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Pay Outstanding Invoices

Rob edited this page Sep 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

Pay Outstanding Orders and Invoices

Page Overview

This page allows a registered user to pay any invoices and/or orders attached to their account. They are able to see their existing balance, a list of their unpaid orders and use the Payment Processor, allowing the user to pay their outstanding balance here. This page is accessed by going into "My Account" --> "Pay Outstanding Orders and Invoices".

##My Account Details

###My Payment Terms

This tells the customer what current payment terms they are currently on such as Due On Invoice, Cash-on-Delivery or Due at the End of the Month. The customer can not edit this.

###My Account Balance

This details the customer's current balance they have on their account. In brackets beside this, their credit limit is shown to conveniently remind the user.

###My Available Credit

This tells the user how much credit they have on their account. This credit can sometimes be used to pay for a future order.

##Real Time Payment Processor

The Real Time Payment Processor is one half of the main functions on this page. This allows the user to select their payment method such as Visa or Mastercard and how much they would like to pay.

###Select Payment Method

The dropdown allows users to select their payment method. Upon selection of a payment method, the neccessary fields for the user to fill out will appear below.

For example, if we select Mastercard for example, a box below will appear where the user enters the Card Holder details (name of Account Holder; eg. Mr John Smith), the Card Number, Card Expiration Date (by Month and Year) and the Card's CCID.

###Payment Amount

This is the total figure that the user wants to pay on their orders. It will be distributed in the Unpaid Orders section.

##Unpaid Orders

This is a list in table view of the orders that are still owed by the customer.

###Order ID

Similar to the SKU of a product, this is the unique ID of the order.

###Invoiced Date

The date the order was invoiced.

###Payment Terms

The details on how the order is expected to be paid.

###Due Date

The due date of the order; eg. when the order needs to be paid for.

###Total Due

The overall amount of money that the order is worth.

###Amount Due

The amount that is remaining on the order to be paid.

###Amount Applied

This free text field allows the user to apply the amount they would like to apply to each order.

###Apply Button

This button auto-calculates an amount to apply to that exact order, based on what has been applied already.

For example, if you have 3 orders totaling $600:

  1. $100
  2. $200
  3. $300

and you wish to pay $500 towards your unpaid orders (you means you would input $500 in the Payment Amount field in the Real Time Payment Processor section). In this example, you decide to pay the Orders 1 and 2 first. For orders 1 and 2, by clicking on the "Apply" button for each, it will auto-fill the fields with $100 and $200 for each respective order. For Order 3, as there is not enough available cash to pay the full amount, it will auto-populate the field with $200.

This is particularly handy to quickly assign amounts to orders with specific amounts. It helps to eliminate the need to assign your payment amount over multiple different orders and reduces human error through the use of the automatic calculator.

###Total Applied

The sum of the Amounts that have been entered into in the Amount Applied column will appear here.

###Payment Amount

This is the same amount that is inputted in the text field above in the Payment Account section in the Real-Time Payment Processor section.

###Out of Balance

This is calculated by the Payment Amount subtracted by the Total Applied Amount. This needs to be 0 to ensure that all money was allocated correctly.

##Reset Button

This resets all information on this page, useful for starting over and inputting all information once again.

##Process Payment Button

This processes all information that is input on this page including payment credentials and orders amounts.