An online reversi service powered by NOOXY NoService and Nodenet. NOOXY NoService is a service framework. Nodenet is a neuralnet library.
A UNIX system.
git, nodejs, npm, openssl
ws, sqlite3
- Deploy NoService
npm install noservice -save
npx create-noservice .
note that "." can be replace by anywhere you'd like to deploy!
2a. Copy these files into "services/noversi" the folder you deploy noservice.
2b. Alternatively you can launch noservice and type.
service git install NOOXY-Research/Noversi github
- Add "noversi" into "settings.json"(in the folder you deploy noservice) "services" settings.
Then you are ready to play! By typing "node launch.js" under NoService deployed folder. And open the client in browser.
see client directory