Releases: NatLibFi/Skosmos
Skosmos 0.5
This version brings several performance improvements as well as new features.
- performance updates
- #46: faster suffix search (e.g. *ism) when using the jena-text index (requires Fuseki 1.1.0 or later)
- several other performance improvements (some were ported to the 0.4.x maintenance series)
- advanced search functionality
- #39: enhanced display of linked concepts (e.g. LCSH)
- enhanced contextual help
- first unit tests and integration with Travis CI automatic testing environment
For a more complete list of bug fixes and new features in this version, see issues tagged with the 0.5 milestone.
See the upgrade instructions in the wiki for information about upgrading from 0.4.x.
Skosmos 0.4.3
Skosmos 0.4.2
This is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and performance optimizations. Issues fixed:
- #30 Date value causes exception in SAPO concept pages
- #35 Preventing feedback form spam
- #41 Slow Lucene searches
- #45 Hierarchy not shown all the way up in YSA
- #47 Concept page is slow for concepts with lots of narrower relationships
In addition, there are fixes to AJAX processing (a race condition could happen when pages load slowly).
This release is based on the v0.4-maintenance branch.
Skosmos 0.4.1
This is a bugfix release containing fixes for the following search-related issues discovered since the 0.4 release:
- #26 Global search gets no hits if UI language doesn't match vocab language
- #27 Waypoint search times out for "pyhäjärvi"
- #28 Waypoint search doesn't show it's loading more results
This release is based on the v0.4-maintenance branch.
Skosmos 0.4
This is a first release of Skosmos since the rename and transition from ONKI Light.
New features since ONKI Light 0.3:
- new look (designed by Hahmo Design, a simplified version of the design)
- also works reasonably well on mobile devices
- improved search functionality
- redesigned search results page (with icons etc)
- ability to limit search to a set of vocabularies
- easier install and customization
- dynamic i18n configuration, e.g. ability to set available UI languages in and easier translation to new languages
- ability to set custom CSS, custom boxes on front page and custom about page
- code quality improvements
- PSR-2 code style adopted
- cleanup of stale images, CSS, translations etc.
- other bugs fixed and features implemented: