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Direct Model Programming


This sets up the environment:

conda env create
conda activate dmp
conda develop .

If you're using the job queue:

pip install --editable=git+

Be sure you do not have keras installed in this environment, as it will cause runners to fail due to a namespace conflict when instantiating the DNN optimizer.


pytest -s -v tests

Running experiments locally

python -u -m dmp.aspect_test "{'datasets': ['nursery'],'budgets':[500], 'topologies' : [ 'wide_first' ], 'depths' : [4],  'run_config' : { 'epochs': 10}, 'test_split': 0.1, 'reps': 1, 'mode':'direct' }"


You can add checkpointing and automatic-resuming of model runs by including the "checkpoint_epochs" parameter in the run config. This should be set to an integer number of epochs. The model will be checkpointed after this number of epochs have been completed. By default, the checkpoints will be saved to the directory "./checkpoints". This can be overridden by setting the environment variable $DMP_CHECKPOINT_DIR, which can itself be overridden by the "checkpoint_dir" parmeter in the config.

The name of the checkpoint will be "run_name" if not specified. If run through the job queue, it will be set to the uuid of the job being run. You can name the checkpoint file manually by passing in "jq_uuid" to the configuration.


  • This feature relies on keras-buoy package from PyPi.

  • This feature is not compatible with test_split configuration due to the way Keras stores historical losses in callback objects.

  • This feature does not restore the random state, so a result from a session which has been checkpointed and resumed may not be reproducible.

    python -u -m dmp.aspect_test "{'datasets': ['nursery'],'budgets':[500], 'topologies' : [ 'wide_first' ], 'depths' : [4], 'run_config' : { 'epochs': 10}, 'reps': 1, 'mode':'direct', 'checkpoint_epochs':1, 'jq_uuid':'nursery_500_widefirst_4' }"

Tensorboard Logging

You can enable tensorboard logging with 'tensorboard' configuration. Set this to the tensorboard log directory.


To view the tensorboard logs, use the following command:

tensorboard --logdir ./log/tensorboard/

Keras model output (as graphviz / png image)

Note: You must install Graphviz and Pydot to use this feature.


Residual Networks

DMP supports training of residual networks by using the 'residual_mode' configuration. Set this to "full" for wide_first or rectangular networks only to enable residual mode.


Extra Eagle Setup Steps

Tensorflow 2.6 from the conda channel now has most important Eagle CPU optimizations compiled in, but you must set:


in order to activate the optimizations. Intel calls these "oneDNN", and you will see a message logged when they are activated on worker startup. I would set it either in your .bashrc or in your environment (admp) script as discussed below.

You can check if all is well with the tensorflow configuration by running:

python -m dmp.util.check_tensorflow

This will print out diagnostic tensorflow information, including if oneDNN optimizations are enabled.

Previously, we used this optimized tensorflow build for Eagle CPUs and GPUs:

pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall /nopt/nrel/apps/wheels/tensorflow-2.4.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Example Eagle Environment Setup Script

An example script that sets up the right modules and environment variables to use the optimized tenseorflow build and appropriate directories.

    source ~/.bashrc
    conda deactivate
    module purge
    module use /nopt/nrel/apps/modules/centos74/modulefiles/
    module load gcc/7.4.0
    module load cuda/10.0.130
    module load cudnn/7.4.2/cuda-10.0
    module load conda
    module load conda
    conda deactivate
    export TEST_TMPDIR=/scratch/ctripp/tmp
    export TMPDIR=/scratch/ctripp/tmp
    export PYTHONPATH=/projects/dmpapps/ctripp/src
    cd /projects/dmpapps/ctripp/src
    conda activate /projects/dmpapps/ctripp/env/dmp

Running experiments on Eagle with Sbatch

Create ~/admp file that contains env setup script like above.
sbatch -n1 -t18:00:00 --gres=gpu:1 ./ "{'dataset': 'nursery','budgets':[262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152, 4194304, 8388608], 'topologies' : [ 'wide_first' ] }"

Job Queue

Create the .jobqueue.json file in your home directory

Enqueue aspect-test jobs using the job queue

Pipe the output of list into jq_enqueue, with a tag name as the argument

python -u -m dmp.aspect_test "{'mode':'list', 'dataset': 'nursery','budgets':[500, 1000], 'topologies' : [ 'wide_first' ], 'depths' : [4],  'run_config' : { 'epochs': 2}, 'test_split': 0.1, 'reps': 1, 'log':'postgres'}" \
 | python -u -m dmp.jobqueue_interface.enqueue dmp test_tag

Note, this allows you to first save the output of aspect_test to a local file for reproducibility purposes.

Running aspect-test jobs from the job queue

Start a process pointing at the correct queue, and also

python -u -m dmp.jq_runner dmp test_tag

Experimentson Eagle using Job Queue and Sbatch

Aspect Test

Python Module: dmp.aspect_test

Full Config:

{ mode:list, datasets: ['201_pol', '529_pollen', '537_houses', 'adult', 'connect_4', 'mnist', 'nursery', 'sleep', 'wine_quality_white'], 'topologies': ['rectangle', 'trapezoid', 'exponential', 'wide_first'], 'budgets': [1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536,131072,262144,524288,1048576,2097152,4194304,8388608,16777216,33554432], 'depths': [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20], 'log':'postgres' }


{ mode:list, datasets: ['201_pol', '529_pollen', '537_houses', 'adult', 'connect_4', 'mnist', 'nursery', 'sleep', 'wine_quality_white'], 'topologies': ['rectangle', 'wide_first'], 'residual_modes': ['full'], 'budgets': [1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536,131072,262144,524288,1048576,2097152,4194304,8388608,16777216,33554432], 'depths': [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20], 'log':'postgres' }

Debug / Demo

Save small test config to a log file:

python -u -m dmp.aspect_test "{ mode:list, datasets: ['201_pol', '529_pollen', '537_houses', 'adult', 'connect_4', 'mnist', 'nursery', 'sleep', 'wine_quality_white'], 'topologies': ['rectangle', 'trapezoid', 'exponential', 'wide_first'], 'budgets': [1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536,131072,262144,524288,1048576,2097152,4194304,8388608,16777216,33554432], 'depths': [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20], 'log':'postgres' }" > log/

Push this log file to the queue

cat log/ | python -u -m dmp.jobqueue_interface.enqueue dmp jordan_eagle_1

Queue runner in sbatch

 sbatch dmp jordan_eagle_1

Slurm nanny with Python (use Login node as nanny)

 conda activate dmp
 python dmp/ dmp jordan_eagle_1

Monitor job progress using the database

SELECT * FROM jobqueue WHERE groupname='jordan_eagle_1' AND START_TIME IS NOT NULL;

Monitor SLURM jobs

squeue -u username
scancel jobid

Vermillion (LDRD Cluster) Notes

DMP has been successfully run on These notes should help you get started with Vermillion.

1. Activate Anaconda in your shell

module use /projects/dmpapps/module/

Initialize Anaconda

module load conda/mini_py39_4.9.2
conda init
source ~/.bashrc

Load cuda module

module load cuda

2. Ensure you have the correct files in your account

Install DMP

git clone [email protected]:ctripp/DMP.git
cd DMP
conda env create
pip install -e .

Install Jobqueue

git clone [email protected]:mlunacek/jobqueue-pg.git
cd jobqueue-pg
pip install -e .

Copy Job Queue Config File from Eagle into your Vermillion home directory

scp eagle:.jobqueue.json ~/.jobqueue.json

3. Test installation on an interactive node

srun --time=30 --account=dmpapps --ntasks=36 --pty $SHELL
python -m dmp.jq.jq_node_manager dmp fixed_3k_1 "[[0,3,0,0,0], [3,6,0,0,0], [6,9,0,0,0], [9,12,0,0,0], [12,15,0,0,0], [15,18,0,0,0], [18,21,0,0,0], [21,24,0,0,0], [24,27,0,0,0], [27,30,0,0,0],[30,33,0,0,0],[33,36,0,0,0]]"

4. TODO: Modify ADMP and to submit batch jobs to Vemrillion.