and **distal** equal, but positions different ) or a conical frustum ( radii and positions different ). If the x, y, x positions of the **proximal** and **distal** are equal, the segment can be interpreted as a sphere, and in this case the radii of these points must be equal. NOTE: LEMS does not yet support multicompartmental modelling, so the Dynamics here is only appropriate for single compartment modelling.
+ Base type for ComponentTypes which specify an ( **x,** **y,** **z** ) coordinate along with a **diameter.** Note: no dimension used in the attributes for these coordinates! These are assumed to have dimension micrometer ( 10^-6 m ). This is due to micrometers being the default option for the majority of neuronal morphology formats, and dimensions are omitted here to facilitate reading and writing of morphologies in NeuroML.
+:param x: x coordinate of the point. Note: no dimension used, see description of **point3DWithDiam** for details.
+:type x: none
+:param y: y coordinate of the ppoint. Note: no dimension used, see description of **point3DWithDiam** for details.
+:type y: none
+:param z: z coordinate of the ppoint. Note: no dimension used, see description of **point3DWithDiam** for details.
+:type z: none
+:param diameter: Diameter of the ppoint. Note: no dimension used, see description of **point3DWithDiam** for details.
+:type diameter: none
+ A method to describe a group of **segment** s in a **morphology** , e. g. soma_group, dendrite_group, axon_group. While a name is useful to describe the group, the **neuroLexId** attribute can be used to explicitly specify the meaning of the group, e. g. sao1044911821 for 'Neuronal Cell Body', sao1211023249 for 'Dendrite'. The **segment** s in this group can be specified as: a list of individual **member** segments; a **path** , all of the segments along which should be included; a **subTree** of the **cell** to include; other segmentGroups to **include** ( so all segments from those get included here ). An **inhomogeneousParameter** can be defined on the region of the cell specified by this group ( see **variableParameter** for usage ).
+ An inhomogeneous parameter specified across the **segmentGroup** ( see **variableParameter** for usage ).
+ Allowed metrics for InhomogeneousParam
+ A single identified **segment** which is part of the **segmentGroup**
+ Include all members of another **segmentGroup** in this group
+ Include all the **segment** s between those specified by **from** and **to** , inclusive
+ Include all the **segment** s distal to that specified by **from** in the **segmentGroup**
+ The biophysical properties of the **cell** , including the **membraneProperties** and the **intracellularProperties**
+ The biophysical properties of the **cell** , including the **membraneProperties2CaPools** and the **intracellularProperties2CaPools** for a cell with two Ca pools
+ Properties specific to the membrane, such as the **populations** of channels, **channelDensities,** **specificCapacitance,** etc.
+ Variant of membraneProperties with 2 independent Ca pools
+ Membrane potential at which to emit a spiking event. Note, usually the spiking event will not be emitted again until the membrane potential has fallen below this value and rises again to cross it in a positive direction
+:param value:
+:type value: voltage
+ Capacitance per unit area
+:param value:
+:type value: specificCapacitance
+ Explicitly set initial membrane potential for the cell
+:param value:
+:type value: voltage
+ The resistivity, or specific axial resistance, of the cytoplasm
+:param value:
+:type value: resistivity
+ Population of a **number** of ohmic ion channels. These each produce a conductance **channelg** across a reversal potential **erev,** giving a total current **i.** Note that active membrane currents are more frequently specified as a density over an area of the **cell** using **channelDensity**
+:param number: The number of channels present. This will be multiplied by the time varying conductance of the individual ion channel ( which extends **baseIonChannel** ) to produce the total conductance
+:type number: none
+:param erev: The reversal potential of the current produced
+:type erev: voltage
+ Specifies a time varying ohmic conductance density, which is distributed on a region of the **cell.** The conductance density of the channel is not uniform, but is set using the **variableParameter** . Note, there is no dynamical description of this in LEMS yet, as this type only makes sense for multicompartmental cells. A ComponentType for this needs to be present to enable export of NeuroML 2 multicompartmental cells via LEMS/jNeuroML to NEURON
+:param erev: The reversal potential of the current produced
+:type erev: voltage
+ Specifies a time varying conductance density, which is distributed on a region of the **cell,** and whose reversal potential is calculated from the Nernst equation. Hard coded for Ca only!. The conductance density of the channel is not uniform, but is set using the **variableParameter** . Note, there is no dynamical description of this in LEMS yet, as this type only makes sense for multicompartmental cells. A ComponentType for this needs to be present to enable export of NeuroML 2 multicompartmental cells via LEMS/jNeuroML to NEURON
+ Specifies a time varying conductance density, which is distributed on a region of the **cell,** and whose current is calculated from the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. Hard coded for Ca only!. The conductance density of the channel is not uniform, but is set using the **variableParameter** . Note, there is no dynamical description of this in LEMS yet, as this type only makes sense for multicompartmental cells. A ComponentType for this needs to be present to enable export of NeuroML 2 multicompartmental cells via LEMS/jNeuroML to NEURON
+ Specifies a time varying ohmic conductance density, **gDensity,** which is distributed on an area of the **cell** ( specified in **membraneProperties** ) with fixed reversal potential **erev** producing a current density **iDensity**
+:param erev: The reversal potential of the current produced
+:type erev: voltage
+:param condDensity:
+:type condDensity: conductanceDensity
+ Same as **channelDensity** , but with a **vShift** parameter to change voltage activation of gates. The exact usage of **vShift** in expressions for rates is determined by the individual gates.
+:param vShift:
+:type vShift: voltage
+:param erev: The reversal potential of the current produced
+:type erev: voltage
+:param condDensity:
+:type condDensity: conductanceDensity
+ Specifies a time varying conductance density, **gDensity,** which is distributed on an area of the **cell,** producing a current density **iDensity** and whose reversal potential is calculated from the Nernst equation. Hard coded for Ca only! See
+:param condDensity:
+:type condDensity: conductanceDensity
+ This component is similar to the original component type **channelDensityNernst** but it is changed in order to have a reversal potential that depends on a second independent Ca++ pool ( ca2 ). See
+:param condDensity:
+:type condDensity: conductanceDensity
+ Specifies a time varying conductance density, **gDensity,** which is distributed on an area of the cell, producing a current density **iDensity** and whose reversal potential is calculated from the Goldman Hodgkin Katz equation. Hard coded for Ca only! See
+:param permeability:
+:type permeability: permeability
+ Time varying conductance density, **gDensity,** which is distributed on an area of the cell, producing a current density **iDensity.** Modified version of Jaffe et al. 1994 ( used also in Lawrence et al. 2006 ). See
+:param condDensity:
+:type condDensity: conductanceDensity
+ Specifies a **parameter** ( e. g. condDensity ) which can vary its value across a **segmentGroup.** The value is calculated from **value** attribute of the **inhomogeneousValue** subelement. This element is normally a child of **channelDensityNonUniform** , **channelDensityNonUniformNernst** or **channelDensityNonUniformGHK** and is used to calculate the value of the conductance, etc. which will vary on different parts of the cell. The **segmentGroup** specified here needs to define an **inhomogeneousParameter** ( referenced from **inhomogeneousParameter** in the **inhomogeneousValue** ), which calculates a **variable** ( e. g. p ) varying across the cell ( e. g. based on the path length from soma ), which is then used in the **value** attribute of the **inhomogeneousValue** ( so for example condDensity = f( p ) )
+ Specifies the **value** of an **inhomogeneousParameter.** For usage see **variableParameter**
+ Description of a chemical species identified by **ion,** which has internal, **concentration,** and external, **extConcentration** values for its concentration
+:param initialConcentration:
+:type initialConcentration: concentration
+:param initialExtConcentration:
+:type initialExtConcentration: concentration
+ Biophysical properties related to the intracellular space within the **cell** , such as the **resistivity** and the list of ionic **species** present. **caConc** and **caConcExt** are explicitly exposed here to facilitate accessing these values from other Components, even though **caConcExt** is clearly not an intracellular property
+ Variant of intracellularProperties with 2 independent Ca pools
+ Generates a constant current pulse of a certain **amplitude** for a specified **duration** after a **delay.** Scaled by **weight,** if set
+:param delay: Delay before change in current. Current is zero prior to this.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration for holding current at amplitude. Current is zero after delay + duration.
+:type duration: time
+:param amplitude: Amplitude of current pulse
+:type amplitude: current
+ Dimensionless equivalent of **pulseGenerator** . Generates a constant current pulse of a certain **amplitude** for a specified **duration** after a **delay.** Scaled by **weight,** if set
+:param delay: Delay before change in current. Current is zero prior to this.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration for holding current at amplitude. Current is zero after delay + duration.
+:type duration: time
+:param amplitude: Amplitude of current pulse
+:type amplitude: none
+ Generates a sinusoidally varying current after a time **delay,** for a fixed **duration.** The **period** and maximum **amplitude** of the current can be set as well as the **phase** at which to start. Scaled by **weight,** if set
+:param phase: Phase ( between 0 and 2*pi ) at which to start the varying current ( i. e. at time given by delay )
+:type phase: none
+:param delay: Delay before change in current. Current is zero prior to this.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration for holding current at amplitude. Current is zero after delay + duration.
+:type duration: time
+:param amplitude: Maximum amplitude of current
+:type amplitude: current
+:param period: Time period of oscillation
+:type period: time
+ Dimensionless equivalent of **sineGenerator** . Generates a sinusoidally varying current after a time **delay,** for a fixed **duration.** The **period** and maximum **amplitude** of the current can be set as well as the **phase** at which to start. Scaled by **weight,** if set
+:param phase: Phase ( between 0 and 2*pi ) at which to start the varying current ( i. e. at time given by delay )
+:type phase: none
+:param delay: Delay before change in current. Current is zero prior to this.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration for holding current at amplitude. Current is zero after delay + duration.
+:type duration: time
+:param amplitude: Maximum amplitude of current
+:type amplitude: none
+:param period: Time period of oscillation
+:type period: time
+ Generates a ramping current after a time **delay,** for a fixed **duration.** During this time the current steadily changes from **startAmplitude** to **finishAmplitude.** Scaled by **weight,** if set
+:param delay: Delay before change in current. Current is baselineAmplitude prior to this.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration for holding current at amplitude. Current is baselineAmplitude after delay + duration.
+:type duration: time
+:param startAmplitude: Amplitude of linearly varying current at time delay
+:type startAmplitude: current
+:param finishAmplitude: Amplitude of linearly varying current at time delay + duration
+:type finishAmplitude: current
+:param baselineAmplitude: Amplitude of current before time delay, and after time delay + duration
+:type baselineAmplitude: current
+ Dimensionless equivalent of **rampGenerator** . Generates a ramping current after a time **delay,** for a fixed **duration.** During this time the dimensionless current steadily changes from **startAmplitude** to **finishAmplitude.** Scaled by **weight,** if set
+:param delay: Delay before change in current. Current is baselineAmplitude prior to this.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration for holding current at amplitude. Current is baselineAmplitude after delay + duration.
+:type duration: time
+:param startAmplitude: Amplitude of linearly varying current at time delay
+:type startAmplitude: none
+:param finishAmplitude: Amplitude of linearly varying current at time delay + duration
+:type finishAmplitude: none
+:param baselineAmplitude: Amplitude of current before time delay, and after time delay + duration
+:type baselineAmplitude: none
+ Generates a current which is the sum of all its child **basePointCurrent** element, e. g. can be a combination of **pulseGenerator** , **sineGenerator** elements producing a single **i.** Scaled by **weight,** if set
+ Generates a current which is the sum of all its child **basePointCurrentDL** elements, e. g. can be a combination of **pulseGeneratorDL** , **sineGeneratorDL** elements producing a single **i.** Scaled by **weight,** if set
+ Voltage clamp. Applies a variable current **i** to try to keep parent at **targetVoltage.** Not yet fully tested!!! Consider using voltageClampTriple!!
+:param delay: Delay before change in current. Current is zero prior to this.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration for attempting to keep parent at targetVoltage. Current is zero after delay + duration.
+:type duration: time
+:param targetVoltage: Current will be applied to try to get parent to this target voltage
+:type targetVoltage: voltage
+:param simpleSeriesResistance: Current will be calculated by the difference in voltage between the target and parent, divided by this value
+:type simpleSeriesResistance: resistance
+ Voltage clamp with 3 clamp levels. Applies a variable current **i** ( through **simpleSeriesResistance** ) to try to keep parent cell at **conditioningVoltage** until time **delay,** **testingVoltage** until **delay** + **duration,** and **returnVoltage** afterwards. Only enabled if **active** = 1.
+:param active: Whether the voltage clamp is active ( 1 ) or inactive ( 0 ).
+:type active: none
+:param delay: Delay before switching from conditioningVoltage to testingVoltage.
+:type delay: time
+:param duration: Duration to hold at testingVoltage.
+:type duration: time
+:param conditioningVoltage: Target voltage before time delay
+:type conditioningVoltage: voltage
+:param testingVoltage: Target voltage between times delay and delay + duration
+:type testingVoltage: voltage
+:param returnVoltage: Target voltage after time duration
+:type returnVoltage: voltage
+:param simpleSeriesResistance: Current will be calculated by the difference in voltage between the target and parent, divided by this value
+:type simpleSeriesResistance: resistance
+ Emits a single spike at the specified **time**
+:param time: Time at which to emit one spike event
+:type time: time
+ Set of spike ComponentTypes, each emitting one spike at a certain time. Can be used to feed a predetermined spike train into a cell
+ Spike array connected to a single **synapse,** producing a current triggered by each **spike** in the array.
+ Simple generator of spikes at a regular interval set by **period**
+:param period: Time between spikes. The first spike will be emitted after this time.
+:type period: time
+ Generator of spikes with a random interspike interval of at least **minISI** and at most **maxISI**
+:param maxISI: Maximum interspike interval
+:type maxISI: time
+:param minISI: Minimum interspike interval
+:type minISI: time
+ Generator of spikes whose ISI is distributed according to an exponential PDF with scale: 1 / **averageRate**
+:param averageRate: The average rate at which spikes are emitted
+:type averageRate: per_time
+ Generator of spikes whose ISI distribution is the maximum entropy distribution over [ **minimumISI,** +infinity ) with mean: 1 / **averageRate**
+:param minimumISI: The minimum interspike interval
+:type minimumISI: time
+:param averageRate: The average rate at which spikes are emitted
+:type averageRate: per_time
+ Poisson spike generator firing at **averageRate,** which is connected to single **synapse** that is triggered every time a spike is generated, producing an input current. See also **transientPoissonFiringSynapse** .
+:param averageRate: The average rate at which spikes are emitted
+:type averageRate: per_time
+ Poisson spike generator firing at **averageRate** after a **delay** and for a **duration,** connected to single **synapse** that is triggered every time a spike is generated, providing an input current. Similar to ComponentType **poissonFiringSynapse** .
+:param averageRate:
+:type averageRate: per_time
+:param delay:
+:type delay: time
+:param duration:
+:type duration: time
+ Network containing: **population** s ( potentially of type **populationList** , and so specifying a list of cell **location** s ); **projection** s ( with lists of **connection** s ) and/or **explicitConnection** s; and **inputList** s ( with lists of **input** s ) and/or **explicitInput** s. Note: often in NeuroML this will be of type **networkWithTemperature** if there are temperature dependent elements ( e. g. ion channels ).
+ Initial attempt to specify 3D region for placing cells. Work in progress. . .
+ A population of components, with just one parameter for the **size,** i. e. number of components to create. Note: quite often this is used with type= **populationList** which means the size is determined by the number of **instance** s ( with **location** s ) in the list. The **size** attribute is still set, and there will be a validation error if this does not match the number in the list.
+:param size: Number of instances of this Component to create when the population is instantiated
+:type size: none
+ Specifies a single instance of a component in a **population** ( placed at **location** ).
+ Specifies the ( x, y, z ) location of a single **instance** of a component in a **population**
+:param x:
+:type x: none
+:param y:
+:type y: none
+:param z:
+:type z: none
+ Explicit event connection between named components, which gets processed via a new instance of a **synapse** component which is created on the target component
+ Base for projection (set of synaptic connections) between two populations
+ Projection from one population, **presynapticPopulation** to another, **postsynapticPopulation,** through **synapse.** Contains lists of **connection** or **connectionWD** elements.
+ Base of all synaptic connections (chemical/electrical/analog, etc.) inside projections
+ Base of all synaptic connections with preCellId, postSegmentId, etc.
+ Note: this is not the best name for these attributes, since Id is superfluous, hence BaseConnectionNewFormat
+ Base of all synaptic connections with preCell, postSegment, etc.
+ See BaseConnectionOldFormat
+ Event connection directly between named components, which gets processed via a new instance of a **synapse** component which is created on the target component. Normally contained inside a **projection** element.
+ Event connection between named components, which gets processed via a new instance of a synapse component which is created on the target component, includes setting of **weight** and **delay** for the synaptic connection
+:param weight:
+:type weight: none
+:param delay:
+:type delay: time
+ A projection between **presynapticPopulation** to another **postsynapticPopulation** through gap junctions.
+ To enable connections between populations through gap junctions.
+ To enable connections between populations through gap junctions. Populations need to be of type **populationList** and contain **instance** and **location** elements.
+ To enable connections between populations through gap junctions. Populations need to be of type **populationList** and contain **instance** and **location** elements. Includes setting of **weight** for the connection
+:param weight:
+:type weight: none
+ A projection between **presynapticPopulation** and **postsynapticPopulation** through components **preComponent** at the start and **postComponent** at the end of a **continuousConnection** or **continuousConnectionInstance** . Can be used for analog synapses.
+ An instance of a connection in a **continuousProjection** between **presynapticPopulation** to another **postsynapticPopulation** through a **preComponent** at the start and **postComponent** at the end. Can be used for analog synapses.
+ An instance of a connection in a **continuousProjection** between **presynapticPopulation** to another **postsynapticPopulation** through a **preComponent** at the start and **postComponent** at the end. Populations need to be of type **populationList** and contain **instance** and **location** elements. Can be used for analog synapses.
+ An instance of a connection in a **continuousProjection** between **presynapticPopulation** to another **postsynapticPopulation** through a **preComponent** at the start and **postComponent** at the end. Populations need to be of type **populationList** and contain **instance** and **location** elements. Can be used for analog synapses. Includes setting of **weight** for the connection
+:param weight:
+:type weight: none
+ An explicit input ( anything which extends **basePointCurrent** ) to a target cell in a population
+ An explicit list of **input** s to a **population.**
+ Specifies a single input to a **target,** optionally giving the **segmentId** ( default 0 ) and **fractionAlong** the segment ( default 0. 5 ).
+ Specifies input lists. Can set **weight** to scale individual inputs.
+:param weight:
+:type weight: none
+ Base type of any PyNN standard cell model. Note: membrane potential **v** has dimensions voltage, but all other parameters are dimensionless. This is to facilitate translation to and from PyNN scripts in Python, where these parameters have implicit units, see
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Base type of any PyNN standard integrate and fire model
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Base type of conductance based PyNN IaF cell models
+:param e_rev_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_E: none
+:param e_rev_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_I: none
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and alpha-function-shaped post-synaptic current
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and decaying-exponential post-synaptic current
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and alpha-function-shaped post-synaptic conductance
+:param e_rev_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_E: none
+:param e_rev_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_I: none
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Leaky integrate and fire model with fixed threshold and exponentially-decaying post-synaptic conductance
+:param e_rev_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_E: none
+:param e_rev_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_I: none
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Adaptive exponential integrate and fire neuron according to Brette R and Gerstner W ( 2005 ) with exponentially-decaying post-synaptic conductance
+:param v_spike:
+:type v_spike: none
+:param delta_T:
+:type delta_T: none
+:param tau_w:
+:type tau_w: none
+:param a:
+:type a: none
+:param b:
+:type b: none
+:param e_rev_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_E: none
+:param e_rev_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_I: none
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Adaptive exponential integrate and fire neuron according to Brette R and Gerstner W ( 2005 ) with alpha-function-shaped post-synaptic conductance
+:param v_spike:
+:type v_spike: none
+:param delta_T:
+:type delta_T: none
+:param tau_w:
+:type tau_w: none
+:param a:
+:type a: none
+:param b:
+:type b: none
+:param e_rev_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_E: none
+:param e_rev_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type e_rev_I: none
+:param tau_refrac:
+:type tau_refrac: none
+:param v_thresh:
+:type v_thresh: none
+:param tau_m:
+:type tau_m: none
+:param v_rest:
+:type v_rest: none
+:param v_reset:
+:type v_reset: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Single-compartment Hodgkin-Huxley-type neuron with transient sodium and delayed-rectifier potassium currents using the ion channel models from Traub.
+:param gbar_K:
+:type gbar_K: none
+:param gbar_Na:
+:type gbar_Na: none
+:param g_leak:
+:type g_leak: none
+:param e_rev_K:
+:type e_rev_K: none
+:param e_rev_Na:
+:type e_rev_Na: none
+:param e_rev_leak:
+:type e_rev_leak: none
+:param v_offset:
+:type v_offset: none
+:param e_rev_E:
+:type e_rev_E: none
+:param e_rev_I:
+:type e_rev_I: none
+:param cm:
+:type cm: none
+:param i_offset:
+:type i_offset: none
+:param tau_syn_E: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_E: none
+:param tau_syn_I: This parameter is never used in the NeuroML2 description of this cell! Any synapse producing a current can be placed on this cell
+:type tau_syn_I: none
+:param v_init:
+:type v_init: none
+ Base type for all PyNN synapses. Note, the current **I** produced is dimensionless, but it requires a membrane potential **v** with dimension voltage
+:param tau_syn:
+:type tau_syn: none
+ Conductance based synapse with instantaneous rise and single exponential decay ( with time constant tau_syn )
+:param e_rev:
+:type e_rev: none
+:param tau_syn:
+:type tau_syn: none
+ Alpha synapse: rise time and decay time are both tau_syn. Conductance based synapse.
+:param e_rev:
+:type e_rev: none
+:param tau_syn:
+:type tau_syn: none
+ Current based synapse with instantaneous rise and single exponential decay ( with time constant tau_syn )
+:param tau_syn:
+:type tau_syn: none
+ Alpha synapse: rise time and decay time are both tau_syn. Current based synapse.
+:param tau_syn:
+:type tau_syn: none
+ Spike source, generating spikes according to a Poisson process.
+:param start:
+:type start: time
+:param duration:
+:type duration: time
+:param rate:
+:type rate: per_time
+ Base element without ID specified *yet*, e.g. for an element with a particular requirement on its id which does not comply with NmlId (e.g. Segment needs nonNegativeInteger).
+ Anything which can have a unique (within its parent) id, which must be an integer zero or greater.
+ Anything which can have a unique (within its parent) id of the form NmlId (spaceless combination of letters, numbers and underscore).
+ Elements which can stand alone and be referenced by id, e.g. cell, morphology.
diff --git a/neuroml/nml/ b/neuroml/nml/
index d6e585e8..97929dcb 100644
--- a/neuroml/nml/
+++ b/neuroml/nml/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Generated Fri Nov 19 11:14:04 2021 by version 2.40.5.
-# Python 3.10.0 (default, Oct 4 2021, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.2.1 20210728 (Red Hat 11.2.1-1)]
+# Generated Thu May 19 11:01:22 2022 by version 2.40.13.
+# Python 3.7.7 (default, May 7 2020, 21:25:33) [GCC 7.3.0]
# Command line options:
# ('-o', '')
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
# ('--user-methods', '')
# Command line arguments:
-# NeuroML_v2.2.xsd
+# NeuroML_v2.3.xsd
# Command line:
-# /home/asinha/.local/share/virtualenvs/generateds-310/bin/generateDS -o "" --use-getter-setter="none" --user-methods="" NeuroML_v2.2.xsd
+# /home/padraig/anaconda2/envs/py37//bin/generateDS -o "" --use-getter-setter="none" --user-methods="" NeuroML_v2.3.xsd
# Current working directory (os.getcwd()):
# nml
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
Validate_simpletypes_ = True
SaveElementTreeNode = True
+TagNamePrefix = ""
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
BaseStrType_ = basestring
@@ -205,17 +206,16 @@ def __str__(self):
"str_pretty_print": True,
"str_indent_level": 0,
"str_namespaceprefix": "",
- "str_name": None,
+ "str_name": self.__class__.__name__,
"str_namespacedefs": "",
for n in settings:
if hasattr(self, n):
- setattr(settings[n], self[n])
+ settings[n] = getattr(self, n)
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
from StringIO import StringIO
from io import StringIO
output = StringIO()
@@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ def gds_format_boolean(self, input_data, input_name=""):
return ("%s" % input_data).lower()
def gds_parse_boolean(self, input_data, node=None, input_name=""):
+ input_data = input_data.strip()
if input_data in ("true", "1"):
bval = True
elif input_data in ("false", "0"):
@@ -579,6 +580,7 @@ def gds_validate_simple_patterns(self, patterns, target):
# The target value must match at least one of the patterns
# in order for the test to succeed.
found1 = True
+ target = str(target)
for patterns1 in patterns:
found2 = False
for patterns2 in patterns1:
@@ -863,6 +865,7 @@ def quote_attrib(inStr):
s1 = s1.replace("&", "&")
s1 = s1.replace("<", "<")
s1 = s1.replace(">", ">")
+ s1 = s1.replace("\n", "
if '"' in s1:
if "'" in s1:
s1 = '"%s"' % s1.replace('"', """)
@@ -1478,7 +1481,7 @@ def _exportChildren(
if not fromsubclass_:
for obj_ in self.anytypeobjs_:
showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print)
- outfile.write(obj_)
+ outfile.write(str(obj_))
def build(self, node, gds_collector_=None):
@@ -16744,7 +16747,7 @@ def _exportChildren(
if not fromsubclass_:
for obj_ in self.anytypeobjs_:
showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print)
- outfile.write(obj_)
+ outfile.write(str(obj_))
def build(self, node, gds_collector_=None):
@@ -17408,7 +17411,7 @@ def _exportChildren(
if not fromsubclass_:
for obj_ in self.anytypeobjs_:
showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print)
- outfile.write(obj_)
+ outfile.write(str(obj_))
def build(self, node, gds_collector_=None):
@@ -24215,7 +24218,7 @@ def _exportChildren(
if not fromsubclass_:
for obj_ in self.anytypeobjs_:
showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print)
- outfile.write(obj_)
+ outfile.write(str(obj_))
def build(self, node, gds_collector_=None):
@@ -29026,12 +29029,12 @@ def volume(self):
+ ". The (x,y,z) coordinates of the proximal and distal points match (i.e. it is a sphere), but the diameters of these points are different, making the volume calculation ambiguous."
- return 4.0 / 3 * pi * prox_rad ** 3
+ return 4.0 / 3 * pi * prox_rad**3
length = self.length
volume = (
- (pi / 3) * length * (prox_rad ** 2 + dist_rad ** 2 + prox_rad * dist_rad)
+ (pi / 3) * length * (prox_rad**2 + dist_rad**2 + prox_rad * dist_rad)
return volume
@@ -29069,12 +29072,12 @@ def surface_area(self):
+ ". The (x,y,z) coordinates of the proximal and distal points match (i.e. it is a sphere), but the diameters of these points are different, making the surface area calculation ambiguous."
- return 4.0 * pi * prox_rad ** 2
+ return 4.0 * pi * prox_rad**2
length = self.length
surface_area = (
- pi * (prox_rad + dist_rad) * sqrt((prox_rad - dist_rad) ** 2 + length ** 2)
+ pi * (prox_rad + dist_rad) * sqrt((prox_rad - dist_rad) ** 2 + length**2)
return surface_area
@@ -34946,7 +34949,7 @@ def _exportChildren(
if not fromsubclass_:
for obj_ in self.anytypeobjs_:
showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print)
- outfile.write(obj_)
+ outfile.write(str(obj_))
def build(self, node, gds_collector_=None):
@@ -35195,7 +35198,7 @@ def _exportChildren(
if not fromsubclass_:
for obj_ in self.anytypeobjs_:
showIndent(outfile, level, pretty_print)
- outfile.write(obj_)
+ outfile.write(str(obj_))
def build(self, node, gds_collector_=None):
@@ -57874,9 +57877,10 @@ def usage():
def get_root_tag(node):
tag = Tag_pattern_.match(node.tag).groups()[-1]
- rootClass = GDSClassesMapping.get(tag)
+ prefix_tag = TagNamePrefix + tag
+ rootClass = GDSClassesMapping.get(prefix_tag)
if rootClass is None:
- rootClass = globals().get(tag)
+ rootClass = globals().get(prefix_tag)
return tag, rootClass
@@ -58073,231 +58077,231 @@ def main():
# simpleTypes are marked "ST" and complexTypes "CT".
NamespaceToDefMappings_ = {
"": [
- ("NmlId", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_none", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_voltage", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_length", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_resistance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_resistivity", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_conductance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_conductanceDensity", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_permeability", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_time", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_pertime", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_capacitance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_specificCapacitance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_concentration", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_current", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_currentDensity", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_temperature", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_rhoFactor", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Nml2Quantity_conductancePerVoltage", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("MetaId", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("NeuroLexId", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("NonNegativeInteger", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("PositiveInteger", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("DoubleGreaterThanZero", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("ZeroOrOne", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Notes", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("ZeroToOne", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("channelTypes", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("gateTypes", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("BlockTypes", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("PlasticityTypes", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Metric", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("networkTypes", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("allowedSpaces", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("populationTypes", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "ST"),
- ("Property", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Annotation", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ComponentType", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Constant", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Exposure", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("NamedDimensionalType", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("NamedDimensionalVariable", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Parameter", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("LEMS_Property", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Requirement", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("InstanceRequirement", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Dynamics", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("DerivedVariable", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("StateVariable", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ConditionalDerivedVariable", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Case", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("TimeDerivative", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("NeuroMLDocument", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IncludeType", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IonChannelScalable", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IonChannelKS", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IonChannel", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IonChannelHH", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IonChannelVShift", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Q10ConductanceScaling", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ClosedState", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("OpenState", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ForwardTransition", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ReverseTransition", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("TauInfTransition", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateKS", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateHHUndetermined", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateHHRates", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateHHTauInf", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateHHRatesTauInf", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateHHRatesTau", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateHHRatesInf", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateHHInstantaneous", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateFractional", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GateFractionalSubgate", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Q10Settings", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("HHRate", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("HHVariable", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("HHTime", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("DecayingPoolConcentrationModel", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("FixedFactorConcentrationModel", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseVoltageDepSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseCurrentBasedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseConductanceBasedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseConductanceBasedSynapseTwo", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GapJunction", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SilentSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("LinearGradedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GradedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("AlphaCurrentSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("AlphaSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExpOneSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExpTwoSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExpThreeSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("DoubleSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BlockingPlasticSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BlockMechanism", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("PlasticityMechanism", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IafTauCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IafTauRefCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IafCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IafRefCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IzhikevichCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseCellMembPotCap", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Izhikevich2007Cell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("AdExIaFCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("FitzHughNagumoCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("FitzHughNagumo1969Cell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("PinskyRinzelCA3Cell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Cell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Cell2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Morphology", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Segment", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SegmentParent", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Point3DWithDiam", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SegmentGroup", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("InhomogeneousParameter", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ProximalDetails", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("DistalDetails", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Member", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Include", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Path", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SubTree", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SegmentEndPoint", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BiophysicalProperties", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BiophysicalProperties2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("MembraneProperties", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("MembraneProperties2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpikeThresh", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpecificCapacitance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("InitMembPotential", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Resistivity", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelPopulation", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityNonUniform", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityNonUniformNernst", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityNonUniformGHK", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensity", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityVShift", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityNernst", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityNernstCa2", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityGHK", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ChannelDensityGHK2", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("VariableParameter", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("InhomogeneousValue", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Species", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ConcentrationModel_D", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IntracellularProperties", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IntracellularProperties2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExtracellularProperties", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExtracellularPropertiesLocal", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ReactionScheme", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("PulseGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("PulseGeneratorDL", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SineGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SineGeneratorDL", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("RampGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("RampGeneratorDL", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("CompoundInput", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("CompoundInputDL", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("VoltageClamp", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("VoltageClampTriple", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Spike", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpikeArray", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("TimedSynapticInput", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpikeGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpikeGeneratorRandom", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpikeGeneratorPoisson", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpikeGeneratorRefPoisson", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("PoissonFiringSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("TransientPoissonFiringSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Network", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Space", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpaceStructure", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Region", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Population", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Layout", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("UnstructuredLayout", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("RandomLayout", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("GridLayout", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Instance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Location", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("CellSet", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SynapticConnection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseProjection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Projection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseConnection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseConnectionOldFormat", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseConnectionNewFormat", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Connection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ConnectionWD", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ElectricalProjection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ElectricalConnection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ElectricalConnectionInstance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ElectricalConnectionInstanceW", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ContinuousProjection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ContinuousConnection", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ContinuousConnectionInstance", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ContinuousConnectionInstanceW", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExplicitInput", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("InputList", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Input", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("InputW", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("basePyNNCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("basePyNNIaFCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("basePyNNIaFCondCell", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IF_curr_alpha", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IF_curr_exp", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IF_cond_alpha", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("IF_cond_exp", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("HH_cond_exp", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BasePynnSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExpCondSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("AlphaCondSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("ExpCurrSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("AlphaCurrSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("SpikeSourcePoisson", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseWithoutId", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("BaseNonNegativeIntegerId", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Base", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
- ("Standalone", "NeuroML_v2.2.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("NmlId", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_none", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_voltage", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_length", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_resistance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_resistivity", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_conductance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_conductanceDensity", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_permeability", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_time", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_pertime", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_capacitance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_specificCapacitance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_concentration", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_current", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_currentDensity", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_temperature", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_rhoFactor", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Nml2Quantity_conductancePerVoltage", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("MetaId", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("NeuroLexId", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("NonNegativeInteger", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("PositiveInteger", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("DoubleGreaterThanZero", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("ZeroOrOne", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Notes", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("ZeroToOne", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("channelTypes", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("gateTypes", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("BlockTypes", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("PlasticityTypes", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Metric", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("networkTypes", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("allowedSpaces", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("populationTypes", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "ST"),
+ ("Property", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Annotation", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ComponentType", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Constant", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Exposure", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("NamedDimensionalType", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("NamedDimensionalVariable", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Parameter", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("LEMS_Property", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Requirement", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("InstanceRequirement", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Dynamics", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("DerivedVariable", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("StateVariable", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ConditionalDerivedVariable", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Case", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("TimeDerivative", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("NeuroMLDocument", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IncludeType", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IonChannelScalable", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IonChannelKS", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IonChannel", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IonChannelHH", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IonChannelVShift", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Q10ConductanceScaling", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ClosedState", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("OpenState", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ForwardTransition", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ReverseTransition", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("TauInfTransition", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateKS", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateHHUndetermined", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateHHRates", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateHHTauInf", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateHHRatesTauInf", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateHHRatesTau", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateHHRatesInf", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateHHInstantaneous", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateFractional", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GateFractionalSubgate", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Q10Settings", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("HHRate", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("HHVariable", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("HHTime", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("DecayingPoolConcentrationModel", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("FixedFactorConcentrationModel", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseVoltageDepSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseCurrentBasedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseConductanceBasedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseConductanceBasedSynapseTwo", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GapJunction", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SilentSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("LinearGradedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GradedSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("AlphaCurrentSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("AlphaSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExpOneSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExpTwoSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExpThreeSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("DoubleSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BlockingPlasticSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BlockMechanism", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("PlasticityMechanism", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IafTauCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IafTauRefCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IafCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IafRefCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IzhikevichCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseCellMembPotCap", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Izhikevich2007Cell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("AdExIaFCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("FitzHughNagumoCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("FitzHughNagumo1969Cell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("PinskyRinzelCA3Cell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Cell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Cell2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Morphology", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Segment", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SegmentParent", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Point3DWithDiam", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SegmentGroup", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("InhomogeneousParameter", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ProximalDetails", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("DistalDetails", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Member", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Include", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Path", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SubTree", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SegmentEndPoint", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BiophysicalProperties", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BiophysicalProperties2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("MembraneProperties", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("MembraneProperties2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpikeThresh", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpecificCapacitance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("InitMembPotential", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Resistivity", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelPopulation", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityNonUniform", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityNonUniformNernst", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityNonUniformGHK", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensity", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityVShift", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityNernst", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityNernstCa2", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityGHK", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ChannelDensityGHK2", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("VariableParameter", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("InhomogeneousValue", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Species", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ConcentrationModel_D", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IntracellularProperties", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IntracellularProperties2CaPools", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExtracellularProperties", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExtracellularPropertiesLocal", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ReactionScheme", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("PulseGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("PulseGeneratorDL", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SineGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SineGeneratorDL", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("RampGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("RampGeneratorDL", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("CompoundInput", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("CompoundInputDL", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("VoltageClamp", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("VoltageClampTriple", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Spike", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpikeArray", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("TimedSynapticInput", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpikeGenerator", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpikeGeneratorRandom", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpikeGeneratorPoisson", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpikeGeneratorRefPoisson", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("PoissonFiringSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("TransientPoissonFiringSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Network", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Space", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpaceStructure", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Region", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Population", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Layout", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("UnstructuredLayout", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("RandomLayout", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("GridLayout", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Instance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Location", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("CellSet", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SynapticConnection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseProjection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Projection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseConnection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseConnectionOldFormat", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseConnectionNewFormat", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Connection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ConnectionWD", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ElectricalProjection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ElectricalConnection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ElectricalConnectionInstance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ElectricalConnectionInstanceW", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ContinuousProjection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ContinuousConnection", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ContinuousConnectionInstance", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ContinuousConnectionInstanceW", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExplicitInput", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("InputList", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Input", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("InputW", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("basePyNNCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("basePyNNIaFCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("basePyNNIaFCondCell", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IF_curr_alpha", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IF_curr_exp", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IF_cond_alpha", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("IF_cond_exp", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("HH_cond_exp", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BasePynnSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExpCondSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("AlphaCondSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("ExpCurrSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("AlphaCurrSynapse", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("SpikeSourcePoisson", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseWithoutId", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("BaseNonNegativeIntegerId", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Base", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),
+ ("Standalone", "NeuroML_v2.3.xsd", "CT"),