Sidebar listing: list and traverse vocabulary contents by a criterion
{# Should be changed for translation #}
{{'Sidebar listing: list and traverse vocabulary contents by a criterion' | trans}}
{% for view in vocab.config.sidebarViews %}
{{ view }}
{# Should be changed for translation #}
+ {% if view == 'alphabetical' %} {% set view_trans_text = ['Alpha-nav', 'List vocabulary concepts alphabetically'] %}
+ {% elseif view == 'hierarchy' %} {% set view_trans_text = ['Hier-nav', 'List vocabulary concepts hierarchically'] %}
+ {% elseif view == 'groups' %} {% set view_trans_text = ['Group-nav', 'List vocabulary concepts and groupings hierarchically'] %}
+ {% else %} {% set view_trans_text = vocab.config.showDeprecatedChanges ? ['Changes-and-deprecations-nav', 'List vocabulary concepts by newest additions including removed'] : ['Changes-nav', 'List vocabulary concepts by newest additions'] %}{% endif %}
{{ view_trans_text[1] | trans }}
{# active_class is used to set initial active tab and disabled_class is used to disable hierarchy tab #}
{# On vocab page active tab is set to defaultSidebarView, on concept page active tab is set to defaultConceptSidebarView #}
{% set active_class = ( == 'vocab' and view == vocab.config.defaultSidebarView) or ( == 'page' and view == vocab.config.defaultConceptSidebarView) %}
{# Hierarchy tab is disabled on vocab page if showTopConcepts is set to false #}
{% set disabled_class = == 'vocab' and view == 'hierarchy' and not (vocab.config.showTopConcepts) %}
{% endfor %}
@@ -27,7 +33,7 @@
{# active_class is used to set initial active tab #}
{# On vocab page active tab is set to defaultSidebarView, on concept page active tab is set to defaultConceptSidebarView #}
{% set active_class = ( == 'vocab' and view == vocab.config.defaultSidebarView) or ( == 'page' and view == vocab.config.defaultConceptSidebarView) %}