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Modules in Fortran provide the way to structure collections of related definitions and operations, and make them available elsewhere.

Module structure

We have already used one intrinsic module (iso_fortran_env); we can also write our own, e.g.,

module module1

  implicit none
  integer, parameter :: mykind = kind(1.d0)


  function pi_mykind() result(pi)   ! Return the value of a well-known constant

    real (kind = mykind) :: pi
    pi = 4.0*atan(1.0_mykind)

  end function pi_mykind

end module module1

We may now use the new module in other program units (main program or other modules). For example:

program example1

  use module1
  implicit none

  real (kind = mykind) :: value
  value = pi_mykind()

end program example1

Here both the parameter mykind and the function pi_mykind() are said to be available by use association. Note that any use statements must come before the implicit statement.

Formally, the structure of a module is:

  module module-name
  [ contains
    module-subprograms ]
  end [ module [ module-name ]]

The contains statement separates the specification statements from module sub-programs. Sub-programs, or procedures, consist of functions and/or subroutines, of which more later.

Digression: compilation of modules, and programs

One would typically expect modules and a main program to be in separate files, e.g.,:

$ ls
module1.f90     program1.f90

It is often convenient to use the same name for the both module and the corresponding file (with extension .f90). You can do differently, but it can become confusing. Likewise for the main program.

We can compile the module, e.g.,

$ ftn -c module1.f90

where the -c option to the Fortran compiler ftn requests compilation only (no link). This should give us two new files:

$ ls
module1.f90     module1.mod     module1.o       program1.f90

The first is a compiler-specific module file (usually with a .mod extension). This plays the role roughly analogous to a header (.h) file in C, in that it contains the relevant public information about what the module provides. The other file is the object file (.o extension) which can be linked with the run time to form an executable.

We can now compile both the main program and the module to give an executable.

$ ftn module1.o program1.f90

Again, by analogy with C header files, we do not include the .mod file in the compilation command; there is a search path which the compiler uses to look for module files (which includes the current working directory).

Exercise (2 minutes)

If you haven't already done so, compile the accompanying module1.f90 and program1.f90. Check the errors which occur if you: (1) try to compile the program without the module file via, e.g.,

$ ftn program1.f90

and (2), if you try to compile and link the module file alone:

$ ftn module1.f90


Entities declared in a module are, by default, available by use association, that is, they are visible in program units which use the module. One can make this scope explicit via the public and private statements.

module module1

  implciit none

  integer, parameter :: mykind = kind(1.d0)


  function pi_mykind() result(pi)

    real (kind = mykind) :: pi
  end function pi_mykind()

end module module1

Note that the parameter mykind is available throughout the module via host association (always).

An alternative would be to switch the default to private, and explicitly add public attributes:

module module1

  implicit none

  integer, parameter, public :: mykind = kind(1.d0)    ! visible via `use`
  integer, parameter         :: mypriv = 2             ! not visible via `use`

  public :: pi_mykind

  function pi_mykind() result(pi)                      ! public
    ! ... may call my_private() ...
  end function pi_mykind

  subroutine my_private()                              ! private
  end subroutine
end module module1

Note that scope of the implicit statement also covers the whole module, including sub-programs.

Exercise (1 minute)

Edit the accompanying module1.f90 to add a private statement and check the error if you try to compile program1.f90.

Module data and other horrors

It is possible to establish non-parameter data in the specification section of a module. E.g.,

module module2

  implicit none
  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: iarray

This course will argue that you should not do so. There are a number of reasons.

  1. Any such data takes on the character of a global mutable object. Global objects are generally frowned upon in modern software development.
  2. Operations in module procedures on such data run the risk of being neither thread safe nor re-entrant.

Even worse, variables declared with an initialisation in a module sub-program, e.g.,

  integer :: i = 1

implicitly take on the Fortran save attribute. This means the variable is placed in heap memory and retains its value between calls. (Analogous to a static declaration in C.) This is certainly neither thread-safe nor re-entrant. Uninitialised variables appear on the stack (and disappear) as expected.

For this reason it is the rule, rather than the exception, that variables are not initialised at the point of declaration in Fortran.

We will look at alternative ways of establishing and moving data as we go along.

Scope again: block

It is not possible in Fortran to intermingle declarations and executable statements. Specification statements must appear at the start of scope before any executable statements. This can lead to rather lengthy list of declarations at the start of large routines.

It is possible to introduce a local scope which follows executable statements using the block construct. Schematically:

   ... some computation ...
     integer :: itmp                  ! in scope within the block only
     ... some more computation ...
   end block
   ... some more computation ...

This can be useful for introducing temporary variables which are only required for the duration of a short part of a longer procedure. In this way, it acts like { .. } in C.

Exercise (5 minutes)

Return to your code for the approximation to pi via the Gauss-Legendre iteration (or use the template section2.02/exercise1.f90). Using the examples above as a template, write a module to contain a function which returns the value so computed. Check you can use the new function from a main program.

What really needs to be publicly available from the module in this case?

Additional exercise: Can we have the following situation:

module a

  use b
  implciit none
  ! content a ...
end module a


module b

  use a
  implicit none
  ! content b ...
end module b

If not, why not?

Expert exercise: If you wish to express dependencies in a Makefile for a Fortran program using a module, does compilation the program source depend on the .mod module file, the .o object file, or both? Do you care?