This is the FAYE adapter for hubot that allows you to publish/subscribe messages using FAYE.
- Add
as a dependency in your hubot'spackage.json
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Run hubot with
bin/hubot -a faye
You will need to set some environment variables to use this adapter.
% heroku config:add HUBOT_FAYE_SERVER=""
% heroku config:add HUBOT_FAYE_PORT="80"
% heroku config:add HUBOT_FAYE_PATH="bayeux"
% heroku config:add HUBOT_FAYE_PATH="anonymous"
% heroku config:add HUBOT_FAYE_PASSWORD="my-secret"
% heroku config:add HUBOT_FAYE_ROOMS="public"
% heroku config:add HUBOT_FAYE_EXTENSIONS_DIR="faye_extensions"
% export HUBOT_SMS_FROM="+14156662671"
% export HUBOT_FAYE_PORT="80"
% export HUBOT_FAYE_PATH="bayeux"
% export HUBOT_FAYE_PATH="anonymous"
% export HUBOT_FAYE_PASSWORD="my-secret"
% export HUBOT_FAYE_ROOMS="public"
% export HUBOT_FAYE_EXTENSIONS_DIR="faye_extensions"
Here's the most direct way to get your work merged into the project.
- Fork the project
- Clone down your fork
- Create a feature branch
- Hack away and add tests, not necessarily in that order
- Make sure everything still passes by running tests
- If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks without errors
- Push the branch up to your fork
- Send a pull request for your branch
Copyright © Nicolas NARDONE. See LICENSE for details.