Detailed instructions on how to build and run CFE in three modes (standalone, pseudo, and nextgen frameworks) are provided below. Building CFE requires GCC and CMAKE on your machine.
git clone
cd cfe
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
- Before running the following examples, it is recommended to run the unittests tests.
- All build commands are run within the
directory, and run commands are executed from the cfe directory.
CFE reads local forcing data (standalone CFE BMI run), potential ET is not included. The example uses CAMELS catchment-87 data. Notation: BASE
cmake ../ -DBASE=ON
make && cd ..
This example couples CFE with AORC. AORC reads the forcing data and passes rain precipitation to CFE using BMI, potential ET is not included. The example uses CAMELS catchment-87 data. Notation: FORCING
cmake ../ -DFORCING=ON
make && cd ..
This example couples CFE with AORC and PET. AORC reads the forcing data and passes data to CFE and PET using BMIs. The actual ET is extracted directly from precipitation and from the soil using the Budyko function. The example uses CAMELS catchment-87 data. Notation: FORCINGPET
make && cd ..
The setup of this example is identical to example #3, however, actual ET is computed using a rootzone-based scheme. The example requires CFE coupling with SoilMoistureProfiles module which provides a one-dimensional soil moisture profile that is used to estimate actual evapotranspiration (AET) from the deepest rootzone layer. Notation: AETROOTZONE
Clone SoilMoistureProfiles repo:
git clone extern/SoilMoistureProfiles (from cfe directory)
make && cd ..
This example couples CFE with PET. Nextgen framework reads the forcing data and passes data to CFE and PET using BMIs. The example uses CAMELS catchment-87 data. (Notation: NGEN)
See general instructions here or here to build and run models in the ngen framework.
builds CFE, SLoTH, and PET models needed for CFE runs. So below some of the steps are optional and only needed if working with unpinned versions; note ngen points to a specific release of each model.
git clone && cd ngen
git submodule update --init --recursive
- make -j4 -C cmake_build
- git submodule update --remote extern/cfe/cfe
- cmake -B extern/cfe/cfe/cmake_build -S extern/cfe/cfe/ -DNGEN=ON
- make -C extern/cfe/cfe/cmake_build
- git submodule update --remote extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration
- cmake -B extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration/cmake_build -S extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration/
- make -C extern/evapotranspiration/evapotranspiration/cmake_build/
SLoTH is a BMI that is used to set a bmi variable(s) that is not provided by other BMIs but required by the model. So build SLoTH using the following instructions
- cd extern/sloth/ && git checkout latest
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- cd ../..
- cmake -B extern/sloth/cmake_build -S extern/sloth/
- make -C extern/sloth/cmake_build
SMP (Needed only if CFE coupling to SoilMoistureProfiles is needed for AET rootzone based simulations)
- git submodule update --remote extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles
- cmake -B extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles/cmake_build -S extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles -DNGEN=ON
- make -C extern/SoilMoistureProfiles/SoilMoistureProfiles/cmake_build
The following pre-process step needs to be completed before running the examples.
mkdir cfe && cd cfe
ln -s ../extern
ln -s ../data
ln -s ./extern/cfe/cfe/realizations
Note: Make sure the "library_file" and "init_config" in the BMI blocks in the realization file are pointing to the right files, these paths depend on how you build your models.
../cmake_build/ngen data/catchment_data.geojson cat-27 data/nexus_data.geojson nex-26 realizations/realization_cfe_pet_surfgiuh.json
../cmake_build/ngen data/catchment_data.geojson cat-27 data/nexus_data.geojson nex-26 realizations/realization_cfe_pet_surfnash.json
To compile and run CFE with locally read forcing data, run the following from the command line:
gcc -lm -Iinclude ./src/main.c ./src/cfe.c ./src/bmi_cfe.c ./src/giuh.c ./src/conceptual_reservoir.c ./src/nash_cascade.c -o cfe_base
. This will generate an executable calledcfe_base
.- Then run the model with example forcing data:
./cfe_base ./configs/cfe_config_cat_87.txt
CFE was designed to read its own forcing file, but we have added an option to get forcings passed in through BMI using its set_value
functionality. To demonstrate this functionality we have included the BMI-enabled AORC forcing read module. Follow the steps below:
gcc -lm -Iinclude ./src/main_pass_forcings.c ./src/cfe.c ./src/bmi_cfe.c ./src/giuh.c ./src/conceptual_reservoir.c ./src/nash_cascade.c ./extern/aorc_bmi/src/aorc.c ./extern/aorc_bmi/src/bmi_aorc.c -o cfe_forcing
. This generates an executable calledcfe_forcing
. -
To run this executable you must pass the path to the corresponding configuration files for BOTH CFE and AORC (in that order):
./cfe_forcing ./configs/cfe_config_cat_87_pass.txt ./extern/aorc_bmi/configs/aorc_config_cat_87.txt
CFE can remove mass from the modeled system through evapotranspiration (directly from precipitation and from the soil using the Budyko function). Follow the steps below:
gcc -lm -Iinclude ./src/main_cfe_aorc_pet.c ./extern/evapotranspiration/src/pet.c ./extern/evapotranspiration/src/bmi_pet.c ./src/cfe.c ./src/bmi_cfe.c ./src/giuh.c ./src/conceptual_reservoir.c ./src/nash_cascade.c ./extern/aorc_bmi/src/aorc.c ./extern/aorc_bmi/src/bmi_aorc.c -o cfe_forcingpet
. This generates an executable calledcfe_forcingpet
. -
To run this executable you must pass the path to the corresponding configuration files for CFE, PET and AORC (in that order):
./cfe_forcingpet ./configs/cfe_config_cat_87_pass.txt ./extern/aorc_bmi/configs/aorc_config_cat_87.txt ./extern/evapotranspiration/configs/pet_config_cat_87_pass.txt
CFE rootzone-based example couples C and C++ modules and should be built with cmake, follow the instructions here.
- The configuration files must be passed in this order: (1) the CFE configuration file, (2) the forcing configuration file, (3) the potential evapotranspiration (PET) configuration file, and (4) the soil moisture profile configuration file
- Original author code. The code includes a full program to read and process atmospheric forcing data, print the model output and check for mass balance closure. This code can be run from the original_author_code directory. This code does not have a BMI implementation.