To follow along with the lesson, we will be using My Binder to host an online version of OpenRefine. Please follow these instructions carefully.
- Open this link in a new window/tab:
- This will take anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes to load, so be patient
- Once it loads, you will see a window that matches an OpenRefine session. Please ignore the yellow warning bar at the top saying there is a new version of OpenRefine.
You can use files from your computer just like the installed version of OpenRefine.
- My Binder FAQ:
- Everything in the binder session is temporary
- You will need to keep the URL your instructor gave you handy. 10 minutes of inactivity will result in the session being shut down with all progress lost.
- Everything done in the the Binder session is potentially visible to the world
The only known issue is that it is not currently possible to upload previous OpenRefine projects.