By using your site / service, users wins or looses points. He also achieves milestones. You define badges that he can win at a certain level of point / milestone. Badges are awarded automatically to the user in exchange of his points / milestones.
WARNING: This gem is still much work in progress and is not production ready.
1 - Install gem
gem install has_badges
OR in your Gemfile (if using Bundler):
gem 'has_badges', :git=>''
2 - Run the generators:
rails g has_badges
3 - Decorate user model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
You can give / remove points to a resource:
@user.wins 70
@user.wins 70, 'Helping a friend' # reason is facultative
@user.looses 70, 'Spamming 3 users' # reason is facultative
You can also reward a resource after reaching a certain milestone :
@user.achieved 'Registration' # set user registration milestone
by doing this the number of points defined for this milestone are added to user's point_logs.
@user.badges # returns an array of badges
@user.has_badge? 'Serial Killer' # true or false
@user.achievements # a list of user achivements
@user.achieved? :registration # true if user achieved the 'Registration' achievement
Badge distribution takes user's points / milestone in exchange of the badge. It gives the user the first badge he can have given the points / milestones he has.
You can distribute badges to users in 2 different ways: 1- Manually
HasBadges::Distribution.distribute_badges(@user) #
2- By running a rake task
rake has_badges:distribute #
If you want to give a certain badge to a user without modifying using his points / milestones use this:
@user.award 'Best buyer' # Give @user the best buyer badge without modyfing his point / milestone won
@user.unaward 'Best buyer' # Take @user 'Best buyer' badge without touching his points / milestones
- Improve perf of User DryFactories (lightweight model ?)
- Badge awarding with rake task (WIP)
- Test avoid usage of schema.rb reuse migration instead
- Test: refactor DryFactory.only_for_this_test to avoid returning values to clean from within the block
- Badge awarding Sync using after_save on UserPoints
- Badge awarding Asynchronously using resque
- Better testing of validate presence of
- Test: Refactor DryFactories
- Release v0.1 of gem to RubyForge
- Add a cache column to avoid querying database to know one's user badges
- Skip model, migrations, etc... in generators
- Make an engine