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Standing Order Page

Rob edited this page Aug 19, 2015 · 2 revisions

Standing Order Page

Page Overview

This page offers a full breakdown of information for the standing order, including options to stop, change addresses, or edit delivery and payment methods.

Order Billing Information

This section shows the recipient's billing address for the standing order.

"Change Order Billing Address" Link

Clicking on this link allows you to change the billing address for the standing order.

Order Shipping Information

This section shows the recipient's shipping address for the standing order.

"Change Order Shipping Address" Link

Clicking on this link allows you to change the shipping address for the standing order.

Order Status

This shows the current status of the standing order. The "Request To Stop" button will send a request through to the business owner to stop the standing order.

Next Delivery Date

The date presented here is when the next standing order will be sent out to the customer.

Total Orders

This number lets the customer know the total number of orders that have been sent as part of the standing order, since its inception.

Total Spent

This figure shows the total amount spent since the start of the standing order.

Order Summary

The frequency and start date of the standing order is presented here.

Order Table

This table shows exactly what's being ordered, its quantity, price, any discounts, and subtotal cost, for each unique product that's part of the order.

Delivery Method

The current delivery method is shown here, with an option to change if desired.

Cost Summary

A subtotal, tax line, and order total are presented to the customer in this section.

Payment Instructions

Whichever payment method the customer has chosen for this standing order is shown here, with an option to change if required.

"Go Back" Button

This button takes you back to the standing order overview page, where all standing orders are shown.

"Save Changes" Button

This saves any changes that might have been made to the standing order, for example billing address, or payment method.