This is to document some of my crazy ideas for this project.
The normal ways (computed gotos, tail-calls) to optimize VM opcode execution do not work in Rust.
Crazy ideas:
- Each opcode as a closure/function. Still using a loop to call each opcode.
- Each opcode as a closure that also has a reference to the next opcode.
- Compile opcodes to nested closures. All opcodes have a static number of inputs and outputs.
A closure can be made for each opcode of a function to capture the opcode's parameters (jump target, local/global idx, mem offset, etc..).
It could also allow merging multiple opcodes into a single closure.
Convert (2 push, 2 pop, 1 push):
- GetLocal(0) - push local onto stack.
- I64Const(1234) - push constant '1234' onto stack.
- I64Add - pop two i64 values, push results (a + b)
/// opcode functions for i64 opcodes.
mod i64_ops {
fn op_add_local_const(store: &mut Store, local: u32, const_val: i64) -> Trap<()> {
let left = store.get_local(local);
let right = const_val;
let res = left.wrapping_add(right);
/// many more "merged" opcode functions.....
The compiler would make a closure:
let local_idx = 0; // decoded from 'GetLocal(0)' op
let const_val = 1234; // decoded from 'I64Const(1234)' op
let merged_op = move |_state: &State, store: &mut Store| -> Trap<()> {
i64_ops::op_add_local_const(store, local_idx, const_val);
- Module - immutable
- Function - immutable
- CodeBlock - immutable
- Instruction - immutable
- VM - mutable
An Module defines the static code for a program/script. It contains a list of Functions.
Can have an optional start
Function that is executed before any exported functions can
be called.
- Meta data{version, total size, # globals, # functions, min size required to start execution}
- Export/globals
- One or more Functions. Allow stream execution.
- Type
- Locals
- Body - Intructions.
- Meta{# locals, # instructions}
- ... many standard ops: Add,Sub,Mul,Load,Store,etc...
- Call - Call another Function inside the Module.
- TailCall - Optimized version of
. - RustCall - Call non-async Rust function. Easy to use for API bindings.
- AsyncCall - Async call.
These are optimizations to avoid creating a boxed (heap allocated) future.
For simple library functions. Don't allow it to call functions in the Module.
Need to used a BoxFuture
to avoid recursive async calls.
use futures::future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt};
fn recursive() -> BoxFuture<'static, ()> {
async move {
Rust's async support could be used to make the VM stackless without the need for an internal callstack or C-style coroutine (task/stacklet/etc...).
Stack of:
- FunctionCtx - VM Function context(function idx, pc, locals)
- Future - Rust Future
The execution context for a Module. The VM holds an immutable reference to the Module.
Loading/executing the Module in a VM should be async.
- Create a Module by compiling/loading it from a file. Should support async I/O.
- Create a VM from the Module. (VM is mutable, Module is immutable). doesn't block.
Call Function: Rust -> VM
- async. Can yield from