diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index def27a8e6..0d588415f 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ list(APPEND tools_srcs
- tools/test_cases.F90)
+ tools/test_cases.F90
+ tools/cubed_sphere_inc_mod.F90)
list(APPEND tools_srcs_extra
diff --git a/model/fv_arrays.F90 b/model/fv_arrays.F90
index cddf08cd6..d05167078 100644
--- a/model/fv_arrays.F90
+++ b/model/fv_arrays.F90
@@ -831,6 +831,7 @@ module fv_arrays_mod
!< condition file (if nggps_ic or ecwmf_ic are .true.). This overrides the
!< hard-coded levels in fv_eta. The default is .false.
logical :: read_increment = .false. !< read in analysis increment and add to restart
+ logical :: increment_file_on_native_grid = .false. !< increment is on native cubed sphere grid grid else on Gaussian grid
! following are namelist parameters for Stochastic Energy Baskscatter dissipation estimate
logical :: do_skeb = .false. !< save dissipation estimate
integer :: skeb_npass = 11 !< Filter dissipation estimate "skeb_npass" times
diff --git a/model/fv_control.F90 b/model/fv_control.F90
index ba1f88e9e..2ead0274c 100644
--- a/model/fv_control.F90
+++ b/model/fv_control.F90
@@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ subroutine fv_control_init(Atm, dt_atmos, this_grid, grids_on_this_pe, p_split,
logical , pointer :: external_ic
logical , pointer :: external_eta
logical , pointer :: read_increment
+ logical , pointer :: increment_file_on_native_grid
logical , pointer :: hydrostatic
logical , pointer :: phys_hydrostatic
logical , pointer :: use_hydro_pressure
@@ -950,7 +951,7 @@ subroutine set_namelist_pointers(Atm)
external_ic => Atm%flagstruct%external_ic
external_eta => Atm%flagstruct%external_eta
read_increment => Atm%flagstruct%read_increment
+ increment_file_on_native_grid => Atm%flagstruct%increment_file_on_native_grid
hydrostatic => Atm%flagstruct%hydrostatic
phys_hydrostatic => Atm%flagstruct%phys_hydrostatic
use_hydro_pressure => Atm%flagstruct%use_hydro_pressure
@@ -1093,10 +1094,9 @@ subroutine read_namelist_fv_core_nml(Atm)
write_only_coarse_intermediate_restarts, &
- write_coarse_agrid_vel_rst, write_coarse_dgrid_vel_rst, &
+ write_coarse_agrid_vel_rst, write_coarse_dgrid_vel_rst, increment_file_on_native_grid, &
pass_full_omega_to_physics_in_non_hydrostatic_mode, ignore_rst_cksum
! Read FVCORE namelist
read (input_nml_file,fv_core_nml,iostat=ios)
ierr = check_nml_error(ios,'fv_core_nml')
diff --git a/tools/cubed_sphere_inc_mod.F90 b/tools/cubed_sphere_inc_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b169b6e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/cubed_sphere_inc_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+module cubed_sphere_inc_mod
+ use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_index, get_number_tracers, get_tracer_names
+ use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS
+ use fv_arrays_mod, only: fv_atmos_type
+ use fms2_io_mod, only: open_file, close_file, read_data, variable_exists, &
+ FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t, register_axis
+ implicit none
+ type increment_data_type
+ real, allocatable :: ua_inc(:,:,:)
+ real, allocatable :: va_inc(:,:,:)
+ real, allocatable :: temp_inc(:,:,:)
+ real, allocatable :: delp_inc(:,:,:)
+ real, allocatable :: delz_inc(:,:,:)
+ real, allocatable :: tracer_inc(:,:,:,:)
+ end type increment_data_type
+ public read_cubed_sphere_inc, increment_data_type
+ contains
+ subroutine read_cubed_sphere_inc(fname, increment_data, Atm)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: fname
+ type(increment_data_type), intent(inout) :: increment_data
+ type(fv_atmos_type), intent(in) :: Atm
+ type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t) :: fileobj
+ integer :: itracer, ntracers
+ character(len=64) :: tracer_name
+ ! Get various dimensions
+ call get_number_tracers(MODEL_ATMOS, num_tracers=ntracers)
+ ! Open file
+ if ( open_file(fileobj, trim(fname), 'read', Atm%domain) ) then
+ ! Register axes
+ call register_axis(fileobj, 'xaxis_1', 'x')
+ call register_axis(fileobj, 'yaxis_1', 'y')
+ ! Read increments
+ call read_data(fileobj, 'u_inc', increment_data%ua_inc)
+ call read_data(fileobj, 'v_inc', increment_data%va_inc)
+ call read_data(fileobj, 'T_inc', increment_data%temp_inc)
+ call read_data(fileobj, 'delp_inc', increment_data%delp_inc)
+ if ( .not. Atm%flagstruct%hydrostatic ) then
+ call read_data(fileobj, 'delz_inc', increment_data%delz_inc)
+ end if
+ ! Read tracer increments
+ do itracer = 1,ntracers
+ call get_tracer_names(MODEL_ATMOS, itracer, tracer_name)
+ if ( variable_exists(fileobj, trim(tracer_name)//'_inc') ) then
+ call read_data(fileobj, trim(tracer_name)//'_inc', increment_data%tracer_inc(:,:,:,itracer))
+ end if
+ end do
+ call close_file(fileobj)
+ end if
+ end subroutine read_cubed_sphere_inc
+end module cubed_sphere_inc_mod
diff --git a/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90 b/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90
index e4ca56500..19375a373 100644
--- a/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90
+++ b/tools/fv_iau_mod.F90
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ module fv_iau_mod
use fv_treat_da_inc_mod, only: remap_coef
use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_names,get_tracer_index, get_number_tracers
use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS
+ use cubed_sphere_inc_mod, only : read_cubed_sphere_inc, increment_data_type
implicit none
@@ -84,14 +85,6 @@ module fv_iau_mod
integer, allocatable :: tracer_indicies(:)
real(kind=4), allocatable:: wk3(:,:,:)
- type iau_internal_data_type
- real,allocatable :: ua_inc(:,:,:)
- real,allocatable :: va_inc(:,:,:)
- real,allocatable :: temp_inc(:,:,:)
- real,allocatable :: delp_inc(:,:,:)
- real,allocatable :: delz_inc(:,:,:)
- real,allocatable :: tracer_inc(:,:,:,:)
- end type iau_internal_data_type
type iau_external_data_type
real,allocatable :: ua_inc(:,:,:)
real,allocatable :: va_inc(:,:,:)
@@ -103,8 +96,8 @@ module fv_iau_mod
logical :: drymassfixer = .false.
end type iau_external_data_type
type iau_state_type
- type(iau_internal_data_type):: inc1
- type(iau_internal_data_type):: inc2
+ type(increment_data_type) :: inc1
+ type(increment_data_type) :: inc2
real(kind=kind_phys) :: hr1
real(kind=kind_phys) :: hr2
real(kind=kind_phys) :: wt
@@ -114,10 +107,11 @@ module fv_iau_mod
public iau_external_data_type,IAU_initialize,getiauforcing
-subroutine IAU_initialize (IPD_Control, IAU_Data,Init_parm)
+subroutine IAU_initialize (IPD_Control, IAU_Data, Init_parm, Atm)
type (IPD_control_type), intent(in) :: IPD_Control
type (IAU_external_data_type), intent(inout) :: IAU_Data
type (IPD_init_type), intent(in) :: Init_parm
+ type (fv_atmos_type), intent(inout) :: Atm
! local
character(len=128) :: fname
@@ -274,7 +268,11 @@ subroutine IAU_initialize (IPD_Control, IAU_Data,Init_parm)
iau_state%wt_normfact = (2*nstep+1)/normfact
- call read_iau_forcing(IPD_Control,iau_state%inc1,'INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(1)))
+ if ( Atm%flagstruct%increment_file_on_native_grid ) then
+ call read_cubed_sphere_inc('INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(1)), iau_state%inc1, Atm)
+ else
+ call read_iau_forcing(IPD_Control,iau_state%inc1,'INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(1)))
+ endif
if (nfiles.EQ.1) then ! only need to get incrments once since constant forcing over window
call setiauforcing(IPD_Control,IAU_Data,iau_state%wt)
@@ -286,18 +284,23 @@ subroutine IAU_initialize (IPD_Control, IAU_Data,Init_parm)
allocate (iau_state%inc2%delz_inc (is:ie, js:je, km))
allocate (iau_state%inc2%tracer_inc(is:ie, js:je, km,ntracers))
- call read_iau_forcing(IPD_Control,iau_state%inc2,'INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(2)))
+ if ( Atm%flagstruct%increment_file_on_native_grid ) then
+ call read_cubed_sphere_inc('INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(2)), iau_state%inc2, Atm)
+ else
+ call read_iau_forcing(IPD_Control,iau_state%inc2,'INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(2)))
+ endif
! print*,'in IAU init',dt,rdt
IAU_data%drymassfixer = IPD_control%iau_drymassfixer
end subroutine IAU_initialize
-subroutine getiauforcing(IPD_Control,IAU_Data)
+subroutine getiauforcing(IPD_Control,IAU_Data,Atm)
implicit none
type (IPD_control_type), intent(in) :: IPD_Control
type(IAU_external_data_type), intent(inout) :: IAU_Data
+ type (fv_atmos_type), intent(inout) :: Atm
real(kind=kind_phys) t1,t2,sx,wx,wt,dtp
integer n,i,j,k,sphum,kstep,nstep,itnext
@@ -371,7 +374,11 @@ subroutine getiauforcing(IPD_Control,IAU_Data)
if (is_master()) print *,'reading next increment file',trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(itnext))
- call read_iau_forcing(IPD_Control,iau_state%inc2,'INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(itnext)))
+ if ( Atm%flagstruct%increment_file_on_native_grid ) then
+ call read_cubed_sphere_inc('INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(itnext)), iau_state%inc2, Atm)
+ else
+ call read_iau_forcing(IPD_Control,iau_state%inc2,'INPUT/'//trim(IPD_Control%iau_inc_files(itnext)))
+ endif
call updateiauforcing(IPD_Control,IAU_Data,iau_state%wt)
@@ -434,7 +441,7 @@ end subroutine setiauforcing
subroutine read_iau_forcing(IPD_Control,increments,fname)
type (IPD_control_type), intent(in) :: IPD_Control
- type(iau_internal_data_type), intent(inout):: increments
+ type(increment_data_type), intent(inout):: increments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: u_inc, v_inc
diff --git a/tools/fv_restart.F90 b/tools/fv_restart.F90
index acc765686..dae3d0496 100644
--- a/tools/fv_restart.F90
+++ b/tools/fv_restart.F90
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module fv_restart_mod
! fv_treat_da_inc_mod |
-! read_da_inc |
+! read_da_inc, read_da_inc_cubed_sphere |
! fv_timing_mod |
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ module fv_restart_mod
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_send, mpp_recv, mpp_sync_self, mpp_set_current_pelist, mpp_get_current_pelist, mpp_npes, mpp_pe, mpp_sync
use mpp_domains_mod, only: CENTER, CORNER, NORTH, EAST, mpp_get_C2F_index, WEST, SOUTH
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_global_field
- use fv_treat_da_inc_mod, only: read_da_inc
+ use fv_treat_da_inc_mod, only: read_da_inc, read_da_inc_cubed_sphere
use fms2_io_mod, only: file_exists, set_filename_appendix, FmsNetcdfFile_t, open_file, close_file
use coarse_grained_restart_files_mod, only: fv_io_write_restart_coarse
use fv_regional_mod, only: write_full_fields
@@ -471,11 +471,19 @@ subroutine fv_restart(fv_domain, Atm, seconds, days, cold_start, grid_type, this
i = (Atm(n)%bd%isc + Atm(n)%bd%iec)/2
j = (Atm(n)%bd%jsc + Atm(n)%bd%jec)/2
k = Atm(n)%npz/2
- if( is_master() ) write(*,*) 'Calling read_da_inc',Atm(n)%pt(i,j,k)
- call read_da_inc(Atm(n), Atm(n)%domain, Atm(n)%bd, Atm(n)%npz, Atm(n)%ncnst, &
- Atm(n)%u, Atm(n)%v, Atm(n)%q, Atm(n)%delp, Atm(n)%pt, Atm(n)%delz, isd, jsd, ied, jed, &
- isc, jsc, iec, jec )
- if( is_master() ) write(*,*) 'Back from read_da_inc',Atm(n)%pt(i,j,k)
+ if ( Atm(n)%flagstruct%increment_file_on_native_grid ) then
+ if( is_master() ) write(*,*) 'Calling read_da_inc_cubed_sphere',Atm(n)%pt(i,j,k)
+ call read_da_inc_cubed_sphere(Atm(n), Atm(n)%domain, Atm(n)%bd, Atm(n)%npz, Atm(n)%ncnst, &
+ Atm(n)%u, Atm(n)%v, Atm(n)%q, Atm(n)%delp, Atm(n)%pt, Atm(n)%delz, isd, jsd, ied, jed, &
+ isc, jsc, iec, jec )
+ if( is_master() ) write(*,*) 'Back from read_da_inc_cubed_sphere',Atm(n)%pt(i,j,k)
+ else
+ if( is_master() ) write(*,*) 'Calling read_da_inc',Atm(n)%pt(i,j,k)
+ call read_da_inc(Atm(n), Atm(n)%domain, Atm(n)%bd, Atm(n)%npz, Atm(n)%ncnst, &
+ Atm(n)%u, Atm(n)%v, Atm(n)%q, Atm(n)%delp, Atm(n)%pt, Atm(n)%delz, isd, jsd, ied, jed, &
+ isc, jsc, iec, jec )
+ if( is_master() ) write(*,*) 'Back from read_da_inc',Atm(n)%pt(i,j,k)
+ endif
!====== end PJP added DA functionailty======
endif !n==this_grid
diff --git a/tools/fv_treat_da_inc.F90 b/tools/fv_treat_da_inc.F90
index 4fbee842d..7e985fb13 100644
--- a/tools/fv_treat_da_inc.F90
+++ b/tools/fv_treat_da_inc.F90
@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ module fv_treat_da_inc_mod
! tracer_manager_mod |
! get_tracer_names, get_number_tracers, get_tracer_index |
+! cubed_sphere_inc_mod |
+! read_cubed_sphere_inc, increment_data_type |
use fms2_io_mod, only: file_exists
@@ -126,12 +130,17 @@ module fv_treat_da_inc_mod
use fv_grid_utils_mod, only: ptop_min, g_sum, &
mid_pt_sphere, get_unit_vect2, &
get_latlon_vector, inner_prod, &
- cubed_to_latlon
+ cubed_to_latlon, &
+ update2d_dwinds_phys, &
+ update_dwinds_phys
use fv_mp_mod, only: is_master, &
fill_corners, &
YDir, &
mp_reduce_min, &
- mp_reduce_max
+ mp_reduce_max, &
+ group_halo_update_type, &
+ start_group_halo_update, &
+ complete_group_halo_update
use sim_nc_mod, only: open_ncfile, &
close_ncfile, &
get_ncdim1, &
@@ -140,15 +149,17 @@ module fv_treat_da_inc_mod
get_var3_r4, &
get_var1_real, &
+ use cubed_sphere_inc_mod, only: read_cubed_sphere_inc, &
+ increment_data_type
implicit none
- public :: read_da_inc,remap_coef
+ public :: read_da_inc, read_da_inc_cubed_sphere, remap_coef
!>@brief The subroutine 'read_da_inc' reads the increments of the diagnostic variables
- !! from the DA-generated files.
+ !! from the DA-generated files on a lat-lon grid.
!>@details Additional support of prognostic variables such as tracers can be assessed
!! and added upon request.
!>@author Xi.Chen
@@ -461,6 +472,187 @@ end subroutine apply_inc_on_3d_scalar
end subroutine read_da_inc
+ !=============================================================================
+ !>@brief The subroutine 'read_da_inc_cubed_sphere' reads increments of diagnostic variables
+ !! from DA-generated files on the native cubed-sphere grid.
+ !>@author David.New
+ !>@date 05/16/2024
+ subroutine read_da_inc_cubed_sphere(Atm, fv_domain, bd, npz_in, nq, &
+ u, v, q, delp, pt, delz, &
+ is_in, js_in, ie_in, je_in, isc_in, jsc_in, iec_in, jec_in)
+ type(fv_atmos_type), intent(in) :: Atm
+ type(domain2d), intent(inout) :: fv_domain
+ type(fv_grid_bounds_type), intent(in) :: bd
+ integer, intent(in) :: npz_in, nq, is_in, js_in, ie_in, je_in, isc_in, jsc_in, iec_in, jec_in
+ real, intent(inout) :: u(is_in:ie_in, js_in:je_in+1, npz_in) ! D grid zonal wind (m/s)
+ real, intent(inout) :: v(is_in:ie_in+1, js_in:je_in, npz_in) ! D grid meridional wind (m/s)
+ real, intent(inout) :: delp(is_in:ie_in, js_in:je_in, npz_in) ! pressure thickness (pascal)
+ real, intent(inout) :: pt( is_in:ie_in, js_in:je_in, npz_in) ! temperature (K)
+ real, intent(inout) :: q( is_in:ie_in, js_in:je_in, npz_in, nq) ! tracers
+ real, intent(inout) :: delz(isc_in:iec_in, jsc_in:jec_in, npz_in) ! layer thickness
+ character(len=128) :: fname_prefix, fname
+ integer :: sphum, liq_wat, spo, spo2, spo3, o3mr, i, j, k, itracer
+ type(increment_data_type) :: increment_data
+ type(group_halo_update_type) :: i_pack(2)
+ real :: ua_inc(is_in:ie_in, js_in:je_in, npz_in)
+ real :: va_inc(is_in:ie_in, js_in:je_in, npz_in)
+ character(len=1) :: itile_str
+ ! Get increment filename
+ fname_prefix = 'INPUT/'//Atm%flagstruct%res_latlon_dynamics
+ ! Ensure file exists
+ write(itile_str, '(I0)') Atm%tile_of_mosaic
+ fname = trim(fname_prefix) // '.tile' // itile_str // '.nc'
+ if ( .not. file_exists(fname) ) then
+ call mpp_error(FATAL,'==> Error in read_da_inc_cubed_sphere: Expected file '&
+ //trim(fname)//' for DA increment does not exist')
+ endif
+ ! Allocate increments
+ allocate(increment_data%ua_inc(isc_in:iec_in,jsc_in:jec_in,npz_in))
+ allocate(increment_data%va_inc(isc_in:iec_in,jsc_in:jec_in,npz_in))
+ allocate(increment_data%temp_inc(isc_in:iec_in,jsc_in:jec_in,npz_in))
+ allocate(increment_data%delp_inc(isc_in:iec_in,jsc_in:jec_in,npz_in))
+ if ( .not. Atm%flagstruct%hydrostatic ) then
+ allocate(increment_data%delz_inc(isc_in:iec_in,jsc_in:jec_in,npz_in))
+ endif
+ allocate(increment_data%tracer_inc(isc_in:iec_in,jsc_in:jec_in,npz_in,nq))
+ ! Read increments
+ fname = trim(fname_prefix) // '.nc'
+ call read_cubed_sphere_inc(fname, increment_data, Atm)
+ ! Wind increments
+ ! ---------------
+ ! Put u and v increments on grid that includes halo points
+ do k = 1,npz_in
+ do j = jsc_in,jec_in
+ do i = isc_in,iec_in
+ ua_inc(i,j,k) = increment_data%ua_inc(i,j,k)
+ va_inc(i,j,k) = increment_data%va_inc(i,j,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ! Start halo update
+ if ( Atm%gridstruct%square_domain ) then
+ call start_group_halo_update(i_pack(1), ua_inc, fv_domain, whalo=1, ehalo=1, shalo=1, nhalo=1, complete=.false.)
+ call start_group_halo_update(i_pack(1), va_inc, fv_domain, whalo=1, ehalo=1, shalo=1, nhalo=1, complete=.true.)
+ else
+ call start_group_halo_update(i_pack(1), ua_inc, fv_domain, complete=.false.)
+ call start_group_halo_update(i_pack(1), va_inc, fv_domain, complete=.true.)
+ endif
+ if ( Atm%flagstruct%dwind_2d ) then
+ ! Apply A-grid wind increments to D-grid winds for case of dwind_2d
+ call update2d_dwinds_phys(isc_in, iec_in, jsc_in, jec_in, is_in, ie_in, js_in, je_in, &
+ 1., ua_inc, va_inc, u, v, &
+ Atm%gridstruct, Atm%npx, Atm%npy, npz_in, fv_domain)
+ else
+ ! Complete halo update
+ call complete_group_halo_update(i_pack(1), fv_domain)
+ ! Treat increment boundary conditions for case of regional grid
+ if ( Atm%gridstruct%regional ) then
+ ! Edges
+ if ( isc_in == 1 ) then
+ do k = 1,npz_in
+ do j = jsc_in,jec_in
+ ua_inc(isc_in-1,j,k) = ua_inc(isc_in,j,k)
+ va_inc(isc_in-1,j,k) = va_inc(isc_in,j,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ if ( iec_in == Atm%npx ) then
+ do k = 1,npz_in
+ do j = jsc_in,jec_in
+ ua_inc(iec_in+1,j,k) = ua_inc(iec_in,j,k)
+ va_inc(iec_in+1,j,k) = va_inc(iec_in,j,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ if ( jsc_in == 1 ) then
+ do k = 1,npz_in
+ do i = isc_in,iec_in
+ ua_inc(i,jsc_in-1,k) = ua_inc(i,jsc_in,k)
+ va_inc(i,jsc_in-1,k) = va_inc(i,jsc_in,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ if ( jec_in == Atm%npy ) then
+ do k = 1,npz_in
+ do i = isc_in,iec_in
+ ua_inc(i,jec_in+1,k) = ua_inc(i,jec_in,k)
+ va_inc(i,jec_in+1,k) = va_inc(i,jec_in,k)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
+ ! corners
+ do k = 1,npz_in
+ if ( isc_in == 1 .and. jsc_in == 1 ) then
+ ua_inc(isc_in-1,jsc_in-1,k) = ua_inc(isc_in,jsc_in,k)
+ va_inc(isc_in-1,jsc_in-1,k) = va_inc(isc_in,jsc_in,k)
+ elseif ( isc_in == 1 .and. jec_in == Atm%npy ) then
+ ua_inc(isc_in-1,jec_in+1,k) = ua_inc(isc_in,jec_in,k)
+ va_inc(isc_in-1,jec_in+1,k) = va_inc(isc_in,jec_in,k)
+ elseif ( iec_in == Atm%npx .and. jsc_in == 1 ) then
+ ua_inc(iec_in+1,jsc_in-1,k) = ua_inc(iec_in,jec_in,k)
+ va_inc(iec_in+1,jsc_in-1,k) = va_inc(iec_in,jec_in,k)
+ elseif ( iec_in == Atm%npx .and. jec_in == Atm%npy ) then
+ ua_inc(iec_in+1,jec_in+1,k) = ua_inc(iec_in,jec_in,k)
+ va_inc(iec_in+1,jec_in+1,k) = va_inc(iec_in,jec_in,k)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ ! Apply A-grid wind increments to D-grid winds
+ call update_dwinds_phys(isc_in, iec_in, jsc_in, jec_in, is_in, ie_in, js_in, je_in, &
+ 1., ua_inc, va_inc, u, v, &
+ Atm%gridstruct, Atm%npx, Atm%npy, npz_in, fv_domain)
+ endif
+ ! Remaining increments
+ ! --------------------
+ ! Get tracer indices
+ sphum = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'sphum')
+ liq_wat = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'liq_wat')
+ spo = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'spo')
+ spo2 = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'spo2')
+ spo3 = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'spo3')
+ o3mr = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS, 'o3mr')
+ ! Apply increments
+ do k = 1,npz_in
+ do j = jsc_in,jec_in
+ do i = isc_in,iec_in
+ pt(i,j,k) = pt(i,j,k) + increment_data%temp_inc(i,j,k)
+ delp(i,j,k) = delp(i,j,k) + increment_data%delp_inc(i,j,k)
+ if ( .not. Atm%flagstruct%hydrostatic ) then
+ delz(i,j,k) = delz(i,j,k) + increment_data%delz_inc(i,j,k)
+ endif
+ q(i,j,k,sphum) = q(i,j,k,sphum) + increment_data%tracer_inc(i,j,k,sphum)
+ q(i,j,k,liq_wat) = q(i,j,k,liq_wat) + increment_data%tracer_inc(i,j,k,liq_wat)
+ q(i,j,k,spo) = q(i,j,k,spo) + increment_data%tracer_inc(i,j,k,spo)
+ q(i,j,k,spo2) = q(i,j,k,spo2) + increment_data%tracer_inc(i,j,k,spo2)
+ q(i,j,k,spo3) = q(i,j,k,spo3) + increment_data%tracer_inc(i,j,k,spo3)
+ q(i,j,k,o3mr) = q(i,j,k,o3mr) + increment_data%tracer_inc(i,j,k,o3mr)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ end subroutine read_da_inc_cubed_sphere
!>@brief The subroutine 'remap_coef' calculates the coefficients for horizonal regridding.